Chapter 488
Chapter 487


The Baltimore Bullets didn't even win, as the Hebgen Redskins had 3 players with 20 or more points and 3 players with 15 or more points.They played better, and almost every player on the floor was at their best.

The Baltimore Bullets didn't lose because the offense wasn't good enough.They failed for lack of an effective defense.The Hebgen Redskins, who averaged only 99.6 points this season, scored a super high score of 131 points.Also, there will be no overtime in this game.The Hebgen Redskins scored more than 30 points in four quarters.This defense is no different from a paper defense.

After the game, D'Antoni was bombarded by the New York media, thinking that his poor defense led to a humiliating defeat!

Yes, in the eyes of the New York media and fans, although they only lost 6 points, it is absolutely unforgivable for a team that is only ranked 10th in the West to score an astonishing 131 points.

At this time, the Baltimore Bullets fans missed Su Feng.They, like this client, did not expect the Baltimore Bullets to regret losing core strength and become so weak.They have lost three of their four games.Moreover, these three teams are not the top eight in the Western Conference, which is too embarrassing.

Now the players of the Baltimore Bullets have lost confidence. After losing yesterday, Gallinari even showed a sentence of "Where am I? Who is hitting me? Where are my teammates?" Confused eyes, it really hurts!
Su Feng couldn't believe that he was so important.He couldn't laugh anymore.This method of failure far exceeded his expectations.His concern is that the team will continue to lose.When he returns in the next game, it will be difficult to recover from the decline. (Su Feng)

On January 1th, this was the last game of Su Feng's suspension.The Baltimore Bullets are still lingering in the West.Today's opponent is the Houston Waterloo Eagles, they "always overthrow weak teams, always let strong teams come back."sophie

Su Feng went to Houston with 500 dollars.First, he had a free meal at Yao Ming's restaurant.In the evening, he was ready to watch the team's game.

Before the start of the game, on-site reporters interviewed him specifically.Su Feng said: "It's normal for us to lose in consecutive road games. I don't think we have any problems. In fact, before my suspension, we were already prepared to lose in consecutive Western Conference road trips, so this has nothing to do with my suspension." In this game, Su Feng sat in the front row, next to the Baltimore Bullets' bench.This is a ticket from Yao Ming, ready to let him see how his team lost four games in a row.

The Baltimore Bullets' longest losing streak this season is a two-game losing streak, but they're done with a loss to the Hebgen Redskins last game.Another loss for the Baltimore Bullets would put them on a four-game losing streak.

Su Feng's answer obviously went against his wishes.After the interview, t.n.t radio station released Su Feng's interview before his suspension.At the time, he didn't say that about the trip.At that time, he was full of confidence.He only saw Su Feng chatting and chatting: "I don't think this consecutive Western road game will make us overturn. Although the schedule will be very hard, most of our opponents are not the top eight teams in the Western Conference. We are confident that we will win most of the victories and return to the number one position in the league. This interview was recorded by Su Feng when he defeated the Pittsburgh Ironman at home, which is the opposite of his answer today.

Fans of the Baltimore Bullets didn't complain about it, but they had to curse the CBA level of the Baltimore Bullets.

It was normal for Su Feng to say that in an interview.He'd say, "My teammates are really useless. If they leave me, they can't even beat the Chinese Anderson Packers. Let's go!" Like that?This is the question of IQ.

Although some media now even believe that this team really relies on Su Feng alone, this three-game losing streak should not lose, especially in the game against the Anderson Packers, the Baltimore Bullets made many turnovers and cotton candy-like defense.

The Waterloo Eagles have had a great season this season.With only Yao Ming as the core, a large number of main players have left, the players who have not left are getting younger and younger, and the newcomers are getting younger and younger.They still hold the record for the top eight in the Western Conference.Now they rank fourth in the Western Conference with a record of 26 wins and 14 losses.The Waterloo Eagles have indeed exceeded many expectations this year.

Su Feng came to watch the game today.In fact, it doesn't help the team much.He even put extra pressure on his teammates because they felt that once Su Feng was suspended, he would play badly.

In the absence of Su Feng, the Baltimore Bullets' instability has already appeared first.

January 1, the Baltimore Bullets continue their trip to the West today against the declining Utah Hebgen Redskins.

This is Su Feng's third suspension.His struggles have started to fade.After a week of media hype, fans' attention to this news has gradually begun to decline, and the remaining value of this topic is running out.In particular, the Pittsburgh Ironmen and Baltimore Bullets will not play again this season, and there is no follow-up plot.Will Nate Archibald be around when the two teams meet again next season.The Pittsburgh Ironmen say the Beast could play for the Baltimore Bullets next year.

After losing Boozer this year, the Hebgen Redskins are back in a vortex of general dissonance.The media in Salt Lake City began to count down Sloan's level, because the conflict between him and the team's core Deron Williams became more and more irreconcilable.Now the little fat man has expressed his attitude, either Sloan will go or he will go, the team will choose one.

Salt Lake City fans say, "You can go," but Hebgen Reds executives will do the opposite.Sloan hasn't won a title in 20 years, so it's time for him to go.

The conflict between Deron and Sloan erupted before the season started.According to US media reports, Williams had a fierce conflict with Sloan 10 days before the start of the season.After the start of the season, Williams still did not fully comply with Sloan's wishes. He had two conflicts with Sloan, and each time the team's top management did not listen to Sloan's opinions.

Therefore, some media predict that if the two masters and apprentices continue to conflict, the coach who has coached the Hebgen Reds for 23 years is likely to choose to resign.After all, after such a long coaching career, the old coach's heart is also tired.

Do Baltimore Bullets fans and players think they should have no problem winning in the face of the general dissonance of a team like this?
However, it was wrong again.The final score was 125-131 (or the actual score, as the Baltimore Bullets are in reality).The Baltimore Bullets had 4 players score 20 points today, but the Utah Hebgen Redskins ended up winning.

Su Feng watched the game with Emma Watson in Christine's apartment today.In the end, he was fooled by the performance of the Baltimore Bullets.He doesn't know how his team can lose games if his offense is so good?
He didn't think about it until he fell asleep with Christine in his arms at night.

But not only Su Feng, the media didn't understand why, and the Baltimore Bullets fans didn't understand why.

Krizman, who was criticized by the media before the game, especially strengthened the points against his teammates today, scoring 22 points, 3 rebounds and 5 assists, but it seems that the team won is useless.

In the previous games, Su Feng was not present.When they're down on the floor, they can at least run the offense well.But when Su Feng came to watch the game today, he put too much pressure on them, so it was not a good thing for him to come to watch the game.

Su Feng himself knew this, so he didn't go to watch the last few games.The reason why he came to watch the game today is more for himself.If he doesn't go to the game during the 5 games suspended, Sunspot can easily put the blame on him, such as he has no leadership spirit, no sense of responsibility, no care for the team, etc.

The Baltimore Bullets' starting lineup today is Julius Erving, Iguodala, Gallinari, Shaquille and Ervin Johnson.sophie

If Su Feng wanted to win, he had to play better than ever, this was the price he had to pay.When his teammates are not in good shape, he must lead the team to win the game.

In short, whatever you get in the world, you pay for it.It depends on your ability to handle the hassle that comes with harvesting.Once you do, you are a real winner.

After warming up, Su Feng returned to the locker room.The game time is getting closer.After the staff invited the reporters out, Su Feng could see that his teammates and coaches were more dignified. This is a tense atmosphere that can only be seen in the playoffs.

For a while, Alexis Sanchez and the media had run out of complaints about Alexis Sanchez.If he didn't know about Dolan's plan, he would take the opportunity to drive D'Antoni away.But now that he's agreed to Dolan's plan, and he'll have a good chance to come to the Baltimore Bullets next season, he won't be in a hurry to leave the Beard.

D'Antoni is no fool.He also knows that these games are related to his platoon.After two consecutive defeats, he did not resist the instructions and bombing of the so-called experts.He was confused for a moment and chose to strengthen the defense.Now it looks like it's them.



As soon as the Baltimore Bullets lost, the New York fans immediately thought of Su Feng and shouted "Hugo won't lose on the court".However, they did not consider it.Even if Su Feng is present in this game, the possibility of the Baltimore Bullets losing is not low.

Back-to-back road games are always S-rated in the NBA.Moreover, they were in the East yesterday and went to the West today.There are no breaks in between.It is difficult for players with good physical strength to adapt well.It's normal to lose games like this.

But Baltimore Bullets fans and Su Feng fans don't think so.They just thought that if Su Feng was here tonight, the game might not be lost!
The next day, Su Feng finally appeared in front of the media.He took the opportunity well.All eyes were on him for a moment.However, few see him as a villain who likes to fight.The dual effects of personal image and public opinion further enhanced Su Feng's reputation.Nate Archibald was beaten and became the beaten villain.Su Feng beat people for the sake of the people, not only should they not be punished, but should also be praised.

This is the power of public opinion.It can turn white into black and black into white.As for complaining about the old man's boxing, while many people are sleeping, James fans are confused by many fans and coincidentally treated as a joke.

Su Feng's fans like to use this to make fun of him now, James' fans like to make fun of Kobe, and neutral fans like to make fun of him.This is painful for Kemi and the frustrated boss himself.

On January 1th, the Baltimore Bullets continued their trip to the West, this time against the second-ranked Sacramento Anderson Packers in the West! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fans of the Baltimore Bullets thought they had an easy win, but it turned out to be beyond all expectations.The Baltimore Bullets cameback in Sacramento and lost 83-93 to the Anderson Packers.

The game marked the lowest point in a single game for the Baltimore Bullets this season, and they didn't play against top teams like the Chicago Stags, Pittsburgh Ironmen and Heat.They were actually educated by a bad team in La Liga!

Didn't fans, including the Anderson Packers, expect this to happen? !
In this game, the Anderson Packers' home attendance rate was just over 60%.Most of the seats in the stadium are empty.Even their Indian princess didn't go to the game.Instead, he went to New York and secretly dated the suspended Su Feng.The location is in the apartment where Su Feng used to live. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Su Feng did not expect such a result.He's watching a badly-lost game in his old apartment and ends up seeing the Indian girl jumping up and down in excitement.He just smiled wryly.

In other words, his teammates are really unreliable.In the past, that feeling really depended on his consistency.The Baltimore Bullets will be ferocious.He underestimated his role! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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