Chapter 799
Ao Ling said: "I read it in the book, it recorded a special method, it seems that some magic was used to replace the inner alchemy of the evil dragon. In this way, the life safety of the evil dragon will not be endangered." .And the inner alchemy of the evil dragon has been replaced many years ago, and it was not replaced by Ao Xing."

Fang Han pondered for a moment, it turned out to be like this!No wonder the inner alchemy of the evil dragon disappeared!

"It seems that something is still recorded—" Ao Ling couldn't remember clearly, "It is said that the evil dragon will track down the whereabouts of the inner alchemy, and keep looking for it."

"Oh?" Fang Han raised his eyebrows. If this is the case, then when he met the evil dragon, was it looking for his inner alchemy?
"I don't remember very clearly. Because there was still Ao Xing's exercises in that book, it was collected by the new patriarch. When this group of people did not become the patriarch, they said that Ao Xing practiced Evil work, but after becoming the head of the family, they themselves regard it as a treasure!" Ao Ling mentioned this matter, and her heart became unbalanced.

The speaker has no intention but the listener has the intention, Fang Han immediately heard the problem inside.The Ao family found the method of practicing Jackie Chan. If they continue to practice, they will go to the Dragon Palace sooner or later.In this way, his opportunity came.

He has no friendship with the Ao family, and it is unethical to want the Ao family to do things. Fang Hankeng and the others have no psychological burden at all.

Thinking of this, Fang Han said: "Maybe there is something unknown in this!"

Then he changed the topic and asked Ao Ling: "Besides that book, are there any other books that talk about evil dragons? Although I know many incredible things, I don't know anything about evil dragons. not much."

Ao Ling thought for a while, and then said sorry: "I really don't know. Although the Ao family has a lot of books, I haven't read a few of them. You also know that in such a conservative family, girls have no status. Yes, they think women are virtuous if they don’t have talent, and let us learn from female celebrities all day long, what age is this?”

"Haha!" Fang Han chuckled and asked, "If you don't want to learn female celebrities, what do you want to learn?"

"Study--" Ao Ling lowered her head and thought for a while, but she didn't think of anything to learn. "Anyway, you can learn anything. It's more interesting than studying female sex. You sit there all day long, and you have to do it on your butt." Out of the cocoon!”

Fang Han's face looked strange. Why is there a callus on his butt?

"What are you thinking about!" Ao Ling naturally saw Fang Han's expression, and said with some shame and indignation on her face: "That's all I said!"

"I know!" Fang Han said funny. He suddenly found Ao Ling very interesting. She looked like a lady, but turned out to be a tomboy.

This kind of contrast is quite attractive, so Fang Han couldn't help but take a second look.

Ao Ling saw him looking at her again, her face turned red for no reason.She gave Fang Han a roll of her eyes, then turned around and said, "Have you finished your research? If you are done, just come with me and I will take you to dinner!"

"The research is done!" Fang Han nodded quickly.

He just wanted to figure out what it was. Now that he figured it out, there was no need to study it.Moreover, he also wants to get acquainted with the Ao family as soon as possible, and then find a chance to read the exercise.

"Then let's go!" Ao Ling greeted Fang Han and was about to return to the residential area.

However, at this moment, a large group of people rushed out of the forest and quickly surrounded the two of them.They were led by two young men. They looked at Fang Han vigilantly, and asked coldly, "Who are you? How dare you trespass on Aojia Island?"

Seeing that this group of people had misunderstood, Ao Ling immediately said: "He is my friend, he is here to find me!"

"Looking for you?" The two young men gave Ao Ling a cold look, "When did you have friends outside? And don't you know? Aojia Island prohibits outsiders from entering. Soak the pig cage!"

Dip the pig cage?Fang Han looked at these two guys amusedly, this criminal law seems to be used to deal with adulterers, right?

Ao Ling's face turned red with anger. She pointed at the young man who was speaking and said loudly: "Ao Xi, who do you think I am?"

"Who do you think it is?" Ao Xixie laughed, "Of course he is a thief!"

"Hahaha——" the surrounding Ao family members burst into laughter, everyone looked at Ao Ling mockingly, they just wanted to see Ao Ling's jokes.

"You guys!" Ao Ling was furious, and usually they were not so exaggerated.But after she said that Fang Han was her friend, they just wanted to hit her in front of the outside, so as to damage her image.

These people are really tormented!
"Hey!" Fang Han interrupted suddenly, "You guys are wrong!"

"Wrong?" Ao's family were all stunned. This kid wouldn't want to stand out for Ao Ling, would he?They couldn't help looking at Aoxi.Aoxi glanced at Fang Han contemptuously, "Boy, you can't protect yourself now, and you still want to stand up for others?"

Ao Ling turned her head to look at Fang Han, showing a grateful expression.

Fang Han smiled gently at Ao Ling, then looked at the Ao family playfully, and then said: "The word "stealer" is used to describe a married woman. Ao Ling does not have a husband, so she can like anyone openly. Need to steal.”

Aoxi and other Ao family members looked at each other, "So, you are her concubine?"

"You!" Ao Ling's face was ashamed and angry. She and Fang Han had only met once, and today they had only met for the second time, and she was said to be a concubine. How could she explain to Fang Han?
"Concubine?" Fang Han raised the corner of his mouth, "You're wrong again! Concubine refers to a man and woman who have an abnormal relationship. We are just friends. Although I have some affection for Ao Ling, I haven't reached the abnormal point yet. At this point, if I want to pursue her, I will naturally have to marry her, how can I belittle her so much?"

Ao Ling couldn't help being taken aback when she heard Fang Han's words.What did he just say?He has a crush on me?But if I remember correctly, he seems to have a girlfriend!

But for some reason, Ao Ling was still delighted, and a sweet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

Ao Xi laughed and said: "Ming Mei is marrying? You want to climb the high branch of our Ao family? Go and dream of your dreams! Let me tell you, she is now a slave of our Ao family, a woman who can't get married. , if our Ao family hadn't kindly taken her in, she would have died long ago!"

Ao Ling's face darkened, Ao Xi must humiliate herself.She looked around fiercely. If she hadn't been unable to defeat this group of people, she would have rushed forward and fought tooth and nail.

Fang Han's face also sank, "You Ao family are really ungrateful!"

"What did you say?" Ao's family was furious when they heard this!A group of people were about to rush up to deal with Fang Han.

"Bastard, you want to court death, don't you?"

"Boy, try saying something again!"

(End of this chapter)

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