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Chapter 871 I Don't Need That Money

Chapter 871 I Don't Need That Money

Seeing Sagara like this, Kadokawa couldn't help but fell into deep thought again.He doesn't believe that Fang Han is stronger than the ninja with the demon sword. As long as the ninja with the demon sword is excluded, Fang Han can definitely be killed.

But unfortunately, he ordered the ninja with the demon sword not to move.Although he is also a Jōnin, his status is higher than those ninjas with demon swords, but those ninjas with demon swords are directly under the chairman, that is, they only obey the orders of the chairman.

As for the other subordinates, they might not be as strong as Yu Kazama, and they were sent out to deliver food to Fang Han.

For a moment, he felt a little helpless.

Sagara saw that Kadokawa was frowning, so he raised his eyes and asked, "Your Excellency, do we still want to take revenge?"

When Kadokawa heard this, he frowned immediately, and it took him a long time before he pretended to be relaxed and said: "Our Sumiyoshi Society is powerful, and a strong person must have a good attitude. Since this matter has been clarified and it is just a misunderstanding, then Just end here!"

When Sagara heard this, he curled his lips inwardly, this guy really knows how to make excuses.However, he very much agreed with this decision, and immediately praised: "Your Excellency Kadokawa really has a lot of adults, and the prime minister can hold a boat in his belly!"

After being praised, the smile on Kadokawa's face became wider. He waved his hand and said, "You were injured just now, go get treatment first!"

"Thank you Kadokawa for your concern, I'll go right away!" Sagara thanked and walked out of the office.

When Sagara left, Kadokawa's face immediately became contorted, "Damn bastard, you are lucky! If I were the president, I would definitely not let you be so arrogant!"

In this way, the Sumiyoshi Association has died down.

But Fang Han didn't know about this, even if Sumiyoshi would continue to trouble him, he wouldn't be afraid.

He took Xiao Lihui back to the hotel, and wanted to visit the headquarters of the Inagawa Club again.As a result, just as he put Xiao Lihui on the bed, Xiao Lihui threw herself on him and kissed him continuously.

Seeing that her face was like a peach blossom, Fang Han couldn't hold it back, so he turned back and pressed her on the bed.

Today's Xiao Lihui is more bold and unrestrained than yesterday. She has been rescued by Fang Han several times today, and she has vented the grievances that have been hidden in her heart for a long time.As early as when she was in the nightclub, she couldn't bear it anymore, but there were outsiders in the nightclub, so she didn't show it too obviously.

Fang Han felt that something was wrong with Xiao Lihui, so he didn't leave again, but fell asleep with her in his arms.

At noon the next day, after the two woke up, they went downstairs to eat together.

Looking at the busy people on the street through the glass, Xiao Lihui felt that what they did was completely meaningless.Living for this little money every day is better than dying!
Fang Han saw that she was absent-minded, so he found a topic, "I will buy you a new house in these two days, it is best to find a place where Inagawa will not be involved. Do you have a favorite city?"

When Xiao Lihui heard this, she couldn't help shaking her head and said, "No, I haven't thought about the future."

"Then do you have any ideals?" Fang Han asked again.

"No!" Xiao Lihui still shook her head, "I never thought about these things before."

"Then you can start thinking about it now!" Fang Han said: "Man, you have to find something to do, otherwise you will always think wildly."

Xiao Lihui nodded, she understood this truth, but she didn't know what to do for a while.

In the distance, a gangster saw the two people at the window. His eyes lit up. Then he glanced at the name of the hotel and immediately picked up the phone and called, "Boss, I found them!"

A surprised voice came from the phone: "Really? Where are they?"

"At Yokoi Hotel!" said the gangster.

"Yokoi Hotel?" The person on the phone was very surprised. "That's the hotel of the Yamaguchi-gumi. Why did they live there? Keep watching. If they come out, tell me right away. Did you hear me?"

"Hi!" The gangster quickly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he felt a little weird.Yamaguchi-gumi!That was the No. [-] club in the Wa country. Although it was very small in Kyoto, if that person had something to do with the Yamaguchi-gumi, it would be a lot of work for Inagawa to catch him.

Fang Han seemed to feel something, raised his head slightly, and looked at the gangster.The gangster was startled, turned his head immediately, pretended to be passing by and walked away, then hid in a hiding place, and continued to stare into the hotel.

Seeing him like this, Fang Han couldn't help but smiled, and then said to Xiao Lihui: "You didn't have the chance to go outside before, why don't you take a trip around the world first?"

When Xiao Lihui heard this, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.It's really good to see all over the world.However, she thought of another question, "But I have no money!"

"Why not?" Fang Han said with a smile, "Isn't there [-] million Japanese dollars?"

When Xiao Lihui heard this, she looked at Fang Han in surprise: "Are you going to give me all the [-] million Japanese dollars?"

"Of course!" Fang Han said, "I'm not short of that little money. When I asked for it, I asked for it for you!"

Although Xiao Lihui didn't love money very much, she couldn't help laughing happily when she heard this.With [-] million Japanese yuan, she can live comfortably for the rest of her life. She can do whatever she wants, and she no longer has to run around for a living like before.

It seems that after having a goal, Xiao Lihui's mood improved a lot.She smiled and looked at Fang Han's face. Although this man was not going to take her away, he still had her in his heart.

At this moment, she suddenly found a lot of people around the hotel.She quickly looked outside, and saw that under the clothes of these people, they were all covered with tattoos, and they were holding samurai swords in their hands.

Then one car after another came and blocked the street.

"Sir, they seem to—"

Fang Han didn't even look outside, just smiled and said, "People from the Inagawa Society."

"You know!" Xiao Lihui asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Fang Han nodded, then looked at Xiao Lihui, "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Lihui shook her head, "Mr. can even defeat ninjas, and of course he can defeat these people."

Seeing that she had confidence in Zi, Fang Han smiled.However, some people began to be unable to sit still!He turned his head to look at the door of the hotel, and sure enough, the people from the hotel had already gathered there!
This hotel belongs to the Yamaguchi-gumi, and the owner of the hotel is Naoji Yokoi, who is the person in charge of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Kyoto.

He walked down and asked the subordinates at the door: "Who is that outside? How dare you surround our Yamaguchi-gumi's hotel?"

The subordinate said strangely: "The branch president is from the Inagawa Association."

"People from the Inagawa Society?" Naoji Yokoi was also surprised when he heard this, "What's the matter with the people from the Inagawa Society? Our people have never had any conflicts with them!"

Indeed, since he became the branch president in Kyoto, he has been pursuing peaceful development, rarely provoked the Sumiyoshi Society and the Inagawa Society, and has always focused on economic development.

His strategy is, since the strength of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Kyoto is not as good as the other two clubs, then honestly don't cause trouble.To develop yourself from the side, the first task is to maintain the interests of the Yamaguchi-gumi in Kyoto, and the second is to think about how to expand your own power.

However, his own people did not provoke the Inagawa Society, and the Inagawa Society surrounded his hotel with such mobilization, how could he not be surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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