Chapter 899

Fang Han left behind this group of monks. If nothing unexpected, Su Yan was still looking for Fang Han's figure.

He had been preparing for this Red Fire Pill for a long time, but he was snatched away when he was about to get it.

It is estimated that no one will give up.

Fang Han followed several monks through the palace, and found a huge portal.

It was similar to the door they came in, obviously this should be the exit.

Fang Han and the others passed through the portal, and a burst of dazzling light came, even Fang Han couldn't get used to it.

After a few seconds, Fang Han and the others returned to the small square where they entered the assessment site.

Originally, there were six to seven hundred people who went in, but now only a little over 700 people came out.

Fang Han and the others were the last batch out, of course the premise is to exclude Su Yan.

After about 10 minutes, Su Yan with a gloomy face came out from the portal.

Without saying anything, the figure quickly disappeared from Fang Han's eyes.

After another 5 minutes or so, time is up!

All the monks who did not break the illusion were directly sent to the outside of the sect by the teleportation array in the assessment site.

Obviously they failed the assessment and could not become the outer disciples of the Tianhan Sect.

Fang Han and other more than 500 monks who passed the assessment were officially declared to be the outer disciples of the Tianhan Sect, and each of them was issued an identity token representing the identity of the outer disciples.

Then some outer disciples who joined the Tianhan Sect in previous years appeared, and the accommodation was allocated by these old students.

Fang Han and the seven monks who passed the examination followed an old student to their accommodation.

A dilapidated wooden house comparable to a hut!
Although the dilapidated wooden house is rotten, it is not small in size. Fang Han and eight people live in each dilapidated wooden house.

But the cabin can accommodate about ten people.

Not only the eight Fang Han members, but also the group of monks who joined the Tian Han Sect were all taken to the same dilapidated wooden house.

More than 500 monks fell silent when they saw the dilapidated wooden house in front of them, including Fang Han.

"Are you sure you brought the right place? Is this the house for us?" A monk next to Fang Han who had just entered the Tianhan Gate frowned and said.

Hearing these words, the old man who led the way showed a sneer: "Outside the strong prey on the weak, and the same is true here. The weak are only worthy of living in such a place. Here, you have no strength. You are not even dogs..."

After speaking, the old man who led the way laughed twice and left without looking back.

Fang Han's face was quite calm, but he had the old student's appearance imprinted in his mind.

The other seven people all clenched their fists with livid faces, and then entered the house.

"It's not a good habit to look down on people with a dog's eyes..." Fang Han muttered and followed him into the house.

After Fang Han entered the wooden house, he occupied a dilapidated room in a wooden house.

Although the wooden house looks dilapidated on the surface, but fortunately it is dilapidated, and the inside of the room is quite clean.

It is worth mentioning that although this wooden house can accommodate about ten people, there are only seven rooms.

This means that there is one person who has no room to live in.

With Fang Han's vision, he naturally guessed Tianhanmen's intention immediately.

It is nothing more than letting people who have no room to live in provoke things and compete for rooms.

It is what the old students call the jungle. Although these rooms are dilapidated, not everyone can live in them.

Only those with strength deserve to occupy a room, and those without strength can only sleep on the floor.

It's worth mentioning that Fang Han is now at the seventh-level body refining realm, but his combat power can compete with ordinary eighth-level body refining monks.

Except for Fang Han, among the remaining seven monks, three monks are at the fourth-level body training level, two are at the fifth-level body training level, and the last two are at the sixth-level body training level.

Obviously, one of the three monks in the fourth-level body training state must have no room to live in.

Fang Han quickly entered the state of cultivation, and the Red Fire Pill helped Fang Han's cultivation level rise from the fifth-level body-refining state to the seventh-level body-refinement state.

There is still some remaining medicinal power that has raised Fang Han's cultivation to the peak of the seventh-level body refining state, and he is only one step away from allowing Fang Han to successfully step into the eighth-level body refining state.

That's why Fang Han entered the cultivation state immediately, ready to raise his cultivation level to the eighth-level body training state in one fell swoop.

Fang Han sat cross-legged, with streaks of white gas looming on his body.

Half an hour later, Fang Han's breath suddenly trembled.

He... successfully stepped into the eighth-level body training realm!

"Bang bang—"

At this time, someone knocked on the door of the room where Fang Han was.

Fang Han frowned slightly, it must be that someone deliberately hit his room with ideas.

Without hesitation, Fang Han opened the door directly.

A young man in black stood at the door of the room. Seeing Fang Han coming out, the young man seemed a little hesitant, hesitant to speak.

"Is there something wrong?" Fang Han looked at the visitor indifferently.

He recognized the person who came, and it was one of the seven people who came in with him before.

In fact, Fang Han was already ready to take action.

Although it is not allowed to kill people in Tianhanmen, there is no rule that people cannot be seriously injured.

"What's your name, Xiongtai?" The young man in black clasped his fists at Fang Han and asked.

Hearing these words, Fang Han seemed a little surprised.

Looking at the attitude of the other party, he seemed very polite, and it was not easy for him to refute the other party's face.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person with your hand, so Fang Han also responded with a fist and said: "Fang Han".

"My lord, Wang Qiang, is it convenient for me to take a step to speak?" the black-clothed youth said.

Without saying too much, Fang Han let Wang Qiang into the house, then closed the door and said, "Brother Wang doesn't look very good. What do you want to see me for?"

Fang Han straight to the point, after all, he still has things to do now.

It is now sunset and night is approaching.

He was about to go out and cut down some trees to build his own wooden house.

As a result, before any action was taken, Wang Qiang suddenly came.

Wang Qiang took a deep breath, and then said: "This room is not very small. I wonder if Brother Fang would mind if I come in and squeeze in..."

Seeing that Fang Han frowned, Wang Qiang quickly explained: "It's like this... The eight monks in our wooden house this trip, except Brother Fang and me, the other six are from the same family..."

When Fang Han heard the other party's words, he instantly understood what was going on.

Obviously, if the other six people were from the same family, they would definitely take care of each other.

Wang Qiang was only at the fourth-level body training level. If he wanted to compete for a room, even if he was stronger than the other two fourth-level body training level monks, it would be useless.

The other four people will obviously stand up for the two clansmen in the fourth-level body refining realm.

Don't talk about facing six monks, just a monk at the fifth-level body refining state can beat Wang Qiang with one hand, that's why Wang Qiang came to Fang Han's side.

The other party's intention for coming was obvious, they wanted to cuddle up with Fang Han.

Although Wang Qiang didn't think that holding a group with Fang Han would be able to compete against the other six monks, after all, the other party had two masters of the sixth-level body training state.

But if the other party wants to touch them, they have to be a little cautious.

"They're here..."

Fang Han said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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