Chapter 415 Trevor
Chapter 414 Trevor

However, while Manuel Golovac opted not to teach the Warriors a few deep lessons, his firepower didn't stop.He hit two consecutive three-pointers, which opened up Su Feng's scoring destiny in the third quarter.He said that when facing the Warriors, he will try to score from now on.

The crazy San Antonio Spurs made Stukey see signs of failure.Although he had a bad feeling from the end of the second quarter, it was only then that he realized that the new Chinese champion was too tough.

At the end of the third quarter, the San Antonio Spurs scored 97 points, while the opponent Warriors only scored 67 points, but Su Feng's performance was not over.

"Coach, I have to play." Manuel Golovac's voice sounded as William Adams Miller announced the fourth quarter list.

"Manuel Golovac, this is to make others think you are suspected of scoring, or you can rest." William Adams Miller frowned, which really had a bad effect on Manuel Golovac's reputation.

"Coach, I want to play, even if I don't score myself, I don't want to come off." I want to play a few more minutes for Allen in this game. Manuel Golovac looked at William Adams Miller. Finally, William Adams Miller conceded.

In the fourth quarter, Su Feng continued the game, which was beyond everyone's expectations.However, the hair band on Su Feng's head and his head seem to remind people of something, and the spirit of No. [-] has been passed down.

Yes, the spirit of Van Nistelrooy is rare in Marrakech.Ruud van Nistelrooy has been injured at this time, and the result is still unknown at this time.But didn't Manuel Golovac let the one-time No. [-] spirit see?

The next day's headlines will undoubtedly be yesterday's game between the San Antonio Spurs and the Warriors.Su Feng's crazy performance is called: scoring 65 points for his brother rookie, which is beyond the ability of Emperor Kobe.Sophie (13800100.(
On the 25th, the San Antonio Spurs finally defeated the Warriors 131-80.When Bryant was on "Interviewed," he couldn't help but praise the San Antonio Spurs.

With the final win, the San Antonio Spurs extended their winning streak to 10 games for a 10-0 record, completely turning around last year's bottom-of-the-league team.Whether it's the owner or the manager of the San Antonio Spurs, everyone is happy to win without the corners of their mouths curling.No one doesn't like it.

However, apart from Su Feng's 65 points, another thing that deserves people's attention is Van Nistelrooy's injury.After Ruud van Nistelrooy was injured, many people began to vote online.Will Van Nistelrooy be injured?
During the press conference, William Adams Miller also announced Ruud van Nistelrooy's injury.It is estimated that he will be off for a month, and his calf Achilles tendon is a bit uncomfortable.Of course, he didn't say much about specific injuries.

Ruud van Nistelrooy's injury made the outside world see a glimmer of concern about the San Antonio Spurs.The San Antonio Spurs have a lot of veterans and no injured players on them.If Garnett and Roberto Carlos have problems, then the San Antonio Spurs will have real problems.

The Celtics' last defeat a few years ago was not due to injuries, but Garnett's injuries and other players' injuries in the interior have always plagued the Celtics.It is said that last year, if Rondo was not injured, if Robert Carlos Jr. remained healthy, if Robert Carlos was on the court, it would be another situation.

Therefore, the management of the San Antonio Spurs has been looking for suitable players again recently.A team can have up to 15 big names, while the San Antonio Spurs only have 12 players and 3 positions.

However, more attention is now being paid to the next game between the San Antonio Spurs and the Portland Trail Blazers in Miami than the last game.

In the preseason, the two teams met three times.While the San Antonio Spurs ended up winning the Portland Trail Blazers twice, many believe the San Antonio Spurs succeeded because of their opponents' underestimation of their foes and the intensity of their preseason games.

This time, the two teams will meet in Miami for the first time this season, and the test against the San Antonio Spurs is especially important for the next game.

On the 26th, when Andrei Shevchenko was interviewed about the 27th game, Andrei Shevchenko only said one thing: I need to win, not to prove anything.

There are not many words in this sentence, but the challenge in it is obvious, and the next game will definitely be exciting.

On the San Antonio Spurs side, there was no response at all.Manuel Golovac had no reaction to the drill.

At 3 p.m., the San Antonio Spurs and dozens of others boarded a plane bound for Miami.This away game is very important, and the media is of course very clear, so many local media and enthusiastic fans in Cleveland came to the airport to see the players off.

However, there was no delay.With the help of the airport security committee

William Adams Miller's mouth curled into a smile following a hard-fought goal.When Su Feng and Iris collided head-on, Iris' shooting rate was only 23.3%, so every time he would ask his teammates to help pick and roll, and then rush into the inside to score. Without Su Feng, he would be even more arrogant.

As the race continued, Sessions took it halfway to handing it to Henry Will William.Henry Will William shook it twice and handed it to Jones.Jones charged in at a 45-degree angle.However, after getting everyone's attention, Jones threw the ball again, and the basketball went straight to Henry Will Williams.

In the old days, when the dunker grabbed the ball and pulled it up, it was a [-]-pointer.The left-handed ball flies steadily toward the hoop, the runway, the speed, the route...and yet, it just doesn't make it in.

Several big men inside jumped up.Makico Gonzalez took the lead, shook his big hands, then put the basketball in his arms for Roberto Carlos.Roberto Carlos took the ball, then jumped up twice, holding the ball in both hands, and slammed it hard into the basket.

The action is ordinary, but the ball is dunked by Roberto Carlos, so it is not ordinary.

After the goal, Roberto Carlos twisted his big ass and did a shark dance, back and forth, left and right, making all the enthusiastic fans laugh.Robert Carlos's flair for comedy is unmatched.

"Fatty, let's go." Henry Will William caught up to Roberto Carlos' ass and then took the lead in the first half.Jones ahead of him has returned to defense.

Robert Carlos pouted.Jealousy, jealousy, pure jealousy.You see, I was very handsome just now, but you were not happy in your heart.

Robert Carlos, who played in the state, slowly began to dominate the interior.Well, it is said that he has ruled too much, but it should be said that he has exploded in the past.

7 points in a row, Robert Carlos' performance is over, why 7 points?Because the guy had a 2-plus-1 chance, he didn't score, and then the offense caused his opponent to foul, and he made two free throws.

In the third quarter, at 4 minutes and 45 seconds, the San Antonio Spurs replaced players. Su Feng, Edward Carleman, William, Garnett, Petrus and William Adams Miller played, and the Warriors replaced Shitaro.Compared to their Wright, Taro is stronger.

Of course, this time Stukey made a big mistake.Compared with the people on the scene, it is estimated that only William Adams Miller will be affected.Garnett and Edward Carleman William?What kind of person has never been seen, but Petrus always looks cold and doesn't care about appearance.

Thus, Taro, who killed the warrior, became an air-like being.After all, William Adams Miller will not attack frequently, and the Big Three exist on the court at the same time.

Henry Dadi passed the ball to Ellis at half-time.Facing Manuel Golovac's defense, although his heart is not as strong as before, this guy's years of energy have not been in vain.After a few false moves, he rushed directly to the inside under the pick-and-roll of Taro Aso. His foot speed was not as flexible as Van Nistelrooy, and he did not have the hegemony of Raul Gonzalez and the indifference of Andrei Shevchenko.However, Iris still has his own way of scoring, and his hands are small, and the basketball falls into the net.

"Good luck, but the offensive pace of the San Antonio Spurs has not stopped, Manuel Golovac, how is it, has it reached a critical moment?" Edward Carleman William looked at Manuel Golovac and said lightly.They ran over while chatting.

After listening to Edward Carleman and William, Manuel Golovac remembered the last performance against the Jazz, but stopped thinking immediately, it was unnecessary.

Of course, William Adams Miller had other things going on this time as well, so everyone had fun.

It was evening when we arrived in Miami.After finding the hotel, everyone went to sleep.The next day, they made good arrangements to go to the beach to see beautiful women.

This time, however, they were disappointed.The next morning, the trip started.In an indoor basketball arena not far from the hotel, the bodies of San Antonio Spurs shuttled back and forth, but their faces were cold.It is estimated that anyone who is ready to play well the next day is "overtime".

"Coach, when did you practice today?" he asked, looking at his coach on the sidelines, after taking a few postgame [-]-pointers.

"Well, just for a while, practice until noon, take a break in the afternoon, and then we will start the game." William Adams Miller thought for a while and said.

"No problem." After listening, Liu Yu was very happy.Noon, that is to say, he can play in the afternoon.Haha, really good.

"Oh, by the way, you can go back and take a shower and rest after two o'clock." After the session, William Adams Miller added.

At the feet of the beautiful Liu Yu, a stagger almost fell to the ground.I trust your despicable trainer.Two o'clock is also called noon?
Well, then everyone is silent during blackface training.

However, William Adams Miller didn't sit tight enough to let them play in the afternoon, but the rule was to return to the hotel within 5 o'clock, and he didn't want to delay the game until 8:20.

What kind of action does it end with?Manuel Golovac thought and thought, and finally came up with an idea.what action?Andrey Shevchenko classic.

When Su Feng rushed to the free throw line, he threw the basketball up, but he missed the rebound and threw it lightly.After throwing the ball up, Manuel Golovac jumped forward with a step.

What action is this?Many people can't help but think about this question.There is no doubt that Manuel Golovac will definitely perform well in this state of unstoppable front and no pursuers, but what is it?

"Really..." Henry Will William thought for a while, and looked at Manuel Golovac suspiciously.Manuel Golovac's next move confirmed it, but he found no surprise or envy in William's face.It's light without much emotion.Why?
Quite simply, the slam dunk was for the first time in history.It is estimated that 50% of the people will vote for Andrei Shevchenko at the top, another 40% will undoubtedly go to Hanley Will William, and the last 10% will be divided among Andrei Shevchenko Raul Gonzalez and others.

Yes, Andrei Shevchenko often performs some wonderful dunks at this time, but the dunk is not a domineering dunker, but Andrei Shevchenko is undoubtedly a domineering dunker, a dunker without artistic cells.On the contrary, the dunks of Andrei Shevchenko and Henry Will William have an artistic feeling.

At this time, the new generation of dunk master Manuel Golovac can perfectly combine domineering dunks with elegant flying every time.Obviously, someone like that has to be named the best player yet again.Henry Will William is called the best player in Moldova, and it is estimated that Manuel Golovac will be called the best player in Spain.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At this point, Manuel Golovac is already in the air, his left hand moves forward, holding the basketball in his arms, while his right leg moves forward, and his waist forces himself to change positions between the left and right legs in the air.At the same time, the basketball is handed to his right, with the basket in front of him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

With this loud bang, Manuel Golovac's body hung on the basket, enjoying the feeling of being hoisted.

Walk on air! ! !
This dunk can definitely score five wonderful goals, wonderful movements, elegant body, domineering dunk, invincible, invincible, domineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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