Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 153 Annual Meeting (2)

Chapter 153 Annual Meeting ([-])

Amid warm applause, Lin Qirong stepped onto the stage with a smile on his face.

"Father is great." Tong Tong yelled loudly while sitting on the table in the middle of the front row, his face full of pride.

She was accompanied by Jia Jia, Xue Yuzhi, Qiao Feng, Xiao Yunfang, Hu Mei, Liu Xueying and others, attending this annual meeting together.

Lin Qirong took the microphone and looked at the dozens of employees in the audience, deeply moved.

It has been less than a year since he came to this world, and he was able to establish Tonghua Entertainment and achieve good results, which he never thought of before.

Although it is far behind Jiangdong Entertainment, Dream Entertainment and other film and television investment companies, or entertainment brokerage companies such as Rainbow Entertainment and Chinese Entertainment, it is still an achievement to be proud of.

The key to all this is of course systematic support.

Whether it is the super animation production software or the various exchanged scripts, they have given me the greatest help and are the key to my success.

Then there is this group of colleagues in the audience, who use their wisdom and sweat to promote the continuous growth of the company.

Even with the support of the system, without their hard work, it is impossible for me to achieve such achievements, and the future will be the same.

Then Tongtong is my biggest motivation. Everything I do is to make her live a happy life, create a better environment for her growth, and grow healthier.

Jiajia, Xue Yuzhi and other friends also gave him the greatest support.

So now his heart is warm, it turns out that he is so happy.

"Wow wow wow."

The warm applause sounded again, waking him up.

He looked around and waited until the applause subsided before speaking.

“Standing here, my heart is full of gratitude.

Since its establishment, the company has achieved good performance, which has exceeded the expectations of many people, including me. "

"Haha." Everyone in the audience laughed loudly.

Why are they not surprised?
"But it was a wonderful surprise, so I'm very happy, happy and grateful.

It can be said that without everyone's hard work and dedication, the company could not have developed to such a high level.

So here I would like to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your hard work for so long. "

He bowed deeply, and the audience applauded warmly.

"I won't go into details about the specific situation. Everyone should have read the summary materials, and this is not a topic that everyone cares about."

He changed the subject and said, "I know what everyone cares about, so let's get straight to the point."

"Haha." Everyone in the audience smiled knowingly.

"First of all, everyone will think, will the future annual meeting be held in a place like this, a tourist-style annual meeting?
The answer is unfortunately, no.

As our company expands and the number of employees increases, the cost of this model is also increasing, and the company cannot afford such expenses.

But I can tell you that we will take this as a benefit of the company.

Every year, the company selects a certain number of outstanding employees and employees with special contributions and arranges them to undergo travel-style recuperation at the expense of the company.

So please continue to work hard, because every year you will have the opportunity to travel across the country and around the world at public expense.

Our company does not encourage koi, we believe in hard work.

As long as you work hard, as long as you contribute to the company, you have the opportunity to become a real koi. "

"Wow wow wow."

This time everyone applauded more enthusiastically.

Everyone knows that such an annual meeting is too expensive and cannot be done every year.

But as long as you work hard and make greater contributions to the company, you may become an excellent employee and continue to enjoy such treatment.

This surprised everyone, not only because of the treatment, but also because they felt the importance of the company.

This makes everyone have a stronger sense of belonging to the company.

Then Lin Qirong announced on the spot a topic that everyone was most concerned about: the year-end bonus.

Everyone gets their fair share of bonuses.

This is a set of performance appraisal system developed by Hu Mei, which comprehensively evaluates each employee's attendance, work ability, actual performance, and contribution.

The announced prize money also surprised everyone.

The person who received the highest bonus was Xiao Yunfang, with the amount as high as 100 million.

As the person in charge of the animation team, she led the team to produce "Peppa Pig", a children's animation that is now popular in China, bringing in a steady stream of income, and is an example for all employees of the company to learn from.

A bonus of 100 million may seem high, but it is well deserved.

Xiao Yunfang came to the stage to accept the envelope that Lin Qirong personally handed to her.

It is impossible for the company to give cash directly, so all they receive is a certificate, and the financial staff will transfer the money to their accounts as soon as possible.

Qiao Feng in the audience rubbed his nose in embarrassment. In terms of personal income, Xiao Yunfang could blow him up.

Although he also received a lot of bonuses from the "Happy Running" program, it was far behind Xiao Yunfang.

"Really, you have to work hard."

Xiao Yunfang delivered a brief speech.

“I was one of the first employees and watched the company grow from a toddler to the size it is now, one achievement after another.

Everything seems to be going well, but the hard work of the boss behind it is unimaginable.

I hope to encourage everyone to work hard for our company and fight for the company's tomorrow together. "

Her words touched everyone's heart and received a warm response.

Hu Mei, Liu Xueying, and Li Gaojie were ranked second. Their bonuses were not low, and they each received 50 yuan.

Hu Mei and Liu Xueying, who came out to work for the first year, were at a loss for such a huge sum of money.

"I think everyone has no objection to them receiving this bonus."

Lin Qirong helped them out and said, "Everyone can see their work, their hard work, and their progress.

I have only one word, they are worthy of this bonus. "

His words made the strong Hu Mei's eyes a little red, and the weak Liu Xueying even had tears in her eyes.

They will never forget how lucky they are to enter Tonghua Entertainment as a graduated college student and be entrusted with important tasks from the beginning.

The huge work pressure made them have to work hard and desperately. Now that all their efforts have been recognized and rewarded, how can they not be filled with emotion?
"We will continue to work hard in the future, please watch us." Hu Mei said loudly, her eyes full of determination.

A scholar dies for her confidant. Although she is only a girl, she is willing to dedicate everything to Tonghua Entertainment.

Liu Xueying said nothing, but her firm expression said everything.

Li Gaojie, who has always been careless, also became serious.

Such a company and such a boss made him admire him deeply.

Only by working hard in the future can we repay this trust and recognition.

Other employees also received their due year-end bonuses, each of which was beyond their imagination.

The most important thing is that they know that all this is just the beginning, as long as they work hard, as long as they make greater contributions to the company, they can get higher returns.

The morale of the scene was greatly boosted.

Finally, Lin Qirong invited everyone to raise their glasses together.

"The new year is approaching, I wish everyone a happy new year and all the best, and wish our Tonghua entertainment will be better and better."

"Happy New Years, cheers."

Dozens of people shouted and clinked glasses together, with great momentum.

Lin Qirong finished his glass of wine before returning to the table and sitting down.

"Father is amazing." Tong Tong said immediately.

Jiajia nodded beside her.

"Really?" Lin Qirong rubbed her hair, "That's because of the support of the little princess."

"Hehe." Tongtong laughed happily.

"Brother Rong, you are like this." Qiao Feng gave a thumbs up, "The morale is like a rainbow, and the military spirit is available."

Lin Qirong smiled, "It's an unexpected result, and it's worth spending so much money."

As the first batch of employees of the company, these people on site will gradually become the backbone of the company over time, supporting the company's main business.

It can further unite everyone's hearts, enhance everyone's sense of belonging, and stimulate their desire to make progress. It is worthwhile to spend so much money on such an annual meeting this time.

Of course, these effects will take time to show up slowly.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Lin Qirong led Xiao Yunfang and other managers to each table to toast and thank them for their hard work.

When I returned to my seat, there was already a pile of food in the bowl.

Turning his head to look, he happened to see Xue Yuzhi's concerned eyes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, it should be."

Looking at her slightly red face, Lin Qirong couldn't help but think of the infatuated feeling last night, and a hot current rose from his lower abdomen.

"The charm is really too great." He turned his head away, his heart was still agitated.

When the meal was about the same, the employees of the company began to line up to toast him.

Although not everyone cheered, but there were too many people, and he was a little stupefied after the round.

After the show ended, Qiao Feng and Li Gaojie sent him back to the room. Xue Yuzhi, who brought the two children back to bed first, picked him up and helped him to sit on the sofa.

In the haze, Lin Qirong saw a familiar figure wiping his sweat.

Beautiful face, enchanting figure and seductive fragrance.

He remembered that she was his woman and she could do anything for him as long as he wanted to.

Thinking of this, the desire in his heart exploded, he grabbed the jade hand that was cleaning his body, and brought it to his body.

"Ah." Xue Yuzhi exclaimed, but Lin Qirong was even more irritated.

Holding Ke Ren'er in his arms, he walked directly into the room in his memory and put her on the bed.

Xue Yuzhi opened his closed eyes slightly, saw his eyes full of desire, smiled slightly, and opened his arms.

"Come on, I'm yours tonight."

Perhaps because of hearing her words, Lin Qirong gently pushed her up.

Every room is spring.

(End of this chapter)

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