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Chapter 814 Can't Chapter Go to Class

Chapter 814 Can't Go Back to Class
Everyone was very angry when they saw Pan Jia's father shouting like this.They finally figured it out. This guy was acting unscrupulously because he had two rich men in his family.

"What the hell, is it great to be rich?" The grumpy teacher wanted to go up and kick him.

"It's great to have money!" Pan Jia's father said proudly: "Look at you poor people, what qualifications do you have to oppose me? I can smash you to death with money!"

Professor Li glanced at Fang Han, "He actually called you a poor ghost?"

"Hehe!" Fang Han only felt amused for a while, and Ma Yifan and Fang Tingting behind him also laughed, their faces full of disdain.

Professor Li also felt very funny. As a strict teacher, he is very strict with his students.If he didn't know how much money Fang Han made, how could Fang Han turn a blind eye when he didn't attend class?
"How much money do you have?" He jokingly asked Pan Jia's father.

"How much? Telling you will scare you to death!" Pan Jia's father said with a look of disgust: "Even if the wages of you guys add up, it will take 100 years to earn my money!"

Most of the salaries of university teachers are between 20 and 20 yuan. There are about 300 people present, and their monthly salary is more than 100 yuan. [-] months a year is [-] million yuan, and [-] years is three million yuan. [-] million.

"You have [-] million assets?" A professor with super fast mental arithmetic asked.

"Three hundred million?" Pan Jia's father said disdainfully: "So your salary is only so little! It seems that I think highly of you, and tell you that my total assets have reached one billion!"

"One billion?" Many teachers couldn't help but gasped.

Although there is still a certain gap between billions of assets and those real rich people, compared with them, they are simply too strong.How do they compare with Pan Jia's father?Even the grumpy teacher had a look of shock on his face. He didn't expect Pan Jia's father to be so rich.

"Are you stupid?" Pan Jia's father snorted coldly, "If you offend a billionaire, you will suffer the consequences in the future!"

Only Professor Li didn't change his expression. He turned his head and looked at Fang Han again, "Did you earn one billion yuan after not going to school this year? If not, come back to school for me."

Hearing this, Fang Han immediately said amusedly: "No, Professor Li, that's not what you said back then."

"It was then, now is now!" Professor Li didn't resist being a villain at all, "Now someone is depositing a lot of money in front of me, if you can't even compare with him, you should go back to school honestly!"

"Okay!" Fang Han sighed.

"Haha——" Pan Jia's father laughed loudly, pointed at Professor Li and said mockingly: "You really know how to make a billion a year? Who do you think he is? If the money is so good If you make money, everyone in the world will be rich!"

All the teachers also looked at Professor Li with weird faces. Although they all knew that Professor Li was not afraid of the rich and powerful, wouldn't it be a little bad to say that today?

"You'd better wish for yourself!" Professor Li didn't waste any more nonsense with Pan Jia's father. He turned around and patted Fang Han on the shoulder, "You'd better come back to class honestly."

Just as Fang Han was about to say something, he heard someone shout outside: "Who called the police?"

As soon as the teachers turned their heads, they saw that the police from the nearby branch office were coming, and they quickly moved out of the way to let the police come in.

"I paid for it!" Fang Han said calmly.

"Mr. Fang?" The policemen couldn't help being surprised when they saw Fang Han!
They haven't seen Fang Han for a long time, and they thought that Fang Han had left Binjiang, but they didn't expect Fang Han to reappear after he disappeared for more than half a year.

The teachers were delighted that Fang Han actually knew these policemen and seemed to have a good relationship with them.

Pan Jia's father was surprised, he suddenly had a bad feeling.Now he is very fortunate that he has just left behind, otherwise, he might really be cheated by Fang Han!It's just that what he doesn't understand is, isn't he a poor ghost?How did you meet the police?

"Here, he is going to blackmail me, this is evidence!" Fang Han took out the compensation list.

The policeman took it respectfully. When he saw the amount on it, he glanced at Pan Jia's father and said, "How dare you blackmail Mr. Fang? You are quite brave!"

Pan Jia's father shook his head and said, "I didn't blackmail him. His sister broke my son's leg. I will seek compensation from him!"

"Do you think we are stupid?" The policeman said with a cold face, "How dare you ask Mr. Fang for 500 million yuan after two broken legs? Are you going to put a golden leg on your son? Take it away!"

Immediately, two policemen went up to pull Pan Jia's father up.

Pan Jia's father was afraid that the reporter he was looking for hadn't arrived yet, so he immediately went to the ground and shouted again, "The police beat you! The police beat you!"

The people present were speechless again, is this virtue still a billionaire?

The police are not used to him, "obstructing law enforcement and slandering the police, the crime will be added to the crime, and he will be handcuffed and taken away!"

The two policemen immediately took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Pan Jia's father in a few strokes.Pan Jia's father wanted to struggle, but how could he be the opponent of two strong boys like wolves and tigers?He was dragged up and dragged directly out the door.

The policeman who led the team said to Fang Han: "Mr. Fang, please go back with us to record a statement."

"Okay!" Fang Han nodded, "You go down first, and I will come over after a few words with my teacher."

"Okay!" The leading policeman nodded, turned around and left!

When all the teachers saw how the policemen obeyed Fang Han's words, their faces became weird.Although they don't know much about the police, isn't everyone able to make them so obedient?What the hell is this Fang Han doing?

Professor Li didn't care about this, he obviously knew Fang Han's ability.

"Okay, go ahead and take notes! Don't forget, that guy even called a reporter. If your specialization is reported, it will have a bad impact!" He is really good at politics. From a political point of view.

"Go down immediately, but there is one more thing I want to tell you!" Fang Han said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Professor Li looked at him with raised eyebrows, "If you don't talk about the class, I won't relax the request!"

"Hehe!" Ma Yifan and Fang Tingting couldn't help laughing. The majestic Heavenly Sword Sect Master actually wanted to go back to class. If it was passed on, how many people would laugh at it.

When Fang Han heard this, he laughed helplessly. This Professor Li really never forgot about his skipping class!But he still couldn't go back to class, "I don't want you to relax the conditions, I just want to inform you that I won't go back to class!"

With that said, Fang Han handed over a document, then turned around and left with Ma Yifan and Fang Tingting.

"What is this?" Professor Li looked down, and found that it turned out to be a drug purchase contract, the purchaser was Fang Han, and the amount was one billion!

(End of this chapter)

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