Chapter 50

Chapter 50
The only way for Milkslomkabari to stop Hanley Willian right now is verbal warnings, but with Hanley Willian's height and the reach of his arms, it is possible for them to score even with Milksolomkabari's verbal warnings.

Instead of giving his opponent three chances to score, Milks Sloomkabari gave up the start to stop them.Henry Will William hit the ball with one hand, and the Houston Rockets instantly narrowed the score to two balls.

"The absence of Robert Carlos has had a big impact on the Cleveland Cavaliers. In the blink of an eye, the thunder is gone. Someone has to step up now, someone has to step up and stabilize the situation. If this continues, the Houston Rockets will likely turn things around in one fell swoop. Van Gundy knows how important it is for the Cleveland Cavaliers to maintain stability. But it is difficult for a team that suddenly loses star power to adjust so quickly.

After a long run, Milks Slomkabari finally tried his hand.

They managed to get out of a gap and raised their hands to Joshua Baresi.In fact, it's not a great chance, because Milks Sloom's Kabari didn't quite throw the Buckeyes.But now this situation is intolerable for Milks Slomkabari.

Milks Slomkabari catches Qiu and throws it, but Hanley Willian's intervention is very timely.This guy should be a solid leader.They are very good at dealing with newcomers like Su Feng.

"Ah!" The iron voice was still playing.Su Feng's long-distance jump shot ended in failure.Edward Carleyman William grabbed the next beg himself, pushing hard.

A well-timed verbal warning from William Adams Miller prevented Edward Carleman from making a long drive to the rim, but it inevitably sent him to the free throw line.

In the quiet environment created by the Houston Rockets, Edward Carleman and William scored two free throws to help the Houston Rockets equalize!

Robert Henry Carr immediately called a halt to the Blue Qiu Blue Qiu battle.After Robert Henry Carr left, they ran into trouble.The Cleveland Cavaliers did not strive for excellence, nor did they excel.They have to make some adjustments.The Cleveland Cavaliers can't stop because they lost Robert Henry Carr.

When the coach blew the whistle to suspend the Blue Qiu fight, Milks Lomkabari was reluctant to throw Lanqiu to the ground.

Christie Martin's eyes were square, and three begs were made in the open.Qiumen also poured cold water from head to toe on the Houston Rockets who were about to start asking.

Christie Martin happily pointed to Su Feng to express his gratitude, and then compared the three fingers, making them bounce back.

"Another hard time not looking at people, can't Christy Martin teach this kid some routine tricks?" Although Christy Martin

This is really the best chance for a comeback for the Cleveland Cavaliers just after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Robert Carlos left the pitch and with the help of the team doctor they went to the Athletic Tunnel! God let's hope the Germans are ok. This must be difficult for coach Robert Henry Carr. Robert Carlos' injury and exit will completely change their grip on Blue Qiu. William Adams Miller watched Robert Henry Carr leave and their hearts began to clench.

When Yao Ming and McGrady were still coaching the Rockets, their injuries and exits made them worry about this baseless comment.So Van Gundy is well aware of Robert Henry Carr's mood now.This person must be very anxious now.

While Robert Henry Carr isn't all Cleveland Cavaliers, they are certainly the most important point in Robert Henry Carr's playmaking strategy.Many arrangements are based on the presence of Robert Henry Carr.Now the club is without Robert Carlos, which means the Cleveland Cavaliers have to give up everything they've been working on for days.

After the loss of Roberto Carlos, the first problem followed.Who will replace Roberto Carlos?Typically, Robert Carlos' blue battles are long.Robert Henry Carr could play the No. [-] for a while with William Adams Miller, or play two stalwarts for a while.Anyway, only a few of you are doing anything.Robert Henry Carr will be back after what you did.

But now, Robert Carlos did not withdraw from the Blue Qiu battle, but was injured.This means that Robert Carlos' entire Blue Quest will never come back.Who will replace them has become a very difficult question.

In the end, Robert Henry Carr waved their hands and replaced them with the West-extracting stance-style forward Henry Land, allowing them and Edward Carleman-William to form a double stance-style forward formation.This group of insiders sitting on the bench did not pose much threat on the long-distance rush end.Robert Henry Carr could also be traded for a rim that protects the rim and secures the passer first.As for the long-distance raid, Joshua Baresi and Su Feng shouldered a heavy burden.Without Robert Carlos, the biggest long-distance problem for the Cleveland Cavaliers is how to handle the long-distance running of the club.

While Roberto Carlos' injury has nothing to do with Andrei Shevchenko, the blue ball battle is back on.However, Andrei Shevchenko's death still allowed the coach to give them an excellent verbal warning before the long-distance attack.The Cleveland Cavaliers are on the sideline, and they will organize their first long-distance drive after Robert Carlos leaves the court.

Now on the court, Robert Henry Carr is sent to Su Feng and Joshua Baresi, a double-organization midfielder, and William Adams Miller.This should be a very aggressive lineup.However, due to Robert Carlos' injury, the Cleveland Cavaliers' threat to the inside was greatly reduced in an instant.

William Adams Miller catches the request and shoots. Although Henry Will William is a bit far from William Adams Miller, the guy's arms are stretched abnormally, allowing them to interfere with William Adams Miller's shot in time.

"That's the kind of person!" William Adams Miller scolded in his heart at the moment of the shooting.They bet the man was never taller than the official figures said.

Under the interference of Henry Will William, William Adams Miller lost three requests.We can see that Beratz forced Andrei Shevchenko into a long-distance attack, but was hit by the coach's verbal warning one after another, and the rights to the attack still belonged to the Houston Rockets.

After that, the Houston Rockets launched a massive long-distance run.

(End of this chapter)

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