Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 166 Personnel Adjustment

Chapter 166 Personnel Adjustment
When sitting in the car, Tongtong still looked sullen.

When she left just now, she hugged Kuang Meilan and cried non-stop, unwilling to leave.

Kuang Meilan's eyes were also red. During this period of time, a deep relationship had been established between them, and it was a little bit reluctant to leave all of a sudden.

In fact, he was also a little bit reluctant. There were four still warm eggs in the bag. These were cooked by his mother in the morning for him to eat on the road. It was also an early birthday celebration for him.

Tomorrow is his birthday, whether it is him before or now.

In the evening, when they returned to the Shanghai stock market, Tong Tong was already tired and fell asleep.

Xue Yuzhi who opened the door saw them with a look of surprise on his face.

"Hush." ​​Lin Qirong nodded with her, carried Tongtong into the room and put him down before coming out of the living room again.

"Happy Chinese New Year Uncle!" Jiajia smiled and cupped hands with him.

"Good boy, happy Chinese New Year." Lin Qirong patted her head and gave her two big red envelopes.

"One is New Year's money and the other is New Year's money. Study hard and grow up fast."

"Thank you, Uncle." Jiajia nodded vigorously, and happily put away the red envelope. This was the happiest red envelope she had ever received.

"Why come back so early?" Lin Qirong and Xue Yuzhi asked.

Xue Yuzhi's face was reddish, "I'm not used to being at home, so I came back early."

She didn't tell the truth, but how could Lin Qirong not know?

With her good looks, it's no wonder that she won't be coveted when she returns to the local area. Driven by money, her family will introduce this or that to her under the banner of thinking about her.

That's why she ran back to the Shanghai stock market.

"Don't worry about other people, what you want is the most important thing.

After a while, I will contact the decoration company to renovate the two places. You have to check more.

Don't think about closing yourself off, go out boldly, you are the sponsor, and they have to listen to you in whatever they want to do. "

"I see." Xue Yuzhi nodded slightly, she knew he was doing it for her own good.

For him, I have to become a better person.

"Okay." Lin Qirong stood up and rolled up his sleeves, "Let me cook, Tong Tong is in a bad mood today, I'll make her a delicious meal to make her happier."

"What's the matter with her?"

"I have a deep relationship with her grandparents, and I don't want to leave."

"Oh, children are like this, just wake up and go to sleep."


When Lin Qirong finished the meal, Tong Tong also woke up, as if he could smell the aroma of the food.

Sure enough, she seemed to have forgotten her previous mood, and she was very happy to see Xue Yuzhi and Jiajia.

"Hello aunt, hello sister Jiajia."

"Hello, Tongtong." Xue Yuzhi hugged her happily, and gave her a red envelope.

Jiajia hugged her, and it's been a long time since we saw each other. The two little sisters miss each other very much.

"Okay, let's eat first." Lin Qirong clapped his hands and said, "After eating, we will play."

"it is good."


Tonghua Entertainment started work on the eighth day of the eighth day. Although Lin Qirong was not there, everything was running normally with Xiao Yunfang and Hu Mei.

When Lin Qirong came to the company, he was surrounded by a group of young people, asking for red envelopes.

Fortunately, Lin Qirong was well prepared and finally sent them away.

"Sister Jing and the others are the same. Everyone who is married has been harassed by their group."

Hu Mei held a folder and said to him.

Lin Qirong nodded, "Although I'm not married, I have children. It's understandable to be regarded as a family."

He took out two red envelopes and handed them to Hu Mei, "One is for you, and the other is for Xueying.

Young people in the company, probably you are the only ones who didn't participate? "

Hu Mei's position is quite special, so she must be embarrassed to ask for red envelopes.

"Thank you boss, I wish the boss a prosperous business."

Hu Mei accepted the red envelope with a smile, "Don't think I'm embarrassed to ask for it, but you and I are still embarrassed."

"Haha." Lin Qirong smiled.

There are many young people in the company, and asking for red envelopes at the beginning of the new year is to create an atmosphere, to please everyone, and everyone is happy.

"Boss, this is what you want."

Hu Mei handed him the folder. For this matter, she worked overtime for several days.

Lin Qirong nodded and took the folder to read.

"Do you think it's necessary for the company to expand?"

Hu Mei replied cautiously, "From the current point of view, it's okay for the time being.

In the long run, it is necessary to get relevant business personnel in advance and set up the shelf first.

After all, some things cannot be done in a day or two. "

As an entertainment company, Tonghua Entertainment's business includes artist brokerage, film and television creation, film and television investment, animation production, media and other entertainment-related businesses.

It is still in its infancy, and many businesses have not yet been launched. Hu Mei does not know what plans Lin Qirong has.

Lin Qirong nodded, "You are right, the business can be expanded step by step, but the talent reserve needs to be done in advance, which is why I want you to make this plan.

Let me inform everyone that we will have a meeting together in half an hour. "




Half an hour later, the meeting was held in the big office because the meeting room was not big enough.

The employees of Tonghua Entertainment gathered together, looking at Lin Qirong with piercing eyes.

"First of all, I wish everyone a happy New Year and all the best." Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Today is the first meeting of the New Year, which can be regarded as the official start of work, so first of all, we must start work first."

"Huh, huh, huh." Everyone applauded happily, which they like.

Starting from Xiao Yunfang, the employees stepped forward one by one, and took the start-up red see from Lin Qirong.

This is much bigger than the red envelope they asked for.

After all had been posted, Lin Qirong motioned for everyone to be quiet.

“Last year our company was in the start-up stage, many things had not been straightened out, and many regulations had not been perfected.

We have achieved a lot, but we have also exposed a lot of problems. The key is unclear responsibilities and low work efficiency.

This year our work will be more arduous and our business will increase. If everyone is still as efficient as before, it is impossible to meet this requirement.

Therefore, according to the actual situation of the company, we need to optimize the company's structure and improve the company's framework.

Everyone will work harder in the future, so you'd better be mentally prepared. "

The employees in front of him are not surprised. A company always needs to be constantly improved and optimized for better management, better production, and better profitability.

As long as the company is worth what they pay, they have this awareness.

Lin Qirong then announced the adjustment of a new corporate structure.

He will be the general manager and set up a general manager office to be responsible for all the work of the company.

The administrative management department was established, with Hu Mei as the administrative director, responsible for the company's administrative management, formulating relevant rules and regulations, and further improving company management and personnel management.

Set up a finance department, with Sun Jing as the chief financial officer, further strengthen financial management, and make sure there are no problems.

The animation department was set up, under the charge of Xiao Yunfang and Liu Xueying, responsible for the production and distribution of animation works.

It is divided into animation group one and group two, which are respectively responsible for the production of two animations: "Peppa Pig" and "Dora the Explorer".

The music group, headed by Zhu Xinyan, is responsible for creating music for each animation work.

There is also a design group, which is mainly responsible for designing various peripheral products and constantly introducing new ones.

The marketing department was established, led by Li Gaojie and Lan Kejun, responsible for the company's market research and promotion.

The news department was established, headed by Zhang Sicheng, who is mainly responsible for dealing with the media, managing the official website, Weibo, and handling public opinion events related to the company.

The screenwriting department was established, with Lin Qirong as the director for the time being. It is divided into variety show group, TV drama group, and film group. The purpose is to continuously produce excellent scripts in the form of a team.

It's a pity that only Lin Qirong can do it now.

Through such reorganization, the company's structure has become clear, and everyone's position has also been clarified.

They need to work hard in their posts and make their own contributions, otherwise they will be punished to a certain extent.

Yes, the "Administrative Measures for Tonghua Entertainment Company" drafted by Hu Mei was also passed at this meeting and officially entered into force.

Everyone has a clear working charter.

After adjustments, the animation department is still the largest department. After all, besides Lin Qirong's scripts, the animation department led by Xiao Yunfang is the core department of the company and the main profit department.

Lin Qirong asked Hu Mei to continue to recruit personnel, mainly screenwriters and animation-related professionals.

Lin Qirong believes that the animation department has just started and there is still huge room for development.

And with Xiao Yunfang around, he felt relieved.

After the meeting, Lin Qirong and Xiao Yunfang put forward their own demands.

"In the first half of the year, "Peppa Pig" will release the third season, and "Dora the Explorer" will also release the content of the first season."

"It's not a big problem." Xiao Yunfang said very easily, "Everyone is proficient in "Peggy Pig", and the efficiency is very high.

"Dora the Explorer" we have already started. "

"Then let everyone start to conceive the content of the fourth season while making the third season.

I will not provide the script this time, and everyone will have to complete all content production by themselves, including comics. "

Liu Xueying nodded, "Our team will try our best to get closer to life, have more Chinese elements, and think more about education and children's psychology.

In fact, we had such an idea in the second season. This cartoon seems simple, but it contains a lot of scientific knowledge, and child psychology is one of them.

I'm learning this now. Although it's very esoteric, it's a good thing to be able to use it. "

Lin Qirong nodded. Don't look at Liu Xueying as shy, but she is actually very careful, and she can handle the things she confessed very well.

"Don't look at the company that has at least achieved good results, but it should be far behind other entertainment companies.

Everyone must work hard. "


(End of this chapter)

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