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Chapter 808 Human Instinct!

Chapter 808 Human Instinct!
Thinking of this, Ao Liang coughed lightly, "It's all quiet, Mr. Fang is a guest anyway, let me talk to him first."

How could the Ao family be satisfied when they heard this?So many of us got cuckolded and you just talk to him?But they didn't dare to express their dissatisfaction, so they had to make way for Ao Liang to pass.

Ao Liang walked to the door and knocked lightly on it, "Mr. Fang, I'm Ao Liang, I think we should talk."

But after waiting for a long time, there seemed to be no movement inside.

The Ao family quit, and said one after another: "Patriarch, this guy won't run away, right?"

"Yes! Otherwise, why didn't he open the door?"

"Or did he do something wrong, so he didn't dare to open the door?"

"What are you talking about?" Ao Liang scolded, frowning, "Maybe there are people in Mr. Fang's room, so it's just inconvenient."

Anyone else?When the men heard this, their faces became even more unbelievable. Could there be a woman from the Ao family in this room?

How can this work?How could the women of our Ao family be spoiled by an outsider like this!An impulsive Ao family immediately kicked the door and kicked it open!
Ao Liang saw someone kicking open the door and immediately stared at him, "Nonsense, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of me!"

The man said: "Patriarch, I don't know why you care about him so much, but you can't let him spoil the women of our Ao family like this!"

"Nonsense! How could Mr. Fang spoil a woman!" After yelling at the man, Ao Liang walked in immediately, and then closed the door again, "You wait here, don't come in without my order!"

Ao Liang turned around, looked at the room that was obviously missing something, and couldn't help but be taken aback.Then, looking at the bed with the curtains down, he couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "Mr. Fang, I have no choice but to do this, please make amends!"

There was still no response from behind the bed curtain, and Ao Liang immediately became suspicious. With Fang Han's strength, how could he not know that he had come in?So he rushed to the bed curtain and opened it.

There's someone behind the curtain!Not only was there no one, even the quilt was gone!
"This!" Ao Liang felt his heart twitch, as if being tightly grasped by a big hand.

Then he saw that there was still a book on the bed, so he picked it up and was shocked.This is the Ao family's "True Dragon Kungfu", isn't it hidden in the Sutra Pavilion?How could it be in Ao Ling's room?
Ao Ling has seen this exercise, but has no interest in it, so there is only one possibility left!Fang Han brought it here!
Thinking of this, Ao Liang felt dizzy. He beat his chest and shouted: "Here comes someone! Search the whole island quickly and be sure to find that person named Fang!"

How could the Ao family find Fang Han, he had already taken Ao Ling deep into the sea.

"Wow! It's amazing!" Ao Ling looked at the fish swimming in the sea through the air bubbles, and kept exclaiming, "Look, there's an octopus!"

"Ah! Seahorse!"

"Shark! That's a shark!"

Fang Han watched her yelling, a smile appeared on his face, and he didn't feel impatient.

Gradually, the two gradually dived downwards, and the sea water was gradually taken down.

"It's so dark!" Ao Ling became a little uneasy, and her body trembled a little.It is human instinct to be afraid of the dark, especially girls.

"Being scared, there is me!" Fang Han whispered in her ear, while inputting mana into the purple gold sword.The light on the purple gold sword immediately brightened, and the light traveled in a circular arc like a substance, spreading to the surroundings, and then stopped at a distance of more than ten meters away from the two of them.

Ao Ling looked at the purple halo with a happy smile on her face, "It's so beautiful!"

Fang Han smiled, this halo is indeed beautiful.Purple is a darker color, so it is not dazzling. In darker places, purple is brighter and has a mysterious and profound feeling. This is another reason why he has always been used to using the Zijin Sword.

Thirty miles away didn't take long for Feijian, and soon Fang Han and the two of them were at a similar place.But because I don’t know the specific location, it takes some time to find it.

Fortunately, the sea water was enough for Fang Han's five senses, but it didn't block Fang Han's spiritual consciousness.

Soon, through spiritual knowledge, Fang Han found a place similar to a cave, and drove the Zijin Sword to fly there.When we arrived, we found that it was indeed a cave.

"Is this the cave?" Ao Ling asked curiously.

"I don't know, but after we pass, we will know!" Fang Han said.

This cave is a bit big, almost the same as a train tunnel, so Fang Han can drive the Purple Gold Sword directly in.Because he was afraid of danger, Fang Han didn't move too fast. If it were him, he would have no problem.But now that Ao Ling is following him, he is responsible for Ao Ling's safety.

Moving forward bit by bit, I suddenly found a light appearing in front of me.Fang Han's face immediately became strange, and he quickly turned a corner forward.

"Wow!" Ao Ling widened her eyes, looking at the countless glowing creatures in front of her, "What kind of creature is this? It can glow by itself!"

"Plankton!" Fang Han explained softly. He used his spiritual sense to explore it, and after confirming that there was no danger, he flew his purple gold sword into the plankton again.

Since it is a cave with plankton, this is a passage between the two worlds.What Fang Han didn't know was where this passage would lead to!Dragons are divine beasts, and they all live in the God Realm. According to normal circumstances, this passage should lead to the God Realm, but Fang Han found that the plankton here is not very bright, and it seems to be the same as the Demon Realm!

Ao Ling didn't know what Fang Han was thinking. While looking at the plankton, she asked, "Is there any record of these creatures in that book? I feel so amazing!"

"No!" Fang Han shook his head, he was also quite puzzled, the book didn't say that there would be plankton here, so it wasn't written in it, or did he find it wrong?
Forget it, no matter what, he has to go through this passage, go to the opposite side, see what's there, and then seal the cave.The human world is too weak, and it is not safe to connect with any world.

Thinking of this, he slowed down Feijian's speed again and became cautious.

Soon, they flew past the stone room where the plankton was, and Ao Ling turned her head reluctantly, "It would be great if I could raise such a plankton, it's so cute!"

"Hehe!" Fang Han couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile when he heard this.

"What's wrong?" Ao Ling couldn't help asking when she heard his laughter.

Fang Han explained: "Plankton are dimensional creatures. Although you can see them, you can't touch them, because they are not in this time and space at all."

"Really?" Ao Ling asked.

"Of course it's true!" Fang Han said with certainty.

Ao Ling couldn't help feeling sorry, "That's it! That's such a pity!"

Fang Han shook his head helplessly, woman!Always attracted by those seemingly beautiful things.But after thinking about it, he felt something was wrong. Men are also attracted by those seemingly beautiful things!
All right!This is human instinct!

(End of this chapter)

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