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Chapter 810 Suppressing the Ao Family

Chapter 810 Suppressing the Ao Family
"Yes!" Ao Ling nodded, it was really strange, no matter how dark the sea here is, there should be fish or something.Even if there is no here, the other side of the cave will swim over!

"What is that?" Fang Han widened his eyes and looked forward, very surprised.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Ao Ling was hugged by Fang Han, unable to see the situation below, she couldn't help but struggled.

Fang Han put her on the purple gold sword, and she saw what happened, because there was a huge barrier in front, and the sea water was blocked by the barrier.On the other side of the barrier, there is nothing, and although the sea water on the side of the barrier is very high, a magical fault has been created because it cannot flow out of the barrier.

"What's going on here?" Ao Ling's eyes widened. She only saw such a scene in the schematic diagram in the geography book.It's as if the sea water has reached the edge of the world, no matter how high it is piled up here, it won't flow over.

"This is an enchantment!" Fang Han said with some doubts: "But what is its function? Is it just to imprison this place?"

He flew to the edge and found that it was impossible to break through the barrier, and then there was nothing on the other side of the barrier, which could not be touched, seen or smelled, and this barrier could even isolate spiritual consciousness.

Fang Han turned around, looked along the barrier, and fell into deep thought.This place turned out to be a small world, as if it did not belong to the myriad worlds, or in other words, it was a small world attached to the human world.

Now he finally knows why there are no fish and shrimp here, because of the existence of the enchantment, this place has become stagnant water, how can there be fish and shrimp living here?Even if the fish and shrimps from the human world swim along the cave, they will die soon.

"It seems that this trip to Dragon Palace is for nothing!"

"How could you get nothing?" Guan Xuanxuan gave Fang Han a supercilious look.

Fang Han immediately laughed apologetically, of course he knew what Guan Xuanxuan was talking about, but before he left, this was something he hadn't thought of.

"I know I can't control you, but you can't find women so often? It's only been more than a year. How many women do you have?" Guan Xuanxuan said, "Even if you read Kangxi Weifu's private interviews, there is no Are you so diligent?"

After training Fang Han, Guan Xuanxuan threw a document in front of Fang Han, "This is what you want."

Fang Han quickly brought it over, and before he left, he and Guan Xuanxuan felt that they wanted to find Mr. Zheng, and Guan Xuanxuan asked to help him find out.I didn't expect it, and now I've inquired about it all!
Opening the information, it showed some of Mr. Zheng's activities and the suppression of the Ao family.

It turned out that after the last wedding, all the major families left, and apart from Mr. Zheng, only some marginal children of the Zheng family were still alive.And the Ao family was also considered a half victim, so they didn't receive too much punishment. After all, everyone thought that the culprit, Ao Xing, was dead at the time.

But later, when Mr. Zheng was cleaning the battlefield, he didn't find Ao Xing's body, so he thought it was the Ao family who took it away.This made Mr. Zheng very annoyed, thinking that there were still people in the Ao family with evil intentions, so he sent someone to the Ao family to beg for Ao Xing's body.

Ao Xing was left by Ao Lie, how could there be Ao Xing's body in the Ao family?But they didn't have the nerve to say that they didn't, but directly refused.

In this way, Elder Zheng was angered, so after Elder Zheng settled the family, he immediately united with the big overseas families and began to suppress the Ao family.And in order to prevent the Ao family from retaliating, the Zheng family was moved to the Mei country, and the family property was used to redevelop.

This is also the reason why the Guan family sent people to the island and did not find the Zheng family. They all left, so naturally they could not be found.

Those big families overseas know more or less about the Ao family and know that they are capricious.Previously because of fear of the strength of the Ao family.Now that Ao Xing, the most powerful member of the Ao family, has been killed, and the Ao family has been weakened by punishment, it is naturally the best time to deal with the Ao family.

So several big families teamed up with Mr. Zheng to block off Aojia Island through family relations.As long as the Ao family's ships go out to sea, they will all be sunk, which is why the Ao family's food is strained.

Seeing that Mr. Zheng was not only alive, but also more nourished than before, he was relieved.

In order to continue the family, the old man married a Chinese female star from the Mei country, and planned to have a few more children so that he could inherit his property.

There is a photo of the Chinese female star on the information. She looks in her 30s and looks pretty good.And now that female star is also pregnant, and in a month or two, she may be about to give birth.

Fang Han put down the information and said to Guan Xuanxuan: "Keep paying attention, if the child is born, just tell me and I will go to congratulate you!"

"Okay!" Guan Xuanxuan heard from Fang Han about the friendship between him and Mr. Zheng, saying that the friendship between gentlemen is like water, and this is almost the state between the two of them.Both parties have been very helpful to each other, which can be counted as a year-end friendship, but they don't have much contact.

She also knew that Fang Han didn't have many real friends, originally there were Yue Yang and the others.However, since Yue Yang and the others established Wuzhi Mountain and became in awe of Fang Han, their previous friendship had deteriorated a bit. When facing Fang Han, they were already restrained.

Don't talk about them, even she, the person next to her pillow, couldn't help being in awe after knowing Fang Han's strength.

Especially after practicing the top-level exercises that Fang Han brought back, they had a clear understanding of Fang Han's strength.Guan Xuanxuan knew that Fang Han practiced top-level lightning techniques, so she also practiced lightning techniques, but found that her own cultivation was much worse than Fang Han's lightning techniques.

Even so, Guan Xuanxuan still felt that she was very strong, which meant that Fang Han was even stronger.

"By the way, Xue's family sent people to Guan's house to deliver a lot of things, saying they want to thank you." Guan Xuanxuan took out another gift list.

Fang Han glanced at it casually, then put it aside, "Is there any news from the Supervision Department?"

"No!" Guan Xuanxuan shook her head, "Why don't you ask Lin Yan?"

Fang Han pondered for a while, then shook his head, "No need!"

Although he really wanted to trouble Guo Wenbo, this old bastard dared to lie to him, making his trip for nothing.But think about what he said at the time, maybe!That is, it may or may not be there.

In addition, Lin Yan is still working in the supervision department, if Fang Han finds trouble with Guo Wenbo, what should this old bastard do if he finds trouble with Lin Yan?
After thinking about it, I didn't seem to suffer any disadvantages, and no one thought that there would be nothing in the Dragon Palace.

After hearing this, Guan Xuanxuan handed another document to Fang Han.

"What is this?" Fang Han was stunned for a moment, then picked it up and saw that it was all the assets of the Tianjian Sect.

Tianjianzong's nine mountains have been remodeled. A total of more than 1000 houses have been built, with 360 and eight disciples, more than 6000 extraordinary trees, three medicine gardens, and more than 6000 herbs.

These are on the mountain, and there are a large number of affiliated forces outside the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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