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Chapter 805 Attracting Mr. Fang

Chapter 805 Attracting Mr. Fang

When Fang Han heard these words, the smile on his face grew stronger.He knew that the Ao family would not be so simple, it has a tradition, otherwise he would not have been attacked by Ao Xing when he was in Jinhai.

Although the Ao family has nothing to do with Ao Lie and Ao Xing, their personality still inherits from Ao Lie and Ao Xing. Even if they want to find a thigh, they plan to hollow out the thigh, and then commit crimes.

Thinking of this, Fang Han felt more and more that the character of the Ao family was too similar to that of the Wa people!

Of course, it cannot be said that the Ao family is from the Wa country. After all, there are so many Chinese people, and there are all kinds of families, but it happens that the Ao family and the Wa people have similar personalities.The reason why the Japanese people have such a character is entirely due to historical reasons. Their attitude towards Huaxia is the same as the Ao family's attitude towards Fang Han.

Fang Han was sitting on the table drinking tea. He heard that there was no one outside, so he stood up, performed an invisibility technique on himself, opened the door and walked out.

Looking at the attic with the plaque of the Buddhist scriptures in front of him, Fang Han felt a little troubled.

He learned the location of the Sutra Pavilion from Ao Ling, so he was able to find it all the way.According to Ao Ling, all the books of the Ao family are stored in the Sutra Pavilion.Although she said that the Sutra Pavilion would be locked at night, it was not difficult for Fang Han, but she did not say that there are cameras around here!
It's easy to unlock, but it's more difficult to unlock in front of the camera.

Although there are illusions that can deceive the camera, illusions are not what Fang Han is good at.If it was a fight, even if there were ten or eight ascension-stage powerhouses, Fang Han would not be afraid.But in the face of a small camera, he has nothing to do.

"It seems that I will practice illusion more in the future!"

After murmuring in his heart, Fang Han retreated a little, it seems that he can only wait until the daytime to think of a solution!

Standing up and turning around, Fang Han did not go back to the room of the two beauties, but to Ao Ling's room.Although those two beauties were given to him for the first time just like Ao Ling, their purposes were different.

The former wanted to benefit from him, and even had bad intentions. How could Fang Han have feelings for such a woman?But the latter is different. No matter what they say, they are both in love with each other. Although Fang Han used a little force, Ao Ling obeyed without much resistance.

Holding Ao Ling in his arms, Fang Han fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Ao Ling woke up early.She didn't eat dinner last night and woke up from hunger.As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Fang Han lying beside him, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help showing joy. This bastard still had a conscience, and he knew he was coming back.

Ao Ling got dressed, and then opened the door to eat.She felt so hungry that she could eat a whole chicken!
"What are you talking about?" Ao Liang looked at the two women in front of him angrily, "You didn't get any benefits? How can you be so useless? Didn't you get any information you have?"

The two beauties lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word.Their faces were full of regret. They were usually good at coaxing people, but for some reason last night, they just couldn't find a chance to ask for any favors from Fang Han.

No!It should be said that Fang Han gave them a chance, but they didn't seize it.Thinking about it now, it was as if they had been drugged with ecstasy soup by Fang Han.

Ao Liang wanted to reprimand them again, but found that Ao Ling was standing not far away, so she stopped immediately.He walked over with a smile and said to Ao Ling, "Ao Ling, are you up? Where is Mr. Fang?"

Ao Ling had some embarrassment on her face, and she didn't want to meet Ao Liang either.But this is the only way to go to the cafeteria. She originally wanted to wait for Ao Liang to finish training the two of them before going there.But he didn't want Ao Liang to ignore the two of them after he saw her, and just walked over to talk to her.

"He hasn't woken up yet, Patriarch, I'm going to eat first!"

Ao Liang nodded, "Exactly, I didn't eat it either! Let's go there together!"

When the two beauties saw the two of them going to the cafeteria together, their expressions turned ugly.

"This cousin, she won't take our job away, right?" A beautiful woman said angrily.

"Snatch it? Does she still need to snatch it?" Another beauty also said in a strange voice: "What we did was something she didn't want to do. I don't know what Mr. Fang likes about her? She has a stubborn temper. Very, I don’t know how to serve others, how can we be better together?”

"Who said no?"

Although the two beauties said so, the sense of crisis in their hearts did not ease at all, but became even heavier.

The Patriarch arranged for them to get close to Fang Han, because he wanted them to get some exercises or treasures from Fang Han.But the two of them didn't complete the task, the Patriarch might give up on the two of them and get Ao Ling's attention again.

Judging from Fang Han's return to Ao Ling's room for the night, he attaches great importance to Ao Ling.You must know that in ancient times, only a big woman could let her husband go back to her room for the night, and a concubine could only come and send her husband away obediently.

The two looked at each other and stopped hiding, "What should we do? We have to think of a way."

"But what can we do? We don't need Ao Ling to be inferior in terms of body and appearance, right? But Mr. Fang just likes Ao Ling, what can we do?"

The two pondered for a while, and finally came up with an idea, "Then we will mobilize the women from the Ao family. I don't believe that such a large group of us can't attract Mr. Fang."

"But aren't those women all married? Do you want Mr. Fang to cuckold the men of our Ao family?"

"Perhaps Mr. Fang would like this one? You know, men have some strange hobbies, maybe Mr. Fang also has them?"

"So—then give it a try?"

After the two beauties finished discussing, they immediately acted.

This kind of thing cannot be discussed with those men, and those men will definitely not agree.So they went directly to those women. Although not everyone in this group of young daughters-in-law was willing, there were always a few women who were attracted by Fang Han yesterday.

So, when Fang Han woke up, he saw a room full of women, all of whom were well-dressed, and there were very few clothes on them.

"Mr. Fang, are you awake?" As soon as the two beauties saw Fang Han waking up, they immediately surrounded these women and climbed onto the bed, "Mr. Fang, we haven't finished our game yesterday! I bought some sisters and played with us, do you think it's okay?"

Fang Han's face immediately became excited. There were so many people, more than ten, right?Is this also arranged by Ao Liang?It seems that he was not convinced by last night's failure, so he raised the bet!
However, I would be afraid of this?
Thinking of this, Fang Han immediately showed an evil smile on his face, "That's good!"

"Oh! Mr. Fang, you are so bad!" The two beauties immediately groaned coquettishly.

While eating breakfast, Ao Ling listened to Ao Liang nagging in her ear.

"Ao Ling! You also know the current situation of our Ao family, so you must plead with Mr. Fang to help the Ao family get through this crisis!"

"I know it's wrong for me to do this, but isn't there no other way for the Ao family to go?"

"You have to understand our difficulties! No matter what, the Ao family is also the place where you were born and raised, so you must help me!"

Ao Ling's brain ached from the noise, if she wasn't so hungry, she wouldn't even want to eat.

After finally finishing the meal, Ao Ling immediately stood up and said to Ao Liang: "I'm done eating, you take your time!"

Then Ao Liang, who didn't even look at anything in front of him, quickly left.This bastard Patriarch simply finished his meal, and followed him to the cafeteria just to let her speak well in front of Fang Han, and even wanted to get benefits from Fang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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