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Chapter 976 Traitor!

Chapter 976 Traitor!

"What's the matter?" Zi Ling beside Fang Han couldn't help asking when she saw Fang Han's expression was a bit strange.

Fang Han shook his head. As far as he knows, among the more than 100 students of the Star Academy, there are already four star geniuses!
Fang Han was one of them, the owners of the two auras just now were two of them, and the last one was Zi Ling beside Fang Han!

Zi Ling next to Fang Han is not simple. Although she is only a third-level martial artist, she is a three-star genius!
Soon Fang Han and the others roasted the meat of these ferocious beasts, and then ate them.

After eating, more than 100 students from Starry Sky Academy, including Fang Han, sat up in meditation with their eyes closed.

After all, there are too many of them. If they drive at night, they will definitely attract the attention of many beasts. If they attract the attention of beasts in the Earth Master Realm, then they will be miserable.

Late at night, Fang Han, who was practicing meditation with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes!
He scanned his eyes in all directions, his face slightly gloomy!

"wake up!"

Fang Han's deep voice rang directly in the minds of the nine people including Zi Ling and Li Yunxiao!

This is Fang Han speaking to them!

After hearing Fang Han's words, Zi Ling and Li Yunxiao immediately opened their eyes, and immediately turned their suspicious gazes to Fang Han!
Obviously they don't know why Fang Han suddenly woke them up!
"what happened?"


Ziling and other nine people asked Fang Han through sound transmission. After all, Fang Han did not wake them up directly, but woke them up through sound transmission, so they also used sound transmission to ask Fang Han!

"We're afraid we've been ambushed, and there should be spies from the underworld among the students of Starry Sky Academy!" Fang Han sent a voice transmission to Ziling and the other nine.



Hearing these words, Zi Ling and the other nine all showed shocked expressions. They were all just in the central battlefield, but someone turned to the monks of the underworld so quickly?
Fang Han's words cannot be false, because they are all his own people, there is no reason for Fang Han to lie to them with this kind of thing, after all, it is not a trivial matter.

What Fang Han said is indeed true, his soul power is at the level of a celestial master, how sharp is his sense?
Fang Han sensed that they were surrounded by people in all directions, and those who surrounded them were none other than monks from the Underworld!
There are more than 300 underworld monks around!
The most important thing is that among the more than 300 monks in the underworld realm, the weakest ones are all at the third-order martial artist level, and the two leading monks are at the ninth-level underworld master level, and the eighth-level underworld master level monks are fully There are seven monks, and there are twelve monks in the seventh-order underworld master realm!
This is an extremely terrifying force that can definitely crush these students from the Starry Sky Academy. In addition, these Netherworld monks have an absolute advantage in numbers!

There are three times as many students as Star Academy!
Leaving aside the difference in numbers and overall strength, there is no one among the students of Starry Sky Academy who can compete with the two monks of the ninth-level Underworld Master Realm!
Even Fang Han was only able to compete with the ordinary ninth-level martial artist monks, whether he could beat them or not was another matter, so it was also because Fang Han didn't alert the students of Starry Sky Academy when he discovered these monks in the underworld , but the reason why Zi Ling and the others were awakened first.

After all, people are selfish, including Fang Han, and he is not the savior, within the scope of his ability, Fang Han naturally does not mind saving them.

After all, it's just a matter of lifting your hands!

But beyond his ability, he can only let it go, after all, Fang Han will not put himself in for some strangers!

After these more than 300 monks from the underworld surrounded the students of the starry sky academy in a circle, they slowly approached and shortened the distance!
Zi Ling and the other nine also took the opportunity to sit cross-legged beside Fang Han without anyone noticing.

It looks like they are practicing, but at the moment they are very clear in their hearts!
Just when the Netherworld monk came a hundred meters away from the Starry Sky Academy students, two figures suddenly rushed out from among the Starry Sky Academy students.

Fang Han and the other nine people were all surprised. It turned out that besides them, this student from Starry Sky Academy discovered the Nether Realm monk, so they wanted to run away immediately.

But obviously they guessed wrong.

Fang Han sensed these two auras and found that they were a little familiar.

Then he thought, aren't these two breaths the same as the two breaths of exploring himself before, these are the two star geniuses!
Fang Han felt that the direction that these two star geniuses were going was exactly the direction of the two Ninth-level Nether Realm monks.

If these two star geniuses from the Starry Sky Academy discovered these underworld cultivators, they would definitely not have slipped away immediately, but would have awakened the students from the Starry Sky Academy to fight!

No matter how bad they are, even if they want to escape immediately, I will definitely not flee in this direction.

Then there is only one possibility left!

These two star geniuses from Star Academy are traitors!
It was he who exposed the location of the students of the Star Academy to the monks of the Nether Realm, so the monks of the Nether Realm were able to accurately find this place and surrounded all the students of the Star Academy!

These two star geniuses are none other than brothers and sisters!

When the twins found out that the monks from the underworld had arrived, they rushed out!
Brother Long and Brother Hu and others soon arrived a hundred meters away, and in front of them were more than a dozen monks from the underworld, but these dozen monks from the underworld were headed by two monks.

These two monks were exactly the two Ninth-Rank Netherworld monks that Fang Han had sensed before.

"Where's our stuff?" Brother Dragon and Brother Tiger said at the same time, looking at the two cultivators of the Underworld Realm of the Ninth-Rank Underworld Master Realm without any emotion in their eyes.

"Good job..."

"The one I like the most is people like you who can sell even the students of the school for what you want... Hahaha..."

The two underworld cultivators of the ninth-level underworld master realm looked at each other and smiled, and they couldn't help laughing.

"Stop talking nonsense, where are our things..." At this time, brother dragon and brother tiger looked a little cold, and there was a hint of impatience in their voice.

"Don't worry..."

"Naturally, things will not be missing from you..."

One of the underworld cultivators of the ninth-level underworld master level smiled lightly, then took out a fiery red round pill from his sleeve, and walked towards the dragon brother and the tiger brother.

"We managed to get this elixir from our elders..." Saying that, the cultivator of the Ninth-Rank Underworld Master Realm directly handed over the elixir in his hand!

"It's cheaper for you now..." the underworld cultivator of the ninth-level underworld master said with a smile.

Brother Long and Tiger snorted coldly, and didn't say much, but reached out to take the pill!

(End of this chapter)

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