Chapter 895
Bai Fengyun can be his elder sister at most at this age, okay, Tianshi has a lifespan of 3000 years, Fang Han and Bai Fengyun are only more than [-] years old, in their eyes, this is naturally nothing, so Fang Han naturally thinks it is Bai Fengyun Provoked him.

What kind of international joke is this, how can a dignified ninth-rank celestial master tolerate other people's provocations!
So at the beginning Fang Han asked Bai Fengyun to reason, but naturally he was dealt with badly.

Bai Fengjiu used this as an excuse to take in her adopted son. Every time she saw Fang Han, there was always a scene of her mother taking care of her son.

What made Fang Han even angrier was that he was being pressed and beaten all the time, and he was really aggrieved.

It's really one thing down one thing, but I don't know how many years have passed since then, and Fang Han doesn't know if Bai Fengyun is still alive now.

With her talent, if she finds the opportunity, it is estimated that it will not be a problem to break through the "Emperor Realm" and go to the new world.

"When I go to the new world, I will definitely defeat you and make you my woman! This is the price for delusion to accept me as a godson!" Fang Han couldn't help thinking, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

But it seems a little far away. If Bai Fengyun is in the new world, with her talent, she definitely doesn't know what level her cultivation base has broken through.

Today it is still important to improve your cultivation base.

So now Fang Han just wants to improve his cultivation as soon as possible, and then go to the new world to find Bai Fengyun.

He wants to try the Super Alchemy System first, and now he needs to find the Cold Water Grass and Sunburn Grass to refine the Body Refining Pill!

Fang Han turned and left. This so-called historic site was just a cave opened when Fang Han sealed himself in the jeweled coffin. There was nothing else but the sarcophagus.

He left straight away and soon came to the entrance of the cave.

"call out--"

Suddenly, a cold light shot directly at Fang Han's forehead.

As a former ninth-level heavenly master, Fang Han's senses were so keen that he turned slightly and hid.

Then two figures appeared in front of Fang Han.

These are two young monks around 20 years old, and behind these two monks are 24 monks.

These two monks are Su Fei and Li Changqing from the other two families in Qingyun City.

At this moment, Su Fei and Li Changqing were surprised to see Fang Han.

Originally, they thought that it would be Murong Xuan who came out from here.

He never expected that the person who came out would be a strange monk whom he had never met before.

But here comes the problem. They have been guarding this place. Isn't it only Murong Xuan inside?And where did this strange monk in front of him come from?

In their view, this historic site has only this one hole.

Fang Han's appearance is indeed a bit strange.

But they sensed Fang Han's breath.There was a quick sigh of relief.

Because the aura on Fang Han's body was only at the fourth-level body refining state, it was nothing to be afraid of.

So naturally, they didn't take Fang Han seriously, he was just a weak chicken in the fourth level of body training.

Any one of them standing up could easily crush Fang Han to death, just like crushing an ant, it couldn't be easier.

"Who are you?"

Fang Han frowned slightly, with a look of displeasure.

Because someone dared to attack him, a former ninth-rank celestial master?
If he could bear it, he really saw a ghost.

Because Fang Han only saw Murong Xuan when he woke up, so he didn't recognize the twenty or so monks headed by these two young people.

The most important thing is that he is only at the fourth-level body training level now, while the aura on Sophie and Li Changqing's body has reached the level of a first-level warrior.

And the twenty or so monks behind them all had the lowest aura on their bodies, all of them were in the sixth-level body refining state.

To put it simply, it is impossible for the current Fang Han to beat the group of monks in front of him.

It was really a tiger falling into Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

"Where's Murong Xuan?"

Sophie and Li Changqing looked at Fang Han contemptuously, and asked at the same time.There is an unmistakable meaning in the words.

It seemed that it was Fang Han's honor that they spoke to Fang Han.

"How do I know who Murong Xuan you are talking about, but there is a monk lying on the ground inside."Fang Han decided to bear it for the time being, so he revealed the situation of Murong Xuan inside.

Fang Han really didn't know who Murong Xuan was, but there was only one person inside. This group of people had probably been waiting here for a while. They probably knew that the so-called Murong Xuan had gone in, so there was only one possibility.

The monk inside is Murong Xuan.

Of course, Fang Han would not tell these monks that Murong Xuan was stunned by the aura of his eyes when he opened the hall.

Even if he said it, these monks probably wouldn't believe it. When he just woke up, he still had a trace of the aura of a ninth-level celestial master.

Although it was just a trace, it was terrifying enough. Unfortunately, this trace of the ninth-level heavenly master's aura dissipated not long after he came out of the coffin.

Otherwise, if these monks dared to sneak up on Fang Han, would they still be able to stand and talk to Fang Han?It is estimated that it has long been a cold corpse.

"Boy, I advise you to tell me the truth, or I will kill you."

Su Fei sneered, not believing what Fang Han said at all. In his opinion, Fang Han must have used some secret method to evade them and enter the cave.

Now that he didn't see Murong Xuan, he naturally thought that Fang Han was sent by Murong Xuan to scout the way.

Li Changqing also had similar thoughts, and he also knew that with Murong Xuan's cautious character, he would definitely not be attacked so easily by them.

"Threat me?" Fang Han's face also turned cold instantly.

Originally, he didn't intend to argue with these little warriors about the other party's disrespect to him, but now it seems unnecessary.

"Hahahahaha!" Su Fei and Li Changqing looked at each other and laughed loudly, as if they heard something funny.

"It's just a weak chicken in the fourth-level body training state. How can you have the courage to say that you are qualified to be threatened by us?" Su Fei laughed, and then he wanted to say something, Fang Han directly hit him with soul power. go out.

Su Fei's eyes suddenly froze.

Not only him, but also Li Changqing and the twenty-odd monks behind them had a flash of dementia in their eyes at the same time.

A figure quickly bypassed them and jumped directly out of the cave.

"Leave your dog's life for a month first, and wait for me to kill you after washing your neck for a month."Fang Han's voice full of cold killing intent resounded in the cave.

Su Fei and Li Changqing regained consciousness in just two breaths. Although Fang Han used the soul power that only monks with a martial artist cultivation base can use, his current cultivation base is too weak. The soul power that comes out can only confuse the opponent for a while at most, and cannot cause substantial damage.

So of course it is better to retreat first, Fang Han is very confident in his ability, he believes that one month is definitely enough for him to step into the realm of warriors.

At that time, it will not be the result of hanging and beating these people.

Dare to offend him, a former ninth-level heavenly master?hum.

Fang Han snorted softly, and quickly shuttled through the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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