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Chapter 823 Being Seen As A Monkey

Chapter 823 Being Seen As A Monkey

"Master Fujiwara!"

The middle-aged man said respectfully: "Mr. Ono and the others are back!"

"Oh?" The bald-headed Fujiwara-sama opened his eyes, touched the samurai sword with his hand, and the cold light on it disappeared.He stood up, turned around, and looked at the three of Ono-kun, "Where's Nanxiang?"

In his eyes, he didn't take these three zhongnin seriously at all, only Nanxiang, the zhongnin, got his eyes.

Ono quickly said: "Mr. Nanxiang was wounded by the enemy and may have been captured. We got the news of Hongye Shou, so we have to ensure the smooth delivery of the news!"

The bald Fujiwara narrowed his eyes when he heard this.He could tell that these people had fled back.However, they brought back the news of Momiji Kari, and it was correct to escape back. Compared with Momiji Kari, a Chunin seems insignificant.

He pondered, "Will you have any news about Hongye Shou later?"

"Yes!" Ono quickly explained Fang Tingting's situation.

"Are you sure she's talking about her brother?" the bald Fujiwara asked cautiously.

"That's right! It's her brother! And as soon as she heard Momiji Kari, she knew we were members of the Inagawa Society, so her brother should be the person we are looking for."

"Sosne!" The bald Fujiwara nodded, and said to the three kinsmen: "Very good, you will make a great contribution this time."

"This is what we should do!" The three renunciations breathed a sigh of relief, they knew that the hurdle of escaping had been passed.

The bald Fujiwara looked at the middle-aged man, "Call everyone else back! We will focus on investigating this little girl next!"

"Hi!" The middle-aged man immediately bowed and then backed away.He went to a house downstairs, took out a firework, and then moved to the backyard of the villa to light it.

"Hoo!" "Crack!"...

The fireworks continued to explode in the sky, forming a pattern like an ear of rice in the air.

People saw fireworks everywhere in Binjiang.Ordinary people are curious, "How can anyone set off fireworks at this time?"

"This pattern is so ugly! It's actually an ear of rice!"

Among the crowd, some people's eyes flashed coldly, but they didn't do anything to these passers-by who chewed their tongues. Instead, they quietly hid in a corner where no one was around, took out a small ball from their pockets, and threw it at on the ground.

By the time the smoke cleared, they were gone.

"Crack!" The last firework exploded in the sky. The middle-aged man waited for a while, then picked up the paper shell on the ground and returned to the house.

As soon as I threw the cardboard into the trash can, I heard someone ring the doorbell at the front door, "Ding dong!"

The middle-aged man came to the front door, "We don't buy anything!"

"We are not selling things, but buying things!" A coded signal came from outside the door.

The middle-aged man opened the door, and a woman in a white ninja suit came in."Why the emergency signal?" she asked.

"I found a clue, Mr. Fujiwara asked you to come back and discuss it!" said the middle-aged man.

"What clue?" the female ninja asked.

Just as the middle-aged man was about to answer, he heard the doorbell rang again, and he said to the female ninja, "Let's wait a while, I'll let them in first!"

The female ninja nodded, and the middle-aged man went to open the door again.

After a while, the room was full of ninjas, more than 30 of them, more than a dozen of them were Chunin in white clothes.

"Everyone!" The middle-aged man appeared in front of everyone again, "Master Fujiwara, please go to the training room!"

"Wow!" The Chunin stood up in unison and walked upstairs quickly.

The bald Fujiwara looked at the dozen or so Chunin who were kneeling in front of him, told what had happened, and then said: "Now we need to determine the identity of that girl, that girl is not very old, she should be a college student, so I need All of you disguise yourself, enter various universities in Binjiang to find girls with extraordinary powers, and then take the three of you to identify them!"

"Hi!" The Chunin bowed immediately.

"Let's go now!"

Fang Han drove Fang Tingting back to school.He was going to go find Lin Yan with Ma Yifan. The last time Ma Yifan left, he left the sports car at the beach. Later, Lin Yan drove it back to Binjiang and now puts it in Lin Yan's home.

That car was Ma Yifan's favorite. Although she knew it was well taken care of by Lin Yan, she always thought about it.And in order to travel in the future, she decided to put the sports car in her treasure bag, so as not to go to a place without a car in the future.

At the beginning, Fang Han had just driven the car to the door, when a luxury car drove towards him.

"Crunch!" The luxury car narrowly stopped in front of Fang Han's car, and then two young men got off from it and walked to Fang Han's car, "I'm sorry, we just came to Huaxia, and we are not very familiar with this place yet. The car scared you!"

Fang Han raised his eyebrows, "Japanese?"

"Hi!" The two young people nodded quickly, "We are exchange students from the Japanese country, and we are here to report at Binjiang University today. I hope you will forgive me!"

"It's okay!" Fang Han waved his hand, "Slow down when driving in the future!"

As he said that, he backed up the car and got out of the way.

The two Japanese people hurriedly bowed to each other, then got into the luxury car and drove through the gate.

Fang Han watched the luxury car enter the school with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that he hadn't moved, Ma Yifan couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing!" Fang Han put his hand on the car window, then started the car and left.

After the car drove away, a paper crane flew up from the ground and chased after the luxury car.

After the luxury car drove into Binjiang University, the two people actually reported to the dean's office, then asked the direction of the cafeteria, and went straight to the cafeteria.The two found a place near the door and observed the people entering the cafeteria while eating. To be precise, they all saw girls.

"Tingting, hurry up, we won't be able to eat!" A fat girl walked into the cafeteria, waving to the back constantly.

Fang Tingting looked at her roommate helplessly, "You still eat, if you continue to eat, no one will want you!"

The chubby girl didn't take it seriously, "Even if I don't eat, no one wants me! So, you have to be happy, eat and drink, and don't think about those depressing things. How good is that? !"

"I really admire you!" Fang Tingting shook her head and followed the fat girl's footsteps.

But after taking two steps, she stopped, and she felt that someone was watching her.Turning my head, I found two boys sitting at the door, staring at me all the time!

When the two Japanese saw Fang Tingting turning her head, they couldn't help being startled. Tingting, who was pretending to be calm, nodded and showed a warm smile.

The chubby girl noticed that Fang Tingting hadn't followed, she turned her head immediately and found that Fang Tingting was looking at two handsome guys.She couldn't help but said with some taste: "Tingting, you are so beautiful, you are really popular everywhere you go."

Fang Tingting turned her head and walked up to the fat girl, "What's so good about being treated like a monkey?"

"I want to be seen as a monkey, and no one else will!" The chubby girl complained to herself, and then said: "The two handsome guys just now are very good, do you want to develop it?"

"What's so good? Compared with my brother, it's far worse!" Fang Tingting said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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