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Chapter 852 Bullying the Weak

Chapter 852 Bullying the Weak

Chao Cang thought to himself: Who knew who you were just now?If you say you want [-] million, I will give you [-] million. We, the Inagawa Society, can't be fooled!
But he didn't dare to say this. A hero doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "The amount of [-] million is too large, and it is difficult to prepare it in a short time!"

"I don't think you are prepared?" Fang Han directly pierced him, and then looked at Kimura, "You go back to get the money, and these people will stay here as hostages. If you come back late, those two hands Your ninja will die here!"

"Okay!" Kimura nodded quickly, he can finally go!
Asakura stared at Kimura and kept giving him winks.He wanted Kimura to stay and go back by himself.With the monster Fang Han, who knows what will happen?

But Kimura turned away as if he didn't see it.

Asakura's eyes widened, staring at Kimura's back, this bastard dared to ignore him.

Fang Han grinned at the side, and said to Asakura, "Is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Chao Cang immediately became alert, and looked at Fang Han miserably, "No, it's just a little itchy!"

"Do you want me to help you dig it out?" Fang Han asked calmly.

"No! No!" Asakura quickly refused, this guy is really a devil!Picking people's eyeballs is so indifferent?
"Ha!" Fang Han chuckled, "You all carry it with me honestly. No one is allowed to move before the money is brought, or I will break your legs!"

Asakura and the others nodded immediately, they were so obedient.

As soon as Fang Han turned around, he went back to pack things with Xiao Lihui.

In the next half an hour, Asakura and the others felt what Kimura felt just now, suffering!

The two guys were there talking and showing affection while packing their things, but they stood outside the door and couldn't move at all.

If Kimura knew how they felt, he would definitely say, "Don't get cheap and act like a good boy, these two haven't hurt you yet! Just be content!"

Kimura's actions were quick, half an hour after he went back, he brought people [-] million.

When Fang Han saw that Mucun came back with money, he casually pointed to the ground, "Put the money on the ground!"

The water on the ground has dried up, and even if it doesn't dry, it will be sucked dry by the clothes, sofas and other items on the ground.So there are still some water marks, but it's no longer a big problem.

With a wave of Kimura's hand, someone put the money on the ground.

Three hundred million Japanese dollars, all in sheets of [-], also need three hundred stacks, enough to fit a large suitcase.

Fang Han opened the suitcase and randomly took out a few photos to see if they were real or not.In fact, he had already verified all the money with his spiritual knowledge, and it was all true.It seems that Kimura is very honest and does not play any tricks.

"Not bad!" He said to Kimura with satisfaction: "Although you are not a good person, at least you know the current affairs!"

When Kimura heard this, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, was it a compliment or a curse?
He could only say with an apologetic smile: "How dare I play tricks in front of you?"

Asakura and others looked at Kimura with dark faces, this guy really has no spine!

Fang Han zipped up the suitcase, then called Xiaoli Hui back, and the two of them walked out directly.

Chao Cang and the others hurriedly moved away from the door, and hid far away. Before they had time to dodge, they all stuck to the wall.


Seeing their appearance, Fang Han let out a disdainful expression with his nose, turned his head and left!
Xiao Lihui followed her suitcase tightly, not even daring to turn her head.She was afraid that those people behind would rush to retaliate, after all, Fang Han had just extorted [-] million from them.

But until he got on the elevator, there was no movement behind him.She turned her head slightly, but saw that the group of people were still looking at this side, not daring to move, they were too timid.

How dare such a person rush forward for revenge?Xiao Lihui couldn't help laughing at her ignorance.Shaking her head, turning around and getting on the elevator, Xiao Lihui felt something was wrong, where is the suitcase in Fang Han's hand?
"Huh!" Asakura and the others finally let out a sigh of relief the moment the elevator closed.

"It's too scary!" A gangster almost cried.

"Finally gone, it's so scary!" The other gangsters also patted their chests with lingering fears.

Asakura also breathed a sigh of relief, then he looked at Kimura and said angrily: "Kimura, you actually brought [-] million!"

When Kimura saw that Asakura was still playing the role of the boss, he couldn't help being disdainful, "What if you don't pay me? Are you watching you die here?"

When Asakura heard this, he became even more annoyed.Although he is afraid of death, he still has to pretend in front of others!Now that he was stabbed by Kimura, his face turned cold all of a sudden, "Damn bastard, you really disgraced our Inagawa Association for being so afraid of death!"

The eyes of the others looking at Asakura immediately became weird, as if he was the most afraid just now, right?

When Kimura heard Asakura's words, he didn't find it funny.Just when he was about to refute and expose his true colors in front of everyone, he heard a voice from the side!
"Damn bastards, do you f**king want me to really die here?"

When everyone took a look, they were shocked to find that the person who made the noise was Qiuye.

"Ah!" Asakura was the first to react, and jumped to Akiba's side, "Akiha-kun, how are you? Are you seriously injured?"

"Bastard, what do you think?" Akiba stared at Asakura, "Why don't you rush me to the hospital, why are you still talking here? Are you waiting for me to get up and kill you?"

Asakura was scolded by Akiba and didn't dare to talk back.Although Akiba is seriously injured now, he is still a powerful ninja, and it is still very easy to kill himself.

"Quick, quickly pick up Akiba-kun and send him to the hospital!"

Asakura quickly ordered the gangsters to lift up Qiuba, and said to Kimura fiercely: "I'll deal with you after I go back!"

Kimura looked helpless and pointed at Ono on the ground, "There's another one here!"

Asakura was jumping up and down again, "Hurry up! Lift Ono-kun up!"

The gangster hurriedly lifted Qiuye and Xiao Ye up, and came to the elevator, only to find that the elevator was still downstairs!
"What are you waiting for for the elevator? Take the stairs!" Asakura said angrily, "I want to kill you idiots!"

After being scolded by Asakura, the gangster rushed into the stairs and ran down quickly.

"Damn bastards, do you want to kill me?" Qiuye's body was almost torn apart, and he immediately cursed angrily.

"I'm sorry, Qiuye-kun!" The gangster apologized quickly.

Kimura didn't follow him. He listened to the scoldings and apologies in the distance, and felt a ridiculous feeling in his heart.

Was this the day he had been proud of before?It turned out to be so absurd!He can only bully the weak, but he has no dignity at all when facing the strong.

He walked into the room slowly, looking at the marks made on the wall.This is the proof of being strong, and only by becoming such a strong man can one not be bullied by others.Think about the Wa country for hundreds of years, has always wanted to become a strong man, but failed time and time again.

On the contrary, Huaxia next door, although sometimes oppressed, has stood on top of the world time and time again.

(End of this chapter)

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