Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 158 Spring is approaching

Chapter 158 Spring Festival Approaching
As the Spring Festival approaches, "The First Half of My Life" finally aired its finale.

After the broadcast of this TV series, the ratings continued to rise, setting off a frenzy of cleaning up, and at the same time detonating hot topics one after another. gave it a high score of 8.5, which is the best reflection.

It's hard to say what everyone thinks, and it is basically possible to get such a score with the approval of most of the audience.

A drama critic's comment won the approval of many people.

“It’s not a novel subject matter, and the plot isn’t alluring with its twists and turns. Essentially, it’s a combination of an idol drama and an ethics drama.

So how can "The First Half of My Life" achieve such high ratings and reputation?
The author believes that there are three reasons.

The first is an innovative plot.

What I'm talking about here is that the arrangement of its entire script and the shaping of its characters are very innovative, and it has subversive changes to the plot of today's mainstream family ethics dramas.

The second is reality, which is grounded.

This is the most important reason for the success of this TV series.

It is not a rich family's grievances, all kinds of dog-blood plots, but realistic plots that actually happen around us.

He Han, Luo Zijun, Tang Jing, Chen Junsheng, Ling Ling, and even Luo Zijun's mother and sister, which one can't be found by our side?
Divorce, mistresses, boyfriends who fall in love with good sisters, we also empathize with their experiences, because this is what happens in real life, and it is even more exaggerated.

The third is real.

Every character in it is real and complex, there are no absolute good guys or bad guys, only real people.

Luo Zijun grew from a parasite who was disliked by her husband and despised by her friends to an independent strong woman.

Tang Jing experienced the betrayal of love and friendship.

From then on, Ling Ling has been working hard to pursue a life she wants.

And the most controversial ex-husband brother Chen Junsheng is even more complicated.

His experience is a topic that every middle-aged man has to face, and the suffering in his heart is also deeply sympathetic.

The so-called hateful person must have something pitiful. His cheating behavior is certainly annoying, but every time he sees his haggard expression, it makes people feel distressed and understands his feelings.

There is no right or wrong in life, only your own needs and choices.

This TV series tells us a theory that has been said countless times: a good drama must be able to empathize with people, and it must be able to move people. "

His comments have been recognized by many netizens, and they have also expressed their opinions on some of the contents.

"After watching it several times, I found that there are a lot of advertisements inserted in this drama, but it didn't cause any uncomfortable viewing. Based on this, I have to add chicken legs to the director."

"Calling my ex-husband, it's not easy for a middle-aged man.

In fact, there is really nothing to blame. A wife who is like a parasite, several wife and family members who are even more parasites, and more and more pressure in life.

No one cares and no one understands. I think most men will choose divorce in this situation.

Is Lingling pretty?It's far worse than Luo Zijun, and she still carries an oil bottle, but why did she capture Chen Junsheng's heart?
There are too many of them worthy of our reflection. "

"Love is two-sided, one side is excessive giving and the other is excessive demand, the result can only be divorce.

If Luo Zijun hadn't realized this and changed her face to be independent and self-reliant, she wouldn't be loved by He Han. "

"The most outstanding ones are Chen Junsheng and Ling Ling, because they are the epitome of most urbanites.

The middle-aged man played by Chen Junsheng faces various situations that everyone can relate to.

Ling Ling's pursuit of her own happiness can also be seen in reality a lot.

If we encounter these things, that's all we can do. "

"There is no right or wrong in love. There must be a reason for divorce. Chen Junsheng made a mistake. Why doesn't Luo Zijun need to reflect on himself?
While modern women are pursuing equality and independence, please don't forget your responsibilities as a wife and girlfriend.

Care about your family and lover, manage your family with your heart, and manage your marriage with your heart, otherwise the plot that happened in the TV series is likely to happen to you too. "

The broadcast of the TV series has caused many people to think deeply. Different people can get different feelings, which has once again improved the evaluation of this TV series.

He Yingxiong really regretted it. He didn't expect Lin Qirong to come up with such an excellent TV script after creating a variety show.

The popularity of "The First Half of My Life" also caused the TV series he created with a similar theme to receive a cold reception.

Even after the filming was completed, it was not purchased by a few major TV stations such as Shonan Satellite TV, but was bought by an ordinary TV station at a relatively low price.

Because after the hit "My First Half of Life", this old routine of grudges between wealthy families is no longer liked by everyone.

Everyone is thinking about how to make a TV series like "The First Half of My Life".

Although it didn't affect his income, if he couldn't create attractive scripts, his business would be hit hard.

In his mind, Lin Qirong deliberately kept such a script in order to avenge himself.

"I'll talk about revenge later, the most important thing now is to come up with a similar script.

The idea is ready-made, and then let other screenwriters write the script, it is another good drama.

Lin Qirong, you can't defeat me, on the contrary, I have to thank you for providing me with a subject to make money. "

He has done this kind of thing a long time ago and is very proficient.


At the end of January, as the Spring Festival approached, people began to return to their hometowns one after another.

Railway stations, high-speed rail stations, and bus stations are full of people returning home with bags, and the Spring Festival travel has begun.

Lin Qirong also took Tongtong to fly directly to Yangcheng by plane, and then transferred back to the county.


As soon as he got out of the station, he saw Lin Qixiang waving to him.

Compared with the one I saw before, he seemed much younger, and he was dressed a lot better. It seemed that he had been doing well for half a year.

Behind him is the car he just bought. He has already obtained his driver's license and can drive.

"Brother." He held Tongtong with one hand and dragged a big suitcase with the other.

There are still a lot of things that I have sent home before, otherwise I would have brought more things.

"Hello, uncle." Tongtong also said hello obediently.

"Hey, good." Lin Qixiang smiled and helped Lin Qirong put the suitcase into the trunk, and then went back to the car.

"Let's go back to the hotel first, and my parents are still helping there, and then we will go home together."

Lin Qirong nodded, "Okay, I also want to see what your restaurant looks like."

When mentioning the restaurant, Lin Qixiang seemed to be in high spirits, talking endlessly, which was very different from his dull look before.

The so-called environment changes people, it seems that the current life has brought about a lot of changes in Lin Qixiang, and he is more confident and sunny.

Seeing him like this, Lin Qirong was sincerely happy for him.

More than ten minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant.

The name of the hotel is very straightforward: Qixiang Hotel.

Lin Jianguo and Kuang Meilan waited at the door of the store, and greeted them as soon as they came down.

"Grandpa and grandma." Tong Tong threw himself into Kuang Meilan's arms excitedly as soon as he got off the car.

"Good baby, so cute." Kuang Meilan hugged her tightly, looked at her whole body carefully, and nodded repeatedly, "I've grown a little taller."

"Of course, my father cooks delicious food for me every day, and I eat a lot."

Tongtong drew a big circle and said exaggeratedly.

"Don't be picky eaters, go to bed early, and exercise more, as long as you can do this, you will definitely grow taller."

"Yes, yes, my granddaughter is the best."

Lin Jianguo's mood slowly returned to calm, and he looked at Lin Qirong and nodded.

"It'll be nice to come back. How was your work?"

"Fortunately, I made a little money." Lin Qirong smiled, "It's Chinese New Year, I must bring Tongtong back to celebrate the New Year, I remember I haven't been home for several years, right?

This year I want to accompany you well. "

"Work is important, what can we do for the two of us?"

Lin Jianguo waved his hands, but couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face.

What is more important than family reunion?

"Come on, take me to visit your hotel?" Lin Qirong said, putting his arm on Lin Qixiang's shoulder.

"Okay, my hotel is also yours." Lin Qixiang smiled and led him inside.

Lin Qirong had seen the design drawings, but he was still a little surprised when he saw the actual site.

Passing through an antique alley, there are two shelves on both sides, and bottles are neatly placed on the shelves.

It contains some liquids and comes in many colors.

"This is where my parents put the wines that are often brewed in the countryside, such as golden cherry wine, red bayberry wine, hawthorn wine, snake wine, etc., all of which are medicinal wines that nourish the body and are very popular among the county people. "

"Parents are amazing." Lin Qirong praised.

Entering the lobby, you can see that the hotel is divided into two floors. The first floor is a lobby with rows of tables and chairs in a neat order.

At the back is the service desk and the kitchen. The separation between the kitchen and the hall is a large piece of glass, and guests can directly see the scene in the kitchen.

This is Lin Qirong's suggestion, so that guests can increase their confidence in the hotel.

The kitchen is also very clean and tidy, with all kinds of items neatly arranged, and two chefs in uniforms and special masks are busy.

"I specially asked my father to be responsible for the sanitation inspection of the kitchen and the inspection after the purchase of meat and vegetables.

With his personality, he can ensure that the place is clean and tidy. "

Lin Qixiang introduced.

At first, he didn't understand why the kitchen should be made of transparent glass, and why the kitchen should be so clean.

But soon he understood the benefits of this, and there were many more repeat customers. The reason besides the taste was that it was clean and safe to eat.

"According to your suggestion, we applied for the Food and Beverage Hygiene Environment Assessment with the City Supervision Bureau and were rated as a B-class restaurant. This is the only B-class restaurant in the entire county except Zilan Hotel.

We plan to continue to improve the standards next year and strive to get the only A-level restaurant evaluation. "

"That's right." Lin Qirong smiled, "In high-end restaurants, apart from the taste, environment, and service, the most important thing is hygiene.

If the sanitation is improved, the quality of the restaurant will be improved, and there will be more repeat customers. "


There are various private rooms on the second floor. When going up to the second floor, a person caught Lin Qirong's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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