Chapter 483 Managers
Chapter 482 Manager

Su Feng did not rest in the second half of the second half.He has scored 28 points, 9 rebounds, 9 assists, 3 steals and 2 blocks.If you look at the data from one round alone, Su Feng's performance is not picky, and 99% of the fans can't see the real problem of the Anderson Packers.We can only see that the Anderson Packers' offense has no rules, and we can only see Su Feng shooting or passing the ball suddenly by himself. The cooperation in the first half is invisible.So this should be the coach's problem, especially after the Baltimore Bullets overtook the score, Anderson Packers fans and Su Feng's fans were all scolding bearded trash.

Nat Archibald was very unwise in this matter, no matter what foresight he had in mind, he was still a little powerless to fight Su Feng.In the business environment of British Airways, as long as Su Feng's statistics are good, he will be invincible, and the team's loss will not be his responsibility.The last jar had to be carried by a wagon.

"Damn it, as a coach, what's the use of uncertain tactics?" Su Feng saw that the score was reversed, and Nat Archibald was still killing each other.He threw the jar directly at Nate Archibald.Instead, he thought the coach was immature and even got angry with the players.He's like himself, only 21 years old?
Nate Archibald wanted to learn from the cold war between Zen Master and Kobe to make Manuel Golovac obedient, but he miscalculated.Su Feng and Clyde Drexler were completely different in character.The former had some resentment in his heart and was a little cautious.But Clyde Drexler doesn't take things to heart, so it's okay to break up with him.The little black snake will forget about it in a few days.The boss is not a man with a grudge, but Su Feng is a man with a vengeance.

What's more, Manuel Golovac's current level and status is just a vigorous, young and frivolous stage.Of course, he couldn't find a reason for it himself.His enormous fame and disproportionate taste made Manuel Golovac's character more and more domineering.At this point, unless he was coaching a college or high school team, he would listen with humility.However, Nate Archibald wanted him to be obedient, which was too difficult.Manuel Golovac has no respect for Nate Archibald at heart, nor does he consider him a mentor.

In the last 3 minutes of the game, Su Feng continued to play alone on the court, but he and Clyde Drexler had differences in their respective shots.Su Feng has more possession of the ball, but he will pass the ball when he has the opportunity.So even if the tactics are simple, he can pass the ball often.The scene is not very monotonous, but it is very interesting, because Su Feng's breakthrough, shooting and passing are all personal abilities, and what fans like most is the way they can understand.

Su Feng quickly got the rebounds and assists he wanted the most.The task of winning the first three doubles of the new season has been completed, but there is still a long way to go before victory.Pierce has been at the free throw line 15 times today, and the home whistle was impolite.

In the last 20 seconds, the score reached 99:101, and the Anderson Packers trailed by 2 points.Su Feng must have come alone, and the Anderson Packers still have a chance to win.

Rondo's body is very low.Although he has no expression, he is still a little nervous.Su Feng has already scored 33 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists, and this goal was made by him again, which is the best shot, which is more frustrating than losing under normal circumstances.

The defense of the Baltimore Bullets was far stronger than that of the Anderson Packers. Su Feng really wanted to shoot, but he started to attack in the last 8 seconds. The Baltimore Bullets decisively surrounded him. The Celtics finally showed their defensive strength in the playoffs this round.

Manuel Golovac murmured badly.Garnett's pace seemed to speed up in an instant.He rushed up in two steps, blocking Su Feng's sight with his big hands.He wasn't sure he'd be able to toss the ball in the air and then toss it in the air for a pass.

He always wanted to curse his mother when he received the ball from the right wing.When he catches the ball, he has less than 2 seconds on offense.Pierce rushed to his side, he could only adjust the arc to throw the ball, and then, the basketball missed the rim, hit the backboard, and bounced directly into Perkins' hands.

Su Feng snorted, turned around and went to the player channel.He didn't want to communicate with Nate Archibald.

Two hours later, Manuel Golovac called Brandon on the plane back to Moldova: "Someone must be responsible for the loss. I'm not happy now. The team's tactical system is no longer suitable for the Anderson Packers, so someone has to go.
Su Feng wanted to drive Nat Archibald out of the team for a long time.However, even if he had a higher position on the team, it would be very troublesome to get rid of Nate Archibald directly.Unless the team has a bad record or no progress in the playoffs, the reason is not enough, but neither of these two good reasons can be completed in a short period of time.Su Feng

"We need to be there!"

Nate Archibald has a much bigger temper than Brown, and he doesn't want to be a total puppet.These two seemingly harmonious master-student relationships actually only maintain a superficial relationship.

It was easy for some veteran fans to see that there was something wrong with the atmosphere on Anderson's Packers team.It's so easy to play!However, Nate Archibald did not call for a timeout to alter his offensive strategy.Many fans slowly turned their finger on Elvin Johnson.At this time, he was the only one carrying the jar.Fans don't know much about the internal affairs of the Anderson Packers.

Nate Archibald is much better than last season and the reason is Stoudemire, he has his pedigree in the team now, so he knows Dolan won't fire him easily, so take this opportunity, he doesn't mind defending his voice with a loss.

After all, Su Feng was just a player.He has limited vision on the court and can only grasp the rhythm of offense and defense and the time and method of launching an offense.But he can't lead the overall situation like a coach, nor can he arrange comprehensive offensive and defensive tactics.Therefore, he does not listen to Nat Archibald, so he can only adopt a simple default strategy.

These "default tactics" can be regarded as basic skills at the tactical level, and the most complex tactics are composed of these default tactics.But the disadvantage is that the default policy has traces to follow, and if there are too many, it is easy to become a target.

Su Feng also knew that the core of his team and the work of the coach were completely different.He is the executor.At best, he can change the implementation method of tactics according to his own style of play.The coach of the team is the role of arranging tactics and mastering the overall strategy.

After the third quarter, the score was 80:78.The Anderson Packers were trailed by the Baltimore Bullets by 13 points in the quarter.Their personal defense gets some if not for their good personal defense.

Today, he wants to take over the responsibility of the media, which is to ensure that he takes more responsibility than the media.

Su Feng didn't think so at this time. If it was last season, he might show weakness to Knight Archibald for the sake of the overall situation.But this season, he won't be bowing to anyone.Although Su Feng's tone of speech to other players has become much more mature this year, his attitude towards the media has greatly changed the gunpowder, but his attitude towards the coach is even stronger.

If Nate Archibald doesn't want to listen to him, get out of here!Don't mention Nate Archibald, even if the Zen masters and ** come to Moldova, they have to coach according to their own wishes.They must design tactics and systems according to his characteristics.In fact, he doesn't need a strong coach right now.He doesn't want to force himself to adapt to someone else's tactical system.If he followed Clyde Drexler's instructions, expect him to fall out with him in less than three days.

Su Feng now needs a coach who can get along with superstars.If not, find him a black bread sitter.

In the last quarter of the game, Su Feng didn't care that much.He's constantly asking his teammates to screen for him, to shoot or pass when he gets the chance.Moreover, he never let Xiao Si pick things with him again.The quality of the egg rolls is too low.He'd rather hang out with Evans, Collins, maybe even Monroe.

That's the problem with superstars jamming together.There are many stars and it is easy to get dirty.Especially when Manuel Golovac entered Bazhou, he was so smooth.The Big Three of the Green Army did not make sacrifices when they formed a team.Even the Big Three of the Heat don't accommodate each other.He now has the same idea as Rose of the Bulls, that is, only one core in the team is enough.

At 3 minutes and 30 seconds of the fourth quarter, the score was 94:95, and the Anderson Packers had just been overtaken by Rondo's layup.

Intentionally let the Anderson Packers have a bad record, and they have a good excuse.

"No, I'm not that brazen." Manuel Golovac immediately dismissed the idea.No matter what he did, his conscience couldn't bear it.If he was found to have lost on purpose, that would be enough to discredit him.If he's not good, he could easily be a street rat who gets yelled at by everyone.

"In fact, you can maintain a good relationship with Ama. I think his relationship with Nate Archibald is not as good as the media imagined. As long as you get his support and hold a team meeting when the team loses consecutively, you can kick him out of the game. Brandon reminded Su Feng. He found that the relationship between Stoudemire and Nate Archibald was not very good on the surface. Xiao Si's tone of speech seemed to disrespect Nate Archibald, but Manuel Golovac did not find out.

Manuel Golovac froze for a moment, then said with a smile:
Now, even the fans know that a team can't guarantee to keep touching the ball for 48 minutes.When it's time to defend, you should withdraw your fist.But Nate Archibald doesn't know that he can make the team gain momentum without scoring, but the offensive momentum must be maintained, that is, the offensive rhythm cannot be changed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The difference between Beard and Manuel Golovac is getting worse.After playing for a season, Su Feng already understood what kind of style of play he likes.He likes the tide of offense, likes his team to advance and retreat in a certain way.That is to say, when the wind is going smoothly, his side's offense can be wave after wave, but when there is a desire, there will be a low ebb.Whether it's shame or playing basketball, once you feel bad and your hands are in your hands, you should go all out and wait for the opportunity to counterattack. . . . . . . . .

Of course, he can't play too fast.He only has rhythm in his head when he's not sick and slowing down.He thought the beard had always been a sharp sword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Nat Archibald saw Su Feng again on the court and started to play according to the rhythm instead of speeding up according to his instructions, his face became ugly for a while.This situation is not uncommon.Erwin Johnson was upset whenever Manuel Golovac disobeyed his orders and made his own decisions.He feels the coach's authority has been challenged.

However, Michael Woodson cracked a smile.He was in a good mood every time he saw Manuel Golovac disobeying orders from Nate Archibald.After the two broke up, his chance came.Woodson, who spent a season as an assistant with the Anderson Packers, didn't think Elvin Johnson was much better at coaching than he was.If he gets the team, he believes the results will never be worse than Nate Archibald. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

However, Su Feng's style of play also failed to help his team. He violated the coach's tactical arrangement, which directly led to the team's strategic chaos.The Anderson Packers players thought they wanted to play fast, but Manuel Golovac played slow all by himself.Do they listen to the coach or the core? . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Soon, Xiaosi became a little unhappy.Every time Su Feng dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, he would pull the ball out and roll it, but not many balls were passed to him after the kickoff, which made him feel like he was being treated as a blue collar.In fact, in the final analysis, it's about face. Elvin Johnson is also fighting, but I have high qualifications, and Xiaosi doesn't think he has no face.But Manuel Golovac was too young.Xiaosi felt that Manuel Golovac shouted out with gestures every time.He was a little resistant and reluctant.

Once Xiaosi's thoughts are blocked, there will be no more disputes.That makes the Manuel Golovac-Stoudemire pick-and-shoot look similar to Manuel Golovac-Collins-Evans.

Anderson's pick-and-shoot offense of the Packers did not play its due effect, and the players' shooting feeling began to decline.The characteristic of this team is that once the offense is not good, many players are unwilling to defend well on the defensive end.For example, Xiaosi and Gallinari are examples.They are masters at attacking.

Halfway through the third quarter, the score was 71 to 4, and the Anderson Packers led by only 7 points. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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