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Chapter 962 Disparity in Strength

Chapter 962 Disparity in Strength
But unexpectedly, Zixue Yinyun became speechless again, because not only did Fang Han's ten faces remain free of fear and fear, but even after hearing her words, the look of anticipation on their faces became more intense.

But Li Yunxiao, Fang Han and the girl in the pink skirt are different from the other seven.

The reason why Fang Han was excited was because in his opinion, as long as those monks in the underworld sinned against him and came to trouble him for no reason, it was all nourishment for him to recover his cultivation. Being able to help Fang Han quickly recover as a monk made him feel excited just thinking about it.

In a place like the battlefield of the two worlds, facing the monks of the underworld, Fang Han would not hold back the slightest!
But Li Yunxiao wanted to use this experience to quickly improve his cultivation, and then find his enemy and avenge him bloody.

As for the girl in the pink skirt, of course she also has her own goals.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and none of the more than a thousand students backed down. The middle-aged monk couldn't help showing a hint of appreciation, and then waved his hand. The skyrockets of control!

Soon, when Fang Han and more than a thousand students from the starry sky academy returned to normal, they had already arrived at the position of the central battlefield.

Behind Fang Han and others are endless mountains, and above the mountains are fortresses, and these fortresses are fortresses built by the top powerhouses in the Soul Continent.

Far in front of Fang Han and others, they can also see the looming fortresses of London, but these looming fortresses are different from the fortress behind Fang Han and others.

If nothing else goes wrong, the front should be a fortress built by the top experts in the underworld.

The fortresses on both sides were covered by huge formations. Only the central battlefield where Fang Han and others were located had no traces of formations. Obviously, no formations were arranged inside.

In the central battlefield, there is a ghostly atmosphere, and the sun is setting at the moment, and it is entering the night, so it looks a little gloomy.

Fang Han's ten people all came out of Qingyun City, so naturally they all gathered together in a hug.

After arriving at the central battlefield, more than a thousand students from Starry Sky Academy couldn't help swallowing.

After all, why is this place different from what they imagined!

The battlefield of the two worlds, since it is called the battlefield, shouldn't it be a very bloody place, blood and dead bones can be seen everywhere.

A place full of bloody smell, but now they don't smell any bloody smell. Instead, they feel the biting gloom, and they always feel that this place is a bit weird!
"Is this the central battlefield of the two worlds? That's all."A student from the Starry Sky Academy who was a third-tier martial artist couldn't help but say something calmly.

This sentence aroused the approval of many Star Academy students, because they felt that the central battlefield did not feel any sense of crisis except that it was a little gloomy.




At this time, beast roars sounded one after another, and blood-red bewitching rays of light suddenly appeared in front of the members of Starry Sky Academy.

It was densely packed, not only in front, but soon all the students of Starry Sky Academy lit up with dazzling blood-red lights in all directions!

"What... what's the situation?"


All the students of Starry Sky Academy were stunned, not knowing what happened at all, but the dense blood-red light in all directions made them feel creepy, and a sense of uneasy fear emerged from the bottom of their hearts!

"The sun is setting, the night is falling, and the beast roars, this is a wave of ferocious beasts!"

"Get ready for battle!"

A student from the Starry Sky Academy reacted and let out a loud shout, then directly took out his weapon and looked warily at the blood-red rays of light in all directions.

Hearing these words, the faces of all the students of Starry Sky Academy changed drastically. Although they had never seen the beast tide before, they had heard of it.

Not to mention Fang Han, he immediately recognized that it was a wave of beasts, and he frowned tightly. It didn't take a second, he didn't expect that they would encounter a wave of beasts just after they came to the central battlefield.

"It seems that a lot of people will be lost this time..." Fang Han couldn't help but murmured.

All the students of Starry Sky Academy looked around alertly, their faces were full of solemnity, and they were ready to make a move at any time.

At this time, they finally saw what the bewitching blood-red light was. It wasn't blood-red light at all, but the eyes of huge wolf-shaped ferocious beasts.

Those are their eyes!



At this time, there was a series of unusually loud beast roars, and immediately afterward, the densely packed wolf-shaped beasts all locked their ferocious eyes on Fang Han and other students of Starry Sky Academy.

According to preliminary calculations, Fang Han felt that there were at least two or three thousand of these wolf-shaped beasts, and the lowest level of cultivation was all monks equivalent to the level of a first-order martial artist!
Then these wolf-shaped beasts all rushed towards the members of Starry Sky Academy.

The expressions of all the members of the Starry Sky Academy changed drastically, and streaks of martial energy were shot out chaotically, directly towards the ferocious beasts and wolves.

"There's a huge disparity in strength. Even with tactics, we can't beat him. What's more, it's so chaotic now. If we find a chance to break out, we'll have to escape the beast wave first!"

At this time, Fang Han couldn't help shouting loudly, and the three ferocious wolves opened their bloody mouths and bit at Fang Han.

The Asura Red Spirit Sword on Fang Han's waist was unsheathed directly, and then he killed all three ferocious wolves that rushed towards him with one face-to-face!

After the three ferocious wolves were killed by Fang Han, the surrounding wolves became restless when they smelled the blood of their companions.

Soon, ten fierce beast wolves rushed towards Fang Han, but Fang Han was beheaded by Li Yunxiao and the pink skirt girl before he reached Fang Han's side!

As more and more ferocious wolves died, the surrounding pack of wolves became crazier, and their attacks became more and more violent. If these ferocious wolves were to attack, it would definitely result in death!
"Don't panic, we just need to kill the beasts and wolves around us and find a chance to break out."

At this time, Fang Han's deep voice sounded. After all, if he panics at this time, it will only become more and more chaotic, and once it becomes chaotic, he will lose his sense of proportion, and then he will die even faster!
Except for Fang Han, Li Yunxiao and the pink skirt girl, Murong Xuan, Li Changqing and others from Qingyun City could feel that Fang Han and the other three were very strong, much stronger than them.

So when Fang Han opened his mouth, Li Yunxiao and the girl in the pink skirt didn't refute, and of course they wouldn't refute. If they refute at this time, they would be courting death!
Li Yunxiao and the girl in the pink skirt had been standing next to Fang Han, and then the girl in the pink skirt spoke directly, and the ten people in Fang Han formed a circle without any dead ends.

In this case, no ferocious beasts and wolves will take advantage of it!
More and more ferocious wolves came towards Fang Han and others, but they were constantly killed by Fang Han and others.

But Fang Han is useless. When these ferocious beasts and wolves die, Fang Han will use the Heaven Devouring Body to devour part of their cultivation!

Because there are too many wolves around, Fang Han can't let go to devour it, otherwise, just this wave of fierce beasts on the slope can restore Fang Han's cultivation to the level of a land master!

(End of this chapter)

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