The King of Basketball in the NBA

Chapter 447 is obviously wrong

Chapter 447 is obviously wrong
Chapter 446 is obviously wrong

What is the final solution?After all, the study hasn't come out yet.Of course, you have to compete to know, otherwise your fantasies are useless.

After a simple day off, the San Antonio Spurs will fly to New York. The San Antonio Spurs have come to New York more than once, but the crazy performance of the New York fans on the next plane made the San Antonio Spurs feel crazy for the first time.

The New York team has not been a strong team for a long time, but at this time, the New York Marrakech City team has become a strong team in the league.Marrakech, who reached the semi-finals of the playoffs, wants to go further.As fans, of course, they also hope that, in doing so, they will come to the airport and give the San Antonio Spurs the middle finger and yell.

Well, 1000 or more people satirized the San Antonio Spurs.The San Antonio Spurs just can't stand it.

At night, it seemed that under the stimulation of the fans, Su Feng and others did not find their form at first, but then half of the San Antonio Spurs would be angry, and the San Antonio Spurs finally won.

The San Antonio Spurs did not return to Cleveland after the game.They stayed in New York for the night and played there the third day.

3: 0 San Antonio Spurs, as long as they win a game, they have created great history.The Eastern Conference Finals, even if they didn't make it, showed a little bit that they made it.

In any case, the San Antonio Spurs are likely to win. After all, morale has risen to a very high level. The San Antonio Spurs have a great advantage inside and outside.

Last race, May 5, New York.

New York's Madison Square Garden, today's place is not a talent show or a big show, but a meaningful game in the semifinals of the NBA playoffs.This game may have something to do with this year's championship.

After the game started, both sides had passed.Marrakech City's interference with Manuel Golovac last time around didn't have much effect.Whether Su Feng is present or absent, Alexis Sanchez's defense will not be too tight, so Manuel Golovac will not be too tired.

In the end, the guy will have the energy to play, so the San Antonio Spurs will win in the end, which is certainly one of the reasons, but today, I don't know if Marrakech City has other ideas.

Today's jump ball was Stoudemire. Stoudemire and Howard jumped at the midfield position at the same time. Howard used his height advantage to shoot the basketball to Manuel Golovac. Manuel Golovac shot the ball to Mark Anthony. According to the old routine, the offense began.

Marc Anthony lobs the ball to the rim, Howard lobs the ball to the rim.The San Antonio Spurs go on the offensive.

The offense of Marrakech City was made by Alexis Sanchez and Alexis Sanchez. They were suddenly strangled out of the game in the first few games. The consecutive hits boosted the morale of Marrakech City.

At the end of the first quarter, Marrakech City 33:25, Alexis Sanchez scored 17 points in this quarter, so strong that everyone praised it.

At the end of the first half, the San Antonio Spurs in Marrakech City 60:50, the double-digit gap made the San Antonio Spurs see a little worry, but more fighting spirit.

In the second half of the game, Su Feng set up an offensive banner and made three-pointers into the basket one after another. Manuel Golovac led the San Antonio Spurs to play a wave of 10:3 attacks. The gap was not obvious, but Marrakech City would not let the opponent come back so easily. This time, Melo stood out decisively.

Kobe Manuel Golovac still won't let him move his body.Su Feng rushed past him and went straight to the inside.

The big hand under Su Feng's feet threw the basketball out. The basketball circled around the top of the hoop, and then fell into the hoop obediently.

"Use your kind words, young man, come on." Su Feng emphasized the words "young man", and Henry Will and William should be able to hear the greasiness in it.

Hengli Will and William ignored Su Feng, ran to the side to catch the basketball, and then threw it to Bynum.

Bynum got the ball back, then sped up again, heading to the rim for a layup.

The San Antonio Spurs' defense isn't letting up.The main reason for the frequent success of the Portland Trail Blazers is the strong strength of Henry Will William, but after all, Will William is only one person.When his condition was slightly low, Su Feng stepped forward and scored 3 points in a row, directly surpassing the score.

Makiko Gonzalez also rushed to the frontcourt after landing. Mark Anthony did not stop to prepare for a fast break, but Hanley Will William and Wilbrook made him give up the idea.

However, the moment Jones caught the ball, there was a guzzler behind him.After blocking the ball, it was Su Feng who tried his best to catch up.

"Give it to me!" Su Feng's voice was too loud, and all the fans were attracted by this crazy guy.He passed Bynum and Howard in front and rushed to the three-point line in the frontcourt.At this time, Jones also noticed the monster Manuel Golovac.

So aggressive, Jones didn't hesitate,
Now it is the turn of Marrakech City to attack.Because there is only one core in Marrakech City, the final basketball handling is left to him.After a long period of confrontation, his physical strength and accuracy have also dropped a lot, so his shooting percentage
De Alexis Sanchez saw the truth of Xiaosi's anxiety and bit him.The boy was so frustrated.He couldn't bear to change Alexis Sanchez.At the same time, veteran Billups also participated in the game.He is tired and doesn't want to fail.

However, the San Antonio Spurs still do not want to replace Su Feng.Su Feng has been on the sidelines for a long time, and he also has the intention of petitioning.However, William Adams Miller does not bird him.Even if the game fails today, Manuel Golovac will not be able to play.

fail?Howard shook his head. The return of Warcraft allowed them to witness what physical fitness and superstar demeanor are. After a layup by a big-name fan Alexis Sanchez, the San Antonio Spurs also laid the key to victory.

Under Howard's blocking, the basketball was intercepted by Mark Anthony on the outside.Marc Anthony ran the ball all the way, but had no intention of attacking.At this point, there is less than 1 minute left in the game.Foul by Marrakech City on Marc Anthony,free throw by San Antonio Spurs.

Mark Anthony went to the free throw line. Xiao Ai, who has scored 18 points, is also a great hero today. Mark Anthony finally found his place to play. Today, Mark Anthony played a very important role.

On the free throw line, with just 34.3 seconds left in the game, the San Antonio Spurs are still in double digits.Marrakech City don't have Tracy McGrady so they can't score more than 10 points in seconds.

At the end of the game, the San Antonio Spurs tied the score to more than 100 points with the anger of the whole team.In the end, the San Antonio Spurs defeated Marrakech City 105:96.Marrakech City won again 2:0.Next game, New York.

In today's game, Su Feng scored 33 points, 4 rebounds, 9 assists, and 4 steals.The San Antonio Spurs played four quarters with Alexis Sanchez and Manuel Golovac before finally getting tired.

After the second quarter, the San Antonio Spurs held a special meeting to study Su Feng's problem.Marrakech City has identified a weakness in the San Antonio Spurs, and the San Antonio Spurs will try to fix it.

Throw the basketball to Su Feng, such a passionate leader, everyone is willing to pass it on to him.

Su Feng, who took the basketball, did not slow down and rushed into the inside lane.At this time, Andrei Shevchenko has returned.Su Feng's move made Hengli Will and William directly ascend to a high position and fight side by side with Su Feng.Su Feng broke through Hengli Will William, and then went straight to the inside of the Portland Trail Blazers.

The basketball player was clapping in his hands. There were two people in front of him, Wilbrook and Andrei Shevchenko. Their defense did not stop Su Feng. He jumped up and put the basketball behind his head, dunking?Yes, he has.

Su Feng didn't know why he had such an impulse.The basketball is placed behind his head and his legs are lifted back.His legs were still ivy because of the strength of takeoff.His blood vessels collapsed, and his body grew taller.In the end, he overtook Andrei Shevchenko, who was more than two meters ahead, with a dizzy jaw and even connected to the basket.At this time, Manuel Golovac flew up.

The big hand blew it down, and Andrei Shevchenko and Willbrook were knocked down in front of him by Manuel Golovac, colliding with the rim with the big hand, and this offense, it was over.

Strong attack, the limit of dunk, Su Feng once again created a miracle of dunk.

Su Feng
Was it true just now?At this time, many fans still couldn't believe that they were looking at the court, Su Feng with his hands on the basket, and Andrei Shevchenko and Willbrook lying on the ground not far from him.

After the "roar" landed, Su Feng howled to the sky for 3 seconds.Then he looked at the scoreboard and raised his hands in the sky.Then he clenched his big hands into fists and laughed as the rest of the San Antonio Spurs watched.

Several people around Mark Anthony stepped forward to celebrate, and Su Feng gave them a high-five. With Su Feng's dunk, the morale of the San Antonio Spurs rose again.

Later, the Portland Trail Blazers' offense was a bit soft. Think about it, ah, being so seriously stimulated by such a pervert, no matter who it is, they will feel a little uneasy, otherwise they will try their best to make the Portland Trail Blazers perform gorgeously.

So the San Antonio Spurs jumped at the chance to go 8-3 and the Portland Trail Blazers had to call for a break.

"Good job, boys." At just 2:35 into the third quarter, the Portland Trail Blazers had to call a timeout, and he was very pleased with his players' performance.

"Manuel Golovac, let's take a break. Robert Carlos, I'm going to clean up Will William. This guy looks arrogant. Don't look at this expression, you have returned to at least 80% of your peak performance recently. You can still fight with Will William for a while. The rest of the team also gave me a good defense. I don't know what tricks the Portland Trail Blazers will play. They only get three points.

After the final stoppage of the fourth quarter, the two sides returned to the field for the final showdown between San Antonio Spurs and Marrakech City.In this game, if they win, the San Antonio Spurs will fight New York with two wins.If they fail, their morale won't drop too much, but Marrakech City's morale will definitely rise a lot.

Su Feng didn't appear in the lineup, but he didn't care much about William Adams Miller. After all, without Manuel Golovac, the San Antonio Spurs' lineup would be considered the top of the league.

Don't underestimate the inside of Howard and Garnett, and don't underestimate the outside of Mark Anthony and Robert Carlos. Although there are many veterans inside, New Jones and Williams are also very strong. And the backup center Andrei Shevchenko, at this time, does not rely on physical performance, but relies entirely on experience to score.

Marc Anthony dribbled the ball through half court, and the San Antonio Spurs were ahead, and they needed to settle down, take the score into their own hands, and put the lead in their own hands.

More than ten seconds later, Mark Anthony handed the ball to Robert Carlos, who handed it to Jones.Jones turns to avoid Klinsmann and takes a two-step pass to Williams inside.The latter receiver pulled the ball up to draw Sean's defense and passed the ball under his arm to Andrei Shevchenko.The Sharks push the ball forward and gently push the basketball out.The basketball landed steadily in the basket and started playing. . . .

"Oh, hello, great." Seeing Andrei Shevchenko on the court, the San Antonio Spurs couldn't help laughing, this fat man is really useful at this time.

Andriy Shevchenko also prides himself on his happiness off the pitch.He is 39 years old and will soon be 40.Andrei Shevchenko is certainly proud of himself. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Kids, you know, come on. "William Adams Miller drew a few plays on the board to deal with a few guys around him. He didn't know when the Portland Trail Blazers-San Antonio Spurs game was going to win, but he knew San Antonio was going to win at this pace. …

After the lockout, players from both sides returned to the field, and the Portland Trail Blazers' lineup was unchanged.It appears that Brown just changed tack.If there is no replacement, it means he has no one to change.The five players on the field are the team's top picks at each position.They haven't played well, can Brown count on someone else?That is impossible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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