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Chapter 829 The Power of Ghost Shadow Flash

Chapter 829 The Power of Ghost Shadow Flash
The bald Fujiwara immediately became proud when he heard what the ninjas said.But before he finished triumphantly, he felt that he was cut empty.Taking a closer look, the Huaxia woman who was in front of her just now has disappeared!
Of course, the bald Fujiwara didn't believe that Ma Yifan would disappear for no reason, he immediately turned his head to look around, and finally saw Ma Yifan beside him.Fang Han hugged Ma Yifan, who was still in shock, and looked at him with an unfriendly expression.

The ninjas were all surprised, "What's going on? How could Vice-President Fujiwara's Demon Slayer fail?"

"Yeah? Ghost Slash is the most unpredictable move, even the Great Demon King Oda Nobunaga can't dodge it, why did that woman dodge?"

"No, it should be the man who rescued the woman!"

When the bald Fujiwara heard this, he immediately looked at Fang Han with serious eyes, "How did you do it?"

Fang Han said disdainfully, "I just ran over and pulled her out."

"Nani?" The bald Fujiwara looked at Fang Han incredulously, and didn't believe his words at all, "Your lies, yours can't escape my ghost cut!"

"It's up to you!" Fang Han put Ma Yifan down, stroked her head, and said soothingly, "You wait for me here, I'll be over soon!"

Then he looked at the bald Fujiwara coldly, "Vald donkey, let me be your opponent now!"

The bald Fujiwara was annoyed for a while. Baldness was his birth defect. He was born with a disease, so he was always bald.This caused him to suffer a lot of ridicule since he was a child, so he worked hard and developed his skills.

Since his high status, no one dared to laugh at him with this question.Now hearing Fang Han call him a bald donkey, it immediately reminded him of being discriminated against since he was a child.

He felt bad all over, anger was about to come out of his eyes, and he said coldly to Fang Han: "Bastard, tell me again?"

The ninjas stopped when they saw the bald Fujiwara, "Vice President Fujiwara is angry!"

"Damn it, that person actually insulted Vice President Fujiwara's hair!"

"What? Are we going to escape?"

Fang Han raised his eyebrows, is hair taboo?This Japanese is really weird.But he deserved it, afraid of being scolded as a bald donkey and still come out to mess around?
He won't be used to him, "How about the bald donkey?"

"Bastard! I'm going to kill you!" The bald Fujiwara roared, and a powerful aura suddenly emerged from his body, which touched his clothes.

The clothes fluttered, gradually changing styles and colors.The suit gradually turned into a samurai suit, the samurai sword in his hand also turned into a purple long sword, and the bald Fujiwara also turned into another person.

"This guy can transform?" Ma Yifan was just astonished when he saw the bald Fujiwara transform.

Those ninjas screamed, "Ah! Vice President Fujiwara summoned Onikiri, run away!"

"It's terrible! None of us will survive!"

"That damned Huaxia person, why did he have to mess with Vice President Fujiwara? You bastard!"

While cursing, these ninjas quickly rushed back to the villa, as if they were facing some kind of monster.

Ma Yifan looked at the fleeing ninja in astonishment, and couldn't help but Fang Han asked, "Why are they so scared? Is this man very powerful?"

"It's okay!" Fang Han said casually: "This should be a shikigami, and it's still close combat. Stand back, I don't know what abilities he has yet, so as not to accidentally hurt you!"

"Okay!" Ma Yifan nodded, jumped back and landed on top of the Ultimate Flying Sword, and Yu Kai flew into the air with the Ultimate Flying Sword, looking at the two of them from above.

The bald Fujiwara squinted his eyes, and touched the long hair that hung down to his chest, feeling like he couldn't put it down.But he didn't forget the business, he squinted at Fang Han, his face was extremely cold, "Bastard, you have to pay for what you said!"

As he said that, the bald Fujiwara's body flashed strangely, and appeared behind Fang Han, and the long knife quickly cut across a purple sword aura, and cut through Fang Han's body!

"Ah!" Ma Yifan screamed in the air, and his heart was shocked. Could it be that Fang Han was really killed?
But in the next second, she saw Fang Han's body disappear, and what appeared again was behind the bald Fujiwara.

The bald Fujiwara was very surprised, but he obviously had rich fighting experience, and he knew that what he chopped was only the afterimage of Fang Han.So, he jumped forward immediately, then turned his whole body, and the long knife slashed behind him with the knife energy.


The long knife slashed across Fang Han's body again, but this time the bald Fujiwara still didn't feel that he had cut Fang Han's body, because the long knife was not hindered by anything.

Fang Han's body appeared again, this time behind the bald Fujiwara.He looked at the bald Fujiwara with the corner of his mouth raised, "If you only have this ability, then you can die!"

As he said that, Fang Han kicked the bald Fujiwara's ass and sent him flying.

Seeing that Fang Han had the upper hand, Ma Yifan breathed a sigh of relief.However, his face was full of anger, and he looked at Fang Han complainingly, dissatisfied with him for being so entrusted to him.

The bald Fujiwara turned somersault in the air and landed lightly on the ground.He raised his head and looked at Fang Han with a solemn expression, "You are indeed a formidable opponent, worthy of my full strength!"

As he said that, he held the long knife in both hands, and his body burst out again.Under the rolling of the air current, the long knife turned red, and the red and purple quickly mixed together. Then he pulled his hands violently, and the long knife was actually torn into two, one red and one purple.

Fang Han smiled indifferently, did the single-handed style become the double-wielded style?

The bald Fujiwara saw that Fang Han didn't put him in his eyes, his eyes flickered coldly, one red and one purple looked very strange.His body suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the air.

Without any support, he stood up in the air, and said without any emotion: "Now I will let you experience the ultimate skill of Shiki Kamikiki, Ghost Shadow Flash!"

As soon as the voice fell, his body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared on Fang Han's left, and stabbed at Fang Han with his two knives.


He shouted loudly, venting his anger.

Fang Han tilted his glasses, looked at the two long knives stabbing towards him, and could not help but twitch his mouth.With a movement of his hands, he took the Ziqing double swords in his hands, and then blocked them out against the long sword.


The long knife was knocked open, Fang Han said playfully: "It doesn't look like much!"

The bald Fujiwara was annoyed for a while, "How can you imagine the power of Ghost Shadow Flash?"

As he said that, his figure flashed and appeared behind Fang Han, and stabbed Fang Han's shoulder blades with both knives.

"Shua!" Fang Han didn't look at it at all, but simply moved his hands back, and the purple and green swords blocked the two swords again, "Dang!"

"Damn it!" The bald Fujiwara was very annoyed, Ghost Shadow Flash has always been successful, why doesn't it work now?

He still knows the Huaxia cultivator very well, shouldn't the Huaxia cultivator have such a strong melee ability?Even those who are good at melee combat mostly rely on their strong defense ability and cannot practice such exquisite moves.

But he didn't give up, because he thought that his Ghost Shadow Flash would definitely make a contribution, but the time hadn't come yet.

(End of this chapter)

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