Dad's Entertainment Life

Chapter 149 The Night Banquet (2)

Chapter 149 The Night Banquet ([-])
The dishes were still being served, but everyone quickly stopped their chopsticks tacitly and began to toast.

Lin Qirong was naturally the primary target.

Xiao Yunfang, Hu Mei and the others took turns to toast, even if it was just red wine, drinking too much made him a little overwhelmed.

However, in this case, it is naturally impossible to refuse. Saying a few words to everyone and a few words of encouragement can further increase everyone's sense of belonging.

He has only just started this kind of imperial way.

Every time he sits down to rest, he can see some of his favorite dishes in his bowl.

Xue Yuzhi has been paying attention to him all the time, and also taking care of the two little girls, which is really not easy.

But looking at her appearance, she seems to be enjoying it.

So Lin Qirong didn't refuse her "service", he knew it was a way for her to prove her worth.

After paying homage to him, other people started to be confused, a few boys circled around a few girls, especially Hu Mei and Liu Xueying, who were very popular.

"Boss, I respect you."

The last person to come was Sun Jing, the company's chief financial officer.

She is a middle-aged woman who looks out of place compared to Hu Mei and other young people who are too young.

But she is one of Lin Qirong's most reassuring people.

Since joining the company, he has worked hard and kept his accounts clear, which saved him a lot of worry.

"Sister Sun." Lin Qirong quickly stood up and clinked glasses with her.

Sun Jing smiled slightly, and said pointedly, "The time in the company is the most relaxed and practical time I have ever worked.

You are the first boss who really asked me to record every account and pay every tax truthfully.

To put it bluntly, when I work in other companies, the boss will not allow me to help with false accounting and tax evasion. "

Doing finance is a matter of mixed tastes. On the one hand, the position is important and valued, and the salary is also high.

On the other hand, the risk is also high, especially when the boss of the company asks you to do something illegal or play around the corner, if you are found out, you will be sent inside.

Sun Jing has experienced this kind of thing before, and often dreamed at midnight that she was drenched in cold sweat, and she was terrified.

But now in this position, she does a very solid job, and the salary she gets is no worse than that of other companies, and it is the kind of peace of mind. Why is she not happy?
"Thank you for your trust, please continue to work hard in the future." Lin Qirong said.

Before he was reborn in this world, the tax evasion case of a famous actress was in full swing and getting bigger and bigger. It can be said that it suddenly revealed the chaos that had always existed in the entertainment industry.

The richer you are, the more you evade taxes, especially in the entertainment industry.

It can be said that the impact of this incident is definitely not limited to her acting career, but also affects the ecology of the entire entertainment industry.

What many people don't know is that the entire entertainment circle sounded the alarm at that time, because almost no star or company could stand the tax inspection.

No one can predict how long the resulting tax rectification will last and how much the impact will be.

What ordinary people see is that a superstar with considerable influence all over the world is destroyed overnight, falling directly from heaven to hell.

The resulting impact is far-reaching and immeasurable.

This gave him a very deep understanding of this issue, and he made it clear to Sun Jing from the day the company was established.

Tonghua Entertainment does not need and will not do this kind of thing, even if the whole industry is like this.

And he has indeed done so, and any income is strictly accounted for and taxed, without any exceptions.

That's why Sun Jing sighed like this.

"In the eyes of many people, they may think you are a fool." Sun Jing said lightly.

For her, keeping accounts well is only the most basic requirement, and what she is most afraid of is the unreasonable requirements from above.

Because once something happens, she can't eat and walk around.

So she didn't have to do those things, and she felt very relieved.

"Sister Sun." Lin Qirong said seriously, "Do you think our company can make money with its strength?"

"Of course." Sun Jing smiled, "If even we can't make money, then other companies don't have to make money."

In just half a year, a newly established entertainment company has achieved a turnover of more than [-] million yuan, and there is still a final payment of about [-] million yuan that has not been received.

The income related to "Peggy Pig", whose influence is gradually increasing, is also increasing.

How can such a company not make money?

"That's it, why would we take such a big risk breaking the law when we can make money and we're going to make more money in the future?
We may earn less if we behave well, but we can develop in a down-to-earth manner.

And doing illegal things is like hanging a sword of Damocles over your head, which may fall at any time.

Then we would lose everything overnight and all our hard work would be wasted.

As long as you are not a fool, you will know how to choose. "

It's a pity that there are too many fools in the world, Sun Jing thought.

How can those people think they are making too much money if their hearts are not enough?It just feels like too little.

People like Lin Qirong are really different.

In fact, Lin Qirong still has a worry in his heart. With the development speed of Tonghua Entertainment, sooner or later it will attract some people's attention.

Those are the characters he can't afford to mess with.

In this era, it is impossible for everyone to adopt a too direct method, and solving it through some means has become the most important method.

Tax issues are always the most sensitive issues, and he doesn't want to have the handle fall into the hands of others.

"I still say the same thing, be a clean person and do things clearly. I hope you will continue to persevere."

"Don't worry." Sun Jing clinked glasses with him and said.

She is also unwilling to lose this easy and high-paying position.

What's more, there is the boss's attention and recognition?

At her age, isn't that what she cares about?
After resting for a while, Lin Qirong returned the wine glasses one by one.

Several ladies were already a little tipsy, but when they saw him coming to toast, their glasses were still dry, which was extremely generous.

"Let's have a bowl of porridge." Xue Yuzhi whispered back to his seat, with worried eyes.

"Okay, thank you." Lin Qirong nodded, picked up the porridge and drank it slowly.

Tongtong and Jiajia were already full, so they obediently didn't bother him, they just sat on the side and entertained themselves.

With Jiajia as his companion, Tongtong became much more cheerful.

"Boss," Li Gaojie walked over staggeringly, "Everyone proposes to sing together, what do you think?"

"Singing?" Lin Qirong said, "Everyone go together?"

"Yes." Li Gaojie said, "It's a rare opportunity to come out and get together. It's still early, so why not go out and find a place to sing."

"Aren't you afraid that everyone will feel uncomfortable if I go?"

"Not at all." Li Gaojie waved his hands and said, "Everyone wants you to go together."

His eyes were full of anticipation. If Lin Qirong didn't go, he knew that Hu Mei and Liu Xueying would definitely not go either.

In that case, what are a few big men running to sing?
Lin Qirong looked around, saw everyone's eyes, and nodded.

"Okay, let's go together then."

This way of mingling with colleagues has been done a lot in his previous life.

I didn't expect to come here, but also the same.

But it feels good.

"Great, then let's go."

Li Gaojie cheered.

"I'm not going." Xue Yuzhi whispered beside Lin Qirong.

"Two children are not suitable for that kind of place, and they have to go to bed early."

Lin Qirong thought for a while, and nodded with her.

"Then it's hard work for you."

"It's nothing, I will take care of Tongtong." Xue Yuzhi smiled softly, "Have fun."


Knowing that Lin Qirong was going out to play, although Tongtong was a little bit reluctant, he still obediently did not follow.

"Dad, come back early, you can't sleep late."

"I got it baby."

Lin Qirong rubbed her hair, "Dad will come back very early, you go back and rest early, tomorrow Daddy will take you to play a lot of fun."


(End of this chapter)

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