Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 55 The Player Appears

Chapter 55 The Player Appears
Li Tianyu threw the thunder gun at Liu Zihao. After two seconds of charging, the power this time was much stronger than last time.

"Oh! You shot a lot this time!" Liu Zihao couldn't help sighing, the whole suit was shining with dazzling light, and the thunder was still splashing continuously, it seemed a bit overloaded.

"Don't be so weird, okay!" Li Tianyu said angrily.

"Electric energy shock!" Liu Zihao raised his hand and waved it wildly. Although he may feel handsome, in the eyes of outsiders, he looked like a bastard.

"It's so embarrassing, will it be so embarrassing when I use those moves myself..." Li Tianyu couldn't help thinking to himself.

It's a bit embarrassing, but the effect is still top-notch. Liu Zihao's battlesuit has a high attack accuracy, even though it looks like a random shot, it perfectly avoids the players on the scene and only attacks the orcs.This is the benefit of the early stage ability, even if the player's own ability is not very proficient, it is still very powerful.

Almost all the orcs in the hall were cleaned up by this blow, and the other players finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Zheng Nanxing raised his hand and stared at the sky, which directly caused the feather arrows shot by the archers to fall from mid-air to the ground as soon as they approached, as if an invisible protective cover absorbed the feather arrows. like kinetic energy.

Players from the Fellowship of the Ring cooperated with NPCs to drive out the last half-orcs, and the battle was maintained at the gate, temporarily preventing the half-orcs from rushing into this hall, and the situation stabilized.Li Tianyu's shield value slowly recovered at this moment, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: If the situation just now stalemate continues, the situation may not be good.

If the battle just now continues, his elemental shield value will be exhausted immediately, and then he can only rely on domineering to fight, but it can't improve the situation, and it will be a matter of time before his domineering is exhausted.It is clear that the enemy players are waiting for this, relying on the many soldiers on their side to first observe the situation and consume the enemy.

"Sure enough, I should choose the Demon Lord Sauron's camp. There is time to observe over there, which is more suitable for my style." Li Tianyu couldn't help but secretly sighed, the battle here is more suitable for Shen Yan. Because of her passive ability, coupled with her own personality, she seems to be able to do a job with ease in this kind of chaos scene, and almost no wild monsters can hurt her.

The threat of miscellaneous soldiers to her is almost zero, and only players can fight her.

However, the situation has been completely reversed now. They drove the orcs out of the door, and the NPCs also joined the battle. At present, as long as the players are stuck at the door with the NPC, it can be guaranteed that the orcs cannot break through the door, and they can also Avoid the situation of being attacked from the back and the back, and the fight is relatively easy, and the consumption and recovery can basically be equal.

Li Tianyu knew that the players from the opposing faction should be dispatched, because of the plot problem here, the half-orc soldiers would not be refreshed without limit, but with a certain upper limit.Now that the hostile players are not rushing out, it means that there is a cool-headed player on their side who is in charge, and that commander must be aware of this.

Only by cooperating with the strong orcs to attack them, the players in the Demon Lord Sauron's camp will have a chance. Otherwise, when the miscellaneous soldiers are exhausted, the hostile players will have to face both NPCs and players like them, and there is little hope.

"Everyone, be careful, the player on the opposite side is about to be unable to sit still." Li Tianyu reminded.

It's just that his calculation didn't seem to be so perfect. The players on Demon Lord Sauron's side were more calm than expected, and they didn't rush to launch an attack in a daze.Until a wave of strong orcs respawned, this wave of strong orcs was not only huge in number, but also mixed with two trolls.The two huge trolls rushed to the gate, temporarily breaking the formation of the Fellowship of the Ring.

For a moment, both the player and the NPC had to retreat to avoid the two behemoths, and the half-orcs and strong orcs rushed into the hall one after another. At this time, several black shadows also accompanied those half-orcs rushed in.

"Here we come!" Li Tianyu shouted, instantly tensed up, but he didn't panic.

At any rate, he has fought players in PVP and BOSS in PVE so far, so he is still mentally prepared for this.But not everyone was as calm as him. Some players were a little panicked and shouted in panic.

But Li Tianyu didn't have time to look at the others, because one of the players immediately swung the sword in his hand and stabbed him.Li Tianyu activated his knowledgeable arrogance, predicted the opponent's attack route, and then avoided the opponent's attack in advance, preparing for a counterattack. However, the player's movements were extremely agile, and he missed a single blow. Before Li Tianyu counterattacked, he immediately cut out the second knife.

Seeing this, Li Tianyu didn't plan to dodge at all. Anyway, he has an elemental passivity, so it's better to use this ability to spend a little shield value to fight the opponent recklessly, causing a little injury to the player. If he's lucky, he might be able to take it directly.However, at this moment, a black light climbed onto the knife in the player's hand, it was actually domineering!

Lightning Nova!Li Tianyu decisively released the Lightning Nova to force the player back, and then he also used "shave" to take a step back, breaking out in a cold sweat: "This actually chosen to be domineering, so dangerous..."

Because Lightning Nova has no charge and only has 2000 million volts of power, it seems to have had a certain impact on this player. It seems that the bloodline chosen is not a bloodline with high attributes like Superman.

Li Tianyu took this opportunity to look at this player. With messy short hair parted in the middle and a long horse face, his skin is fair and clean, and his appearance is no different from that of an ordinary otaku. His figure is slightly thinner, his lips are slightly thicker, and he wears round glasses. .

However, although this player looks like an ordinary otaku, he has an indescribable ferocity about him.He had a straight face, and his expression was very serious and serious, staring at Li Tianyu in front of him, so that Li Tianyu did not dare to check the situation of other players around him and how many hostile players there were.His Haki informed him that he had to be highly concentrated, otherwise he would die if he was not careful.

And then, the player suddenly held the knife in both hands, and said softly: "Cut it off, Luhua..."

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment. The next moment, the blade of the knife in the player's hand seemed to have lost a layer of rust, and the real blade below emitted a faint moonlight: it turned out to be the Zanpakuto in "Reaper"!And judging from the name, it’s still a customized Zanpakutō!

Li Tianyu was a little shocked at the time, but he also roughly guessed the direction of the opponent's ability combination: he chose the Zanpakutō, but did not choose spiritual pressure as his magic value but chose domineering. This meant that the opponent gave up the "Getsuga" The reiatsu skill used in combination with the Zanpakutō like "Tenchu" simply relies on the special effects of the Zanpakutō itself.

And domineering is to strengthen the attack power and correction value of Zanpakuto, which means that this player must follow the pure swordsman route, not using special skills such as ghosts, and simply using swordsmanship to fight the enemy.Judging from these two points, the opponent's bloodline is probably not the chosen god of death, but the chosen bloodline of the swordsman.

"The compatibility is really bad!" Li Tianyu couldn't help cursing inwardly, he just wanted to play from a distance, but this player just specialized in close combat, which was very troublesome.

"Earth Dragon Flash!" At this time, the player read a sentence, Li Tianyu was startled, and immediately retreated: it is the blood in the heart of Rurouni!Earth Dragon Flash is exactly the move of Feicun Jianxin's Flying Sword Style!

And the player immediately swung his sword and slashed towards the ground in front of him, setting off a large number of flying stones and hitting Li Tianyu's side, but because Li Tianyu had already avoided in advance, these flying stones did not hit him.

However, this player has already launched the next attack. He adjusted his posture and slashed towards Li Tianyu from bottom to top with the long knife in his hand: "Longxiang flash!"

(End of this chapter)

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