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Chapter 993 Serene Killing Intent

Chapter 993 Serene Killing Intent

The pair of pitch-black eyes gave Fang Han a meaningful look, and then disappeared without a trace. The void crack in the sky was also stitched, and the entire sky returned to normal in an instant.

Fang Han suddenly felt a little dreamy.

At this time, Nan Wuxue's delicate body went limp, and Fang Han quickly supported her to prevent Nan Wuxue from falling to the ground!

At this moment, the monks in several surrounding towns looked at the direction of the sky with lingering fear!
Among them is the Nan family in Liuyun Town!

At the moment when the big black hand came out, not only Fang Han felt a huge sense of oppression, but also the monks with a radius of thousands of miles felt the deadly aura!
So when the big hand was retracted, they were relieved just now.

"What level was that big hand just now..."

"That big hand actually gave me a deadly aura, could it be that the most powerful person in the martial arts realm made the move?"

"No, no, I think it should be a terrifying existence in the Earth Master realm..."


The same topic instantly became hotly discussed in several nearby towns, and the more it was said, the more mysterious it became. Some people said that it was the legendary god's shot.

Nanping and his party, who were heading to the countryside and wanted to trouble Fang Han and Nan Wuxue, felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness!
A group of thirteen monks, except for a young man in Chinese clothes who has no cultivation level, the remaining twelve monks are all warrior level cultivation bases, the lowest cultivation level is the first-level warrior level, and the strongest cultivation level is An old man in a black robe, this old man is the steward of the Nan family, a master of the sixth-order warrior realm!
But the one taking the lead at this moment is not the old man of the sixth-level martial artist, but a young man with a lunar face. This young man is about 24 or [-] years old.

"Master... Does this vision in the sky symbolize something?" the housekeeper of the sixth-level martial artist asked Nanping, frowning.

"Housekeeper, just put your mind at ease, this vision probably looks like some kind of treasure was born..."

Although Nanping also felt a sense of uneasiness, but thinking that Nan Wutian and Nan Wuxue were both ants without any cultivation level, he didn't think much about it.

What kind of threat can ants with no cultivation base pose to them?
Even if you are the person Nan Wutian Nan Wuxue rescued, you still seem to be less than twenty years old, what kind of powerful cultivation can you have?

To die is to be the first-order warrior realm or the second-order warrior realm!

And among the 13 people present, except for one who led the way, which one of them is not a martial artist?And he himself is a master of the third-tier warrior realm, no matter how bad he is, there is still a housekeeper of the sixth-tier warrior realm!
So he didn't pay much attention.

"I just think this vision is a bit familiar. It seems to be the vision that appeared when that bitch's dead brother just died..." The housekeeper suddenly transmitted sound transmission to their young master. Nanping.

After finishing speaking, the housekeeper couldn't help but shiver.

His thoughts suddenly came back to the vision three years ago, the day Nan Wuxue's father died. I don't know if it was a coincidence. That night, the entire Soul Continent was filled with lightning and thunder, and countless lightning bolts strung together!

A depressive atmosphere directly flooded the entire continent!
The original Nan family was one of the top families in the entire Soul Continent, and all this was because the Nan family once had an extremely monstrous Tianjiao, and this Tianjiao was named Nan Zhantian!

When this Nan Zhantian was practicing, he did not know what kind of adventure against the sky, and then rose rapidly, leading the entire Nan family to the peak of glory!

Originally, Nan Zhantian was only a cultivator in the small warrior realm, but because of that adventure, Nan Zhantian's cultivation had grown from a small warrior realm to the terrifying peak of the earth master realm in just five years. exist!
It is said that there are many great masters in the land on the mainland. When they saw Nan Wutian grow so fast, they were afraid that Nan Wutian would be able to cultivate to the heavenly master and become the supreme on the entire continent. The idea of ​​eradicating Nanzhantian.

But at that time, Nan Zhantian was only 25 years old, and he was already a terrifying existence at the pinnacle of the ninth-level land master. Although no one had really seen Nan Zhantian go all out, they didn't dare to be the first bird.

It wasn't until a master at the peak of the ninth-level master realm moved his mind and became this early bird. He admitted that it was not easy for Nan Zhantian to gain such a big reputation every day at his age, but he didn't believe in Nan Zhantian at all. Will have the cultivation base of the ninth-order earth teacher.

He also said that in order to avoid spreading rumors, he decided to kill Nan Zhantian himself!

But this mighty man at the pinnacle of the Ninth-Rank Earth Master did not come back after this trip, but stayed in the Nan family forever!Hate it!
And Nan Wutian was completely famous in the mainland at this time, and no one dared to doubt Nan Zhantian's strength, including the most powerful group of people on the mainland, that is, those who were at the peak of the ninth-order land master. !

And Nan Zhantian's reputation has been completely resounding, and the status of the Nan family has naturally risen accordingly!
The Nan family has jumped from the lowest family to one of the top families in the Soul Continent. Although the members of the Nan family are all weak, no one dares to take action against the members of the Nan family secretly. After all, behind the Nan family is Standing on the terrifying existence of Nan Zhantian.

However, shortly after Nan Zhantian became famous, he suddenly disappeared without a trace. No one knew of Nan Zhantian's whereabouts.

Two years later, just when the souls of Soul Continent thought that Nan Zhantian had fallen, Nan Zhantian suddenly appeared in people's sight again and returned to the Nan family!

However, when Nan Zhantian came back this time, the situation was not good, his body was covered in blood, and he was holding a two-month-old baby girl in his arms.

That is Nan Wuxue!

When the great elder saw Nan Zhantian returning from a serious injury, he couldn't help but think wrongly. At that time, the Nan family was still one of the top families on the entire continent. At that time, he spent a huge price and connections to buy an extremely toxic poison, and then he poisoned Nanzhan Tianxia.

Because Nan Zhantian believed too much in the family members, and he was already seriously injured, he didn't think much about it at all. He died that night after drinking the poison.

It's just that on the night when Nan Zhantian fell, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky. Horrible void cracks appeared in the void above the entire continent. There were lightning flashes and thunder, and an extremely depressing atmosphere filled the entire continent. , especially the members of the Nan family, all of them felt the killing intent, but for some unknown reason, the vision suddenly subsided.

As for the vision that just appeared, the depressive feeling they experienced was very similar to that vision at the beginning, which is why the butler of the sixth-level warrior state looked so worried.

Otherwise, with his cultivation base, he wouldn't have to worry about Fang Han and the others making a fuss!
"Impossible..." Hearing these words, Nan Ping couldn't help feeling a little bit surprised, and the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

Although he was still young at the time, he could still feel how terrifying the vision was. However, it is also possible that all of this was a coincidence, so Nanping still bite the bullet and continued to move forward.

For Nan Wuxue, he is absolutely bound to win!


(End of this chapter)

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