The King of Basketball in the NBA

Chapter 426 Starting Value

Chapter 426 Starting Value

Chapter 425 Starting Value

This is just a vulgar name for a black wild dog. After being threatened by Su Feng, although he still looked disgusted in the face of the little singer, he finally stopped resisting.

Manuel Golovac puts the paper bag on the coffee table. "You went to show in LA, how can you buy a dog back? You didn't watch my sixth game. He was not happy with his crucial sixth game, when both girls went to LA. Let's use this topic.

"Well, even the finals. Don't you dare me not to go to Los Angeles." William Adams Miller replied: "The dog was bought from your mom's new pet store that opened on the day of your competition. Don't you know?"

Manuel Golovac was a bit silly to hear that, he really didn't know about it, his parents never mentioned it to him.

"Besides, that bitch also left. He took the dog I chose. What a bastard. William Adams Miller's words made Su Feng react, saying that his mother shouldn't have seen his affair, and deliberately found an excuse to meet these two girls?
A few kilometers away, Christine is applying a fourth Band-Aid to her hand in the apartment.Then she looked at a beautiful three-flowered fold-eared dog not far from her.She couldn't help complaining: "That damn guy stole the white dog I originally chose. It's disgusting!"

"It's not easy. You can ask that person to change it for you. Isn't the problem solved?" Emma Watson was starved by Manuel Golovac for hours the day before, and now she is in trouble again.

Christine looked at the beautiful puppy biting her precious rug, and nodded: "This is the only way."

Emma Watson heard it.I almost fell off the couch.Looking at the puppy who is still full of malice towards the two, I can't help but wonder what the dog that William Adams Miller robbed would have been like, and was it so difficult to live with?

That night, the St. Krezman O'Spurs team set off for Orlando, about two hours away.

After arriving at the destination, the players checked into the hotel and began to rest.Two hours of shooting and conditioning tomorrow morning.

The Sanklizman O'Spurs have yet to find a way to restrain Andriy Shevchenko.Because there is really no one available, that foul play can only be used at certain times.Counting on free throws to limit World of Warcraft is not going to work.Otherwise, the heat will not blow away.

They can only use a few people in it.Roberto Carlos can fight Hovd, but he can't fight Andrei Shevchenko.De Krizmann often wanted to use him as Dior.But Robert Carlos left a lot to be desired defensively beyond rebounding and offense.

But it would make it harder for New York players to get their shots through defense, lower their field goal percentages and, in short, make them play uncomfortable.

The St. Krezman O'Spurs were ready to defend against the Portland Trail Blazers and only scored a three-pointer by Su Feng in 3 minutes.

With the Portland Trail Blazers leading 10-6 in the first half, Sankrizman O'Spurs had only two 6-pointers. The problem for the Portland Trail Blazers side was 2 of [-] shots if Andrei Shevchenko didn't play his normal free throw level.The St. Krizman O'Spurs don't know how far behind they are.

San Krezmann's Spurs team started without Andriy Shevchenko after Roberto Carlos' departure.Although Francisco Elson, who came off the bench, looked like a wolf king, he was not capable of defending Andrei Shevchenko in the frontcourt, and he was fouled by Andrei Shevchenko within 10 seconds.

Su Feng didn't feel well.He thought it would be better to let Andrey Shevchenko shoot.Not that he despised the man.He may not be able to.

Fortunately, the idea didn't come up.Francisco did not dare to take a defensive move in the next step.Andrei Shevchenko, however, did not end the attack with a single shot at all.As a result, Andrey Shevchenko turned around and rushed to the basket.His feet bounced back like springs.His first goal in the box was a savage smash.

D'Antoni was so angry that he only patted his thigh.Woodson is in a hurry to pull his beard

What they are most afraid of is to let Andrei Shevchenko play such an offense.Once he gets pushed to the basket, I'm afraid no one but Shaquille O'Neal himself can stop him.He must be kept outside the forbidden area.

But there aren't many players in the league who can keep him out of the paint.Robert Carlos did a great job today.He is only 205 centimeters tall, but relying on his solid lower body strength, he has been fighting Andrei Shevchenko tenaciously behind his back, and he has not allowed Warcraft to enter the basket easily.

However, this is someone else's home court, and the referee's whistle will certainly not be biased towards San Krizman O'Spurs.If Roberto Carlos can hold on through the half quarter, even if he's already overdelivered, the point is that the San Krizmano Spurs don't have another reliable inside line to relay to him.In short, internal reserves are too weak,

The Portland Trail Blazers, from the coach to the players, are actually low-profile. If they don't confront him head-on, in fact, this Su Feng can't take a step forward.

He didn't expect this team to be so old-fashioned, and he almost named them by name, but these guys can still face the same response.This psychological quality is better than the previous Eagles.

St. Krezman's Spurs are facing the same complex problem.In the four clashes this season, it was difficult for Sankrizmann's inside line to resist the impact of Andrei Shevchenko.Rashard Lewis, who likes to drift outside, is also a tricky problem for them.At the same time, the athletic ability has declined, but the old Carter also makes it difficult for the Sankrizman O'Spurs to guard against.

De Krizman has said before: "Experience is what makes magic so powerful. There are no tactics and battle plans they've never seen before. This opponent has been through a lot of fights and they know how to deal with their tactics. So whatever you're going to do, you have to do the best you can, hoping you get that little bit of luck again."

Mustache didn't launch a war of words like Su Feng did before the game.He's also a coach who's seen big, if not the 2004-07 Western Conference Finals losses to the Mavericks and Spurs.Mustache probably won a championship, so he knows when he's up against teams like the Spurs and Celtics.It's no use starting a spat before a game.It is better to save some energy and use it during the game.

What big waves are there for these teams to enter the finals?You can't count on these heretics if you want to defeat them.You can only defeat them with your strength.Conspiracy won't play a very important role.The more Su Feng talked at this time, the less confident he became.

On May 5, before the St. Krizman O'Spurs started the game, Su Feng ran to William Adams Miller's apartment, planning to do something bad and leave.But as soon as he entered the room, he almost tripped over a trifle.

"Where did this stinky dog ​​come from?" Su Feng saw a snow-white siding with curled ears curled up beside the shoe rack at the door of the apartment.

When the little thing saw Su Feng, he stretched out his furry paws on the shoes, stretching out his waist exaggeratedly.Was he not at all afraid that he was a stranger?
"What the hell is that?" William Adams Miller had two Band-Aids in his hands, caught by his new puppy.However, this little guy, who was always fierce to her, even rubbed Manuel Golovac's trouser legs with a cute little head.The little singer is really jealous.

Su Feng pulled the little thing aside, squatted down and patted his trousers.There must be some dog hair on it.At this time, the troublemaker was staring at his big round eyes, looking aggrieved.It seems that he still wants to come up and sell cuteness.

"Asshole, don't bully my dog ​​like that." William Adams Miller rushed up to pick up the dog, scratching another hand.

"Little guy, don't you dare move?" Manuel Golovac scooped up the dog that had broken away from William Adams Miller.The little thing didn't even struggle in his arms, but was held quietly by him.

William Adams Miller was so dumb she couldn't figure out what was going on.Who is the master?
"Xiaobai, do you know that it's wrong to attack the owner with your paw? If I do this again, I will throw you from the 19th floor to the road. Did you hear that?" Su Feng said, she returned the puppy to William Adams Miller, Taylor was still dumbfounded on the spot, so she didn't notice how Manuel Golovac knew the dog's name.

When other strong teams encountered the Portland Trail Blazers, many blue-collar workers turned around and fought hand-to-hand, fouling one by one under Andrei Shevchenko.

At 4:50 of the first quarter, Iguodala counterattacked and smashed the ball, which was the third shot of the day for the Sankrizman O'Spurs.The two sides are 14:8.But after Francisco was fouled by Andrei Shevchenko, the fake wolf king only persisted for more than 2 minutes, and was very happy to be knocked down.

Now the St. Krezman O'Spurs are all dumbfounded.They have no center!
De Krizman was heartbroken, and simply let Harrington play the fourth position, and Pan Jian topped the fifth position, letting him defend Andrei Shevchenko by going around the front.

Channing Frye was taken aback by the order.He said he doesn't play defense around the front line and hasn't practiced it.As soon as he comes up, let him hit the hardest.The answer he gave was that Andrey Shevchenko went straight to the alley-oop.

The so-called going forward is to watch the opponent dunk under the basket.

There was nothing De Krizman could do about it, again calling for a long timeout and ordering the team to unpack Andrei Shevchenko from the outside.

Manuel Golovac newly said I don't want to do this assignment.Three people protecting four is hard enough.If we let them cover the inside, wouldn't the opponent's perimeter go crazy?He was certain that whoever went in to cover Andrei Shevchenko would give the opponent a chance,
Andrei Shevchenko hit 20+ three times in the first round, the first time since Wilt Chamberlain in 1972.He has also been called "the poor man's Chamberlain".

Su Feng drove to the entrance of the team's training hall. As soon as he got out of the car, he was ambushed by reporters outside.

This time, he was automatically sent to the door, Su Feng wanted to use the reporter's mouth to continue to provoke a verbal battle before the game.When the strength is weaker than the opponent, he will not be stingy with any tricks.In the last round, he successfully aroused the anger of his opponent, and Su Feng, who had tasted the benefits, naturally would not shut up.

"He (Andrei Shevchenko) has a strong upper body, but if you can lose weight and get his feet stuck, then he's not that strong." Su Feng had already planned to shoot Andrei Shevchenko.Of course, he will not be tolerant at this time. "They've always been a small team, one-third of the team," he continued.As for the title of the league's first center forward.I don't think it lives up to its name.Yes, his upper body muscles are exaggerated.But over the years, he still struggled to attack in the low post.If you give me this kind of physical fitness, I can attack the number one center in history, and I won't fall behind every time I face Yao Ming

The reporters couldn't believe Su Feng's sharp mouth.Only those who have known him know how mean his mouth can be when he is uncertain and confident.

In the competition between the two sides this season, Su Feng and William Adams Miller won the game.However, the attack data of these two players is indeed different.

In that regard, William Adams Miller said he was ready to face Manuel Golovac again. "I like a challenge. In the first round, people said Chalmers and Andrei Shevchenko would give me problems. They were faster than me or more complete than me. I took those challenges. Now I'm in the next round, and I think it's a challenge for any point guard.

The Portland Trail Blazers point guard has always been confident, but this time he put himself on a lower tier, which reflects his maturity.

William Adams Miller objectively evaluated the two St. Krezman O'Spurs guards. He said: "Henry Land is very good at dribbling and shooting. He is a very fast player. If he puts his shoulders down, he will be in front of me. And Andre is the best single guard in the league. Since Bowen retired, he has been the best guard in the NBA. We need to face up to their ability. team

In the evening, when Su Feng was having dinner with Mark Kreizman, he got the news from his mobile phone.

At this time, he finally understood why the Portland Trail Blazers were not as strong as last year in terms of strength this season, but why they could sweep Marrakech City, which is not weak. . . . . . . . .

The "answer" is actually very simple, because this team has been fully matured from top to bottom after going through the finals.They can maintain absolute calm on and off the court, make the most correct judgments, and don't care about gains or losses.Nature can give full play to its fighting power.

These are places where St. Krezmann's Spurs are far behind for the time being.They don't have the kind of character that a really strong team has.

Portland Trail Blazers coach Stan Mark Kreizman also acknowledged that the rivalry between Nelson and Su Feng is crucial.but. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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