Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 16 Good News

Chapter 16 Good News

When Qiao Feng returned to the office, other colleagues looked at him.

Apparently the story of him participating in the "Happy Running" program group and performing well has reached here.

"Xiao Qiao is pretty good," the middle-aged man I met in the program office said with complicated eyes, "I didn't expect that so many screenwriters tried without showing the real person, but you, a young man, actually won."

"Where? Brother Chang, you overestimate me, and I haven't written my horoscope yet."

Qiao Feng smiled shyly, "I just made a suggestion, they just found it interesting, whether they will accept it or not is unknown.

Besides, there are so many masters in the stage, my chances are not great. "

"Come on, a group of guys who eat and wait to die, we don't know yet?"

A middle-aged woman smiled and said, "If Xiao Qiao succeeds, she can jump into the ace variety show and become a screenwriter, and become a famous screenwriter in minutes, her future is limitless.

Don't forget us people then. "

Qiao Feng smiled and said, "Accept your precious words, if you are lucky enough to do what Sister Tan said, I will invite everyone to dinner as soon as possible, and you can choose the location."

"That's what you said." Everyone booed.

"Of course I mean what I say."

"Why is it so lively?" A gloomy voice sounded from the door.

The originally bustling office suddenly fell silent, and everyone returned to their desks and got busy.

Even if there is nothing to do, pretend to be busy.

The person who came was Ke Ligong, the new deputy editor-in-chief. He had a very weird personality and liked to criticize. No one wanted to talk to him.

"Little Qiao." Ke Ligong walked up to Qiao Feng and forced a smile on his face, "I didn't expect you to be so capable? You usually don't show it."

Qiao Feng said with a smile, "What's the editor-in-chief? I usually work hard to complete the work you have given me.

This time, I just tried it with the idea of ​​learning, but I didn't expect Li Tai and the others to be more interested. After chatting a few more words, everyone thought I had reached the sky in one step.

Fortunately, I am still quite sober, knowing that everyone is just encouraging me, otherwise I will really be in a trance. "

Ke Ligong hesitated for a moment. He could say that other people have no chance of attracting Li Tai's interest. Will your script be accepted?
He couldn't hear what Qiao Feng said, but he didn't like to get angry.

Not to mention that Qiao Feng is likely to be transferred to the most popular "Happy Running" program in Taiwan as a screenwriter, and his future is definitely not comparable to him.

As far as Qiao Feng's background is concerned, he also knows a thing or two, and that is an existence that can deal with the director.

Qiao Feng who got angry was absolutely terrifying.

He realized this two years ago.

After saying a few words dryly, he pretended to go around the office and left quickly.

Qiao Feng sighed, this is the so-called office politics, a small rivers and lakes, but enough to make a hot-blooded young man slowly fade into a mediocre office veteran.

This is also the reason why he has to find a way to switch to a more dynamic variety show group.

If this continues, he will go back to inherit the family business, which is hard for him to accept.

Sit down at the desk and continue to think about the script.

He has absolute confidence in the script that Lin Qirong and himself have discussed for a long time. It is the most suitable script for "Happy Running" today, and it is the same with the performance of Li Tai and others.

The key lies in the opinion of the chief director Hong Ming. As the chief director of the ace variety show "Happy Running", he has absolute authority on which script to choose. Even the deputy director Li Yijun has to respect his opinion.

I just hope this time it will be successful, otherwise I don't care, but it will be a big blow to Lin Qirong.

After terminating the contract with He Yingxiong Studio, he urgently needs this script to prove himself, and also needs the reward of 100 million, otherwise it would be a bit cruel to him.

But such thoughts disappeared when he returned home and opened the door.

Lin Qirong was lying on the ground, and Lin Yitong was sitting on his back, treating him like a horse, making driving noises non-stop.

Lin Qirong also cheerfully crawled around on the ground following her command, making Lin Yitong giggle happily, looking happy.

Well, it seems that he doesn't care about this at all. Apart from Lin Yitong, there is probably nothing in his world that he cares about so much.

Seeing him come back, the two father and daughter also stopped the game.

"Go and wash your hands, we will be ready to eat in a while."

Lin Qirong instructed Lin Yitong to watch her run into the bathroom to wash her hands before looking back at Qiao Feng.

"It doesn't seem to be going well?"

"It's okay." Qiao Feng shook his head, "I'm just a little envious of you, so you don't have to be bothered by those annoying things."

“It’s a matter of opinion, everyone is different, some people like to work and constantly challenge their limits.

Some people are willing to be ordinary and only think about their wives and children.

Everyone has their own pursuit, don't you too?

In this process, you will encounter various people and things, this is life. "

Qiao Feng looked at Lin Qirong in surprise, "Do you feel like you have become a philosopher? What you said is full of life philosophy."

"I said it was self-comfort, do you believe it?"



"What are you laughing at?"

Lin Yitong ran out after washing his hands and asked suspiciously.

Qiao Feng knelt down and stroked her hair, "We are laughing that little princess Tongtong is very beautiful today."

"Really?" Lin Yitong turned around happily, "I chose this skirt today, and my father helped me style my hair. When we went for a walk, everyone praised me."

"Really." Qiao Feng said seriously, "Tongtong is so beautiful, everyone must like you."

Lin Yitong laughed happily, his eyes narrowed like a pair of crescent moons.

"Okay, if you go on, she will be even more smug."

Lin Qirong clapped his hands and said, "Now eat."


Qiao Feng and Lin Yitong shouted together, then looked at each other and laughed.

"You really are."

Lin Qirong shook his head, helped Lin Yitong prepare the food, and she began to eat consciously.

Not needing to be fed by an adult, eating without throwing a temper tantrum, this alone saved Lin Qirong a lot of effort.

At night, when Lin Qirong put Lin Yitong to sleep, as soon as he came out of the living room, he saw Qiao Feng on the phone with a happy expression on his face.

"Well, okay, I will continue to revise and communicate with you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Feng happily made a victory gesture with Lin Qirong.

Lin Qirong threw him a can of beer, "Good news?"

"of course."

Qiao Feng took the beer and opened it, took a big gulp before speaking.

"The person who called was Director Hong, the chief director of the program, he was full of praise for our script and said that he would use this script for the next filming.

He hoped that we could improve it further, and they would rush back tomorrow to discuss the script with the host. "

"You mean the program group adopted it?"

Although Lin Qirong was very confident about the script, he still felt a little excited when he heard the news.

This is his first achievement in this world, and it is also the first time that a system product has appeared in this world. It is of great significance to be able to succeed.

"Of course, the station has informed me to go through the formalities tomorrow, and tomorrow I will go to work in the "Happy Running" program team.

As for the 50 yuan, it won't be too late. As a gimmick to buy a horse bone with a thousand dollars, Taili will not break his promise. "

"This is what I care about most."

Lin Qirong said frankly.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the beer cans touched each other.


"You will be a great screenwriter in the future," Lin Qirong said with a smile, "Restore "Happy Run" to its former glory with all your heart, and it is perfect to use it as the starting point of your dreams."

"At the beginning, you have to be a man with your tail between your legs."

Qiao Feng knew very well that his ability was not enough to grab the class and seize power. If Lin Qirong's script hadn't been too good this time, he would have no chance to get such an opportunity.

"Of course, but it's finally the first step, isn't it?"

Lin Qirong laughed, "This season is just laying the foundation, and the next season is when you will shine."

"I don't really have a clue about what's going to happen next season."

Qiao Feng shook his head and said.

"It's a surprise that the brain-burning specials appear occasionally. If it's like this for a whole season, it's a bit too much. I don't have a good idea how to change the others."

"Don't worry, I already have a clue about this. We will think about it together and maybe we will find a solution."

Qiao Feng shook his head and said, "Next time I can't take advantage of you. This time is a special case. Next time if I take your inspiration and script with peace of mind, it will be too much."

Lin Qirong was not surprised, this is Qiao Feng's character, "Then you can help me hand over the script to the program team to participate in the competition.

If my idea is approved, then you, as the person who knows the script best, are also the most important screenwriter of the show, aren't you? "

Will the program group choose outsiders' scripts?
Qiao Feng thought for a while, but did not rule out such a possibility.

Any changes in the next season are very important to this show. If the sponsors can't see obvious changes, they probably won't want to spend more money on sponsorship.

Therefore, in order to keep this cash cow, it may not be impossible for the program group to purchase foreign scripts.

Even if it costs a small fee.

"Okay, then I'll do my best."

"I have that confidence."

Qiao Feng was a little surprised. Brother Rong in the past would not be so confident. It was only because he had absolute confidence in his own talent that he behaved like this.

But this is a good thing, he is happy to see such a change in Lin Qirong.

"I'll transfer the money to you as soon as it arrives."

"Thank you." Lin Qirong was not polite to him, he knew that Qiao Feng didn't like the money, even if he wanted to share it with him, he wouldn't take it.

"How are you going to spend it? A millionaire?"

"What you said is a bit sarcastic."

Qiao Feng was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, didn't he?Calling someone a millionaire these days is not a compliment, it's irony.

"First of all, I have to rent a house and settle down first. People with families, you understand."

Lin Qirong turned his head and glanced at the door of the room before saying.

(End of this chapter)

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