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Chapter 874 Don't dare to show up

Chapter 874 Don't dare to show up
But how could Fang Han be hacked by him?He just moved around on the sofa, not letting the samurai sword stick to the corner of his clothes.

The people in the hotel looked at this fight like filming in amazement, and felt like they were going crazy.Is this an animation?And it's the real version, too nonsensical!

Yokoi Naoji was also stunned, he had already seen that Yamaoka was not Fang Han's opponent at all.In his heart, he already hated Da Dao to death, this bastard, who did he recruit to the hotel?

The members of the Inagawa Society were also stunned outside. Those little gangsters didn't know Fang Han's ability, and they were very surprised to see him jumping up and down to avoid the attack of Shan Gang.

Those in the know felt amused, "Yokoi Naoji is really stupid. It's just a whimsical idea to use a samurai to catch him."

"How could he know that that person is someone who can defeat the Chunin? You must know that he is very good at hiding, and he is still hiding himself."

"Of course, with his ability, it is completely easy to defeat this warrior. He is just playing with this warrior."

"It's a terrible opponent. Not only do you want to defeat your opponent, but you also want to make your opponent lose confidence. There is no bottom line!"

"But this time, he is not so lucky!"

"Then shall we go in and arrest people?"

"Don't worry! Let Yokoi Naoji have a headache for a while! Although Yokoi Naoji is polite to us on the surface, he has done a lot of bad things to us in secret. Now is the opportunity to save his face. How can we miss it?"

When the others heard this, they nodded immediately, and then began to watch the show with their arms folded.

Sweat dripped from Shan Gang's head, and he looked at Fang Han in surprise.He was already exhausted, but Fang Han had no intention of taking a breath.

"How is this possible?" Shan Gang said in disbelief: "You exercise much more than me, how can you not feel tired?"

"It should be because your body is weak?" Fang Han said so.

"Bastard!" Yamaoka regretted asking him the question, and the guy couldn't come up with good things to say.He glared at Fang Han angrily, "I'm so mad!"

As he spoke, he slashed the samurai sword across Fang Han's waist.

Fang Han jumped up suddenly, dodging the samurai sword.But he found that the samurai sword did not stop as before, but continued to slash at Xiao Lihui, and a murderous look flashed in his eyes!
Xiao Lihui had been watching the excitement, and suddenly saw a samurai sword slashing at her, and immediately leaned back.But this still couldn't escape the samurai sword, and he couldn't help but screamed in fright, "Ah——"

A grin appeared on Shan Gang's face, bastard!Let you say that I am weak?Your body is so weak!Now that I kill your woman, even if your body is not allowed, there will be no place to vent in the future!
"Bastard, pay for your words and deeds!"

As he spoke, he took a step to the side, and kept slashing at Oguri Hui's neck with his katana.

Seeing that he was about to see blood, Shan Gang's face couldn't help flashing a trace of excitement.This woman is so beautiful, but she is going to die under my knife, it is simply the most beautiful thing in the world!

But the next moment, his smile froze, because he saw his samurai sword was clamped by Fang Han with two fingers, and it stopped in front of Xiao Lihui!

"This—" Yokoi Naoji stared at the window in shock, this guy Yamaoka actually wanted to kill that woman?What about his warrior honors?The damn guy!
In fact, Yokoi Naoji didn't care about the so-called samurai honor. What he cared about was Yamaoka's life.He already knew that Shan Gang was no match for Fang Han. If Shan Gang wanted to kill Fang Han's woman, it would be tantamount to irritating Fang Han.

In this way, Fang Han may kill Shan Gang directly out of anger.Shan Gang is his resident samurai, very powerful, and can help him solve many problems.And when this guy is fine, he basically stays in his own room, which saves a lot of trouble.

It's easy to change a resident samurai, but it's difficult to change to one that works well!

Everyone in the Yamaguchi group in the store closed their eyes when they saw Yamaoka looking at Oguri Hui. They were very sad that such a beautiful woman was killed!

The gangsters of the Inagawa Club were also taken aback by Bie Shangang's actions. Although they didn't see what Oguri Hui looked like, they saw a woman sitting there!They are more or less male chauvinistic, thinking that men's affairs should be solved by men, and implicating women is not a man's work at all!

But the upper echelons of the Inagawa Society held a completely different attitude. Seeing that Yamaoka wanted to hurt Kei Oguri, they immediately frowned and scolded, "This bastard, are you trying to provoke him?"

"Damn it, how did he do such a stupid thing?"

They all knew that Fang Han blackmailed the Inagawa Society for [-] million Japanese dollars in order to vent his anger on Oguri Hui.Yamaoka actually wanted to deal with Oguri Hui, it was like dying!

But Yamaoka didn't have the slightest sense of death. He tried hard to draw out the samurai sword, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pull it out.

"How is this possible?" Shan Gang looked at Fang Han incredulously.

Fang Leng looked at him coldly, "What's so unbelievable?"

"How can you clamp my katana?" Yamaoka asked.

"It's easy to catch it!" Fang Leng said coldly, "It's as easy as killing you!"

As he said that, he turned his wrist suddenly, and Yamaoka's samurai sword immediately snapped into pieces.Yamaoka's strength suddenly lost, he tripped and fell to the ground.

Fang Han still held a samurai sword between his two fingers, and immediately threw it towards the hill, hitting him in the back of the heart!
After Shan Gang was shot, his body trembled violently. He raised his head in pain and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then he lost all his strength and fell to the ground motionless!

Seeing Fang Han rescued her, Xiao Lihui immediately hugged him in shock and buried her head in Fang Han's chest.Just now she thought she was going to die, and only Fang Han's embrace could relieve her fear.

"Yamaoka!" Yokoi Naoji saw that Yamaoka was lying on the ground, and immediately took two steps forward, wanting to check the situation of Yamaoka.

But his call caught Fang Han's attention.Fang Han raised his head and looked at him, his eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

Yokoi Naoji felt guilty, and immediately ran out of the hotel from the door next to it, and came to the Inagawa Club.

When the Yamaguchi-gumi people saw Yokono Naoji, they were scared away and immediately hid themselves, never daring to show their faces again.

When the gangsters from the Inagawa Club saw Yokoi Naoji running out, they all looked at him curiously.They didn't see clearly what happened. Why did a person run out from inside?
But the upper echelons of the Inagawa Club looked at Naoji Yokoi with a smile, "Hey, isn't this Yokoi-kun? Why aren't you staying in your hotel?"

Hearing this, Yokoi Naoji felt annoyed in his heart.But he didn't dare to express anything. He became the branch president of Kyoto because of his mind.Because Kyoto is the political center, the Yamaguchi-gumi could only maintain their political status without strong force, so they sent Yokoi Naoji who is good at communicating with politicians.

Sure enough, Yokoi Naoji did a very good job. He has always maintained the Japanese policy in favor of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and won huge benefits for the Yamaguchi-gumi.

But in the current situation, his ability to communicate with politicians can't play a role at all, because Fang Han is not a politician, and he is not bound by interests. How could he listen to Yokoi Naoji's words?

(End of this chapter)

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