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Chapter 868 The Real Ninja

Chapter 868 The Real Ninja

Everyone in the Extreme Style looked at Xiangliang, who shook his head, "Ono-kun is already broken into pieces!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone in Extreme Flow was dumbfounded!
They just took Onodera as an example, but they didn't expect Onodera to die in front of them in the blink of an eye.They take him as an example, should they follow him to die?

Their eyes flickered and they looked at each other, as if they were asking what to do?But their minds are so chaotic, why should they pay attention!He couldn't help but cast his gaze on Sagara.

Sagara is also very messy, he and Onodera can be regarded as friends.Now that his friend died in front of him, but he couldn't avenge him, this kind of feeling is very uncomfortable!
Seeing everyone looking over, Sagara could only calm down and said to them, "There is nothing I can do now, I can only report to the higher authorities!"

Hearing this, Fang Han couldn't help saying: "Then hurry up! If you send someone from above, remember to tell me, otherwise I won't wait!"

As he said that, Fang Han picked up a clean glass on the ground, then lifted the wine bottle in his hand and poured wine into it, and continued to sit on the sofa to drink for himself.

Sagara felt a headache when he saw Fang Han like this.What he meant just now was that he wanted Fang Han to leave by himself, but he didn't expect that this guy would get involved with himself and others.

For a small conflict, losing so many subordinates, destroying a nightclub, and picking up a Chunin, the loss of Sumiyoshikai is already big enough.At this time, let Sumiyoshikai put down his face and ask Fang Han to leave, how is it possible?

But Fang Han didn't leave, so he could only report the situation.

The president of the Sumiyoshi Association and others also went to the shikigami selection meeting, so everything in the meeting was handed over to Jonin Kadokawa.

After Kadokawa just received Sagara's report, he was quite unhappy.He just ordered the people below not to cause trouble, and the people below made a big mess for him.

In the hands of dozens of gangsters, a nightclub has a power outage, and even the extreme flow has not defeated the enemy.And according to Sagara, the enemy's strength may exceed half of Genin's.

Kadokawa immediately had a thought of wanting to kill Haraguchi, this bastard was crazy and insane all day long.How many times have I told him, keep a low profile, you must keep a low profile when doing things, Kyoto is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden, I don't know who will be offended.

But this guy just doesn't listen!It's all right now, I directly provoked a transcendent!
Kadokawa really wanted to order Sagara and the others to evacuate, so he changed his mind and surrendered!But in this way, the reputation of Sumiyoshikai will be over!So for the reputation of Sumiyoshikai, he also sent someone to solve this trouble.

He happened to have a public assessment in his hand, and he saw a ninja named Xiaoye Temple, who was very good at handling such things, and several times he persuaded his enemies to stop.I thought it was a good candidate, so I directly sent this Onodera who had just been promoted to Chunin, and even if the negotiation collapsed, his strength should be enough to solve this incident.

After doing all this, Kadokawa felt relieved and continued to deal with affairs.

But within half an hour, the phone rang again.He suddenly had a bad premonition and quickly picked up the call. He heard Xangliang on the other side saying that Onodera had been killed!
"Baga!" He was very annoyed. According to the general situation, newly promoted ninjas would not send missions, because newly promoted ninjas consume a lot of strength and mind during the assessment, and their emotions may become unstable.

From Sagara's words, Kadokawa learned that Onodera was killed by the enemy because he was emotionally unstable and finally thought that the enemy would launch an attack.

This is his dereliction of duty!He can't let others know about it, he must suppress it!

"Is that person still in the nightclub?" Kadokawa asked.

"Of course!" Sagara said.

"Very good!" Kadokawa said angrily, "Don't let him leave, I'll send someone there right away!"

Sagara hesitated for a moment, "Your Excellency, Onodera is a Chunin, and he is still no match for that person—"

"Then send a jounin over there!" Kadokawa scolded, "You have to remember that the reputation of our Sumiyoshikai is the most important thing!"

Upon hearing this, Sagara immediately nodded and said, "Hi!"

Kadokawa hung up the phone and immediately dialed another number: "Is this Yuma Kazama? I'm Kadokawa..."

Fang Han was still drinking wine contentedly. Seeing Sagara return, he couldn't help asking, "How is it? What did your superiors say?"

Sagara said, "Our superiors have sent someone over again!"

"Really?" Fang Han smiled lightly, "I'm looking forward to it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the nightclub was blown open by a gust of wind.

The extreme flow people are very puzzled, there is no wind outside!How could it blow the door open?
Fang Han raised his eyes and looked at a curtain around him, "Come out! I know you're here?"

"Who's here?" The extreme flow people were stunned, they didn't see anyone at all!
Sagara was also a little puzzled, who is coming back at this time?Even if the superiors send someone over, it is impossible to be so fast!

At this time, a samurai sword stretched out from behind the curtain, and the curtain jumped open, and a person in yellow clothes came out.

The extreme streamers were all dumbfounded, when did this ninja walk in?
Sagara was also stunned, could it be that he was sent by His Excellency Kadokawa?

He was indeed sent by Kadokawa, and the reason why he came so quickly was because he flew directly from above the Sumiyoshi Building.

This Jnin is called Kazama Yuma, and he was resting in the Sumiyoshi Building at the time.After receiving Kadokawa's call, he opened the window directly and jumped from above.After catching the hang glider, he rushed directly into the door of the nightclub, and then dodged behind the curtain.

After hearing Kadokawa's description, he knew that the enemy was very powerful, so he was preparing for a surprise attack.After being a ninja for so many years, he has always used the easiest way to kill the enemy, that is, assassination!

However, what he didn't expect was that someone could find him.

He glanced at the people in the extreme flow. Although he didn't know these people, he knew that they were his own people because the true energy of his own people flowed through them.

Only the man sitting on the sofa, he couldn't see anyone's energy fluctuations in him at all.

"who are you?"

Fang Han shook his head, "Why do you always ask me who I am?"

When Kazama Yuzhen heard this, he immediately snorted coldly: "Since you don't want to say it, then you never have to say it!"

As he said that, his figure flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at Fang Han's back on the second floor. die!
When everyone in the extreme flow saw Kazama Yuzhen just arrived, they started to do it, and they didn't talk nonsense at all.Once again, a glimmer of expectation emerged in my heart, this kind of behavior is like a real ninja!

Sagara had eaten a lot, but he didn't see clearly how Yu Kazama passed by just now. Could this be Jonin's ability?It was so refreshing!
He couldn't help but make up his mind again, wanting to become a ninja, and it must be a Jonin.

(End of this chapter)

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