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Chapter 790 Mr. Fang, that's amazing!

Chapter 790 Mr. Fang, that's amazing!

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two balls of flames hit the mana shield one after another, and exploded violently, directly blowing the black suit out, and fell to the ground. The whole arm was scorched, and there was a burn mark on the chest. , if you don't treat it quickly, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive!

People from the supervision department hurriedly checked the injury in the black suit, while the others looked at the strong man Aoyang angrily.Many of them are soldiers, and they never make excuses for their failures, but they will write down this hatred and take revenge back!

Ao Yang didn't care about their eyes at all, and said disdainfully: "You people in the supervision department are really interesting, and you don't even learn any spells!"

The eyes of the people in the supervision department flickered a little, which was indeed the shortcoming of the supervision department.The establishment of the Supervision Department is too short, and they are all soldiers, so they don't have a thorough understanding of magic. It takes at least ten or twenty years of practice to form combat effectiveness.

But 20 or [-] years is enough for them to advance to several levels. Whether they want a warrior at the birth stage or a monk at the Qi refining stage, everyone will choose the former.

If you deal with other sects, this shortcoming is nothing, because there are very few sects who dare to fight them, because most of those sects are frightened by the big mushroom.But in the current situation, the big mushrooms cannot be used, and their shortcomings of not knowing spells have been exposed.

Moreover, what Ao Yang used was not an ordinary spell, it was dragon fire, which could not be carried down by mana at all!
Therefore, even though they knew what Ao Yang said was sarcastic, they couldn't refute it.

At this moment, a ray of purple light flashed across the sky and rushed directly between the two parties.


A wave of air rushed to the surroundings, and everyone squinted at the extra person!

"Mr. Fang!" The Xue family exclaimed in surprise. The only strong man they knew was Fang Han. Seeing him rushing over now, they were naturally very pleasantly surprised.

The faces of the people in the supervision department became weird. They all knew Fang Han.Many even saw Fang Han killing people at Feiliumen, and knew that he was a strong man who had no scruples in his actions.

Guo Wenbo breathed a sigh of relief, his last hole card was still Fang Han.

Looking at the entire cultivation world, Fang Han is not the highest in cultivation, but he is the strongest.Even from the few words in Lin Yan's report, Guo Wenbo could still feel Fang Han's strength. This was a feeling that none of the monks, including the former Feiliumen, had ever given Guo Wenbo.

Moreover, he is not afraid of the threat of the big mushroom at all, because in the report on the East China Sea last time, he learned that Fang Han can go to other worlds at will.

The only thing that made him rejoice was that Fang Han was not a troublemaker, nor was he a murderer when he disagreed with each other.He guessed that this had something to do with the modern education he had received before, which made Fang Han's three views very positive. Although there were some flaws, he was still a kind young man of the new era.

But the intruder was dumbfounded, why did another person appear?Who is this guy?How could the Xue family know him?

Judging by the way he played, he is clearly a monk!But the strength is not low!
Ao Lie also looked at Fang Han in a daze. He searched for information about the world of monasticism in Naohuan, but he didn't find such a person as Fang Han!This is strange, although he doesn't pay attention to the cultivation world, but as for a master, he has no idea at all!
In fact, Fang Han's rise was too fast, and he went straight to the catastrophe in more than a year.Ao Lie's information was still a few years ago. For a monk, a few years is enough to raise a level. Outside of Fang Han and his Heavenly Sword Sect, no one can be promoted in a few days or months. A rank!
Ao Yang didn't dodge when Fang Han fell, and was directly rushed by the shock wave.

He got up from the ground, his face flushed terribly, "Who the hell are you? How dare you play tricks on your uncle!"

Fang Han didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at Ao Lie. Is this guy the mastermind behind the scenes?Then it is right to find him, "Where is Xue Xiaoxiao?"

The people present couldn't help being stunned when they heard this!
Everyone in the Xue family bowed their heads in shame, none of them thought of Xue Xiaoxiao.Especially the three fathers and sons of the Xue family, each of them was even more annoyed. Xue Xiaoxiao was their relative, and they didn't even think about it.

The faces of the people in the Supervision Department became even weirder. They didn't think that Fang Han would say some righteous words, such as boosting morale for the people and the people, but they didn't expect such a sentence.

Ao Lie frowned, he hated someone talking to him in a questioning tone.

The people behind him were also annoyed, "Who are you talking to? Do you want to die?"

"If you dare to disrespect our ancestors again, you will be chopped into pieces!"

Ao Yang was even more annoyed, "Bastard, I'm talking to you!"

As he said that, he raised his fist and punched Fang Han!

"Mr. Fang, be careful!" The members of the Xue family shouted hastily.

The people in the supervision department watched the excitement in their spare time. They had seen Fang Han's power.

The members of the Ao family immediately cheered and cheered, "Ao Yang, kill him!"

Fang Han watched Ao Yang's fist hit him with a blank expression on his face. He stretched out his hand and grabbed his fist.


With a soft sound, Ao Yang's fist wrapped in mana stopped in the air, and the mana disappeared quickly without even sending out a shock wave.

"Ah?" The Ao family looked at Fang Han dumbfounded, "How is this possible? How could he catch Ao Yang's fist empty-handed?"

"That's right! Ao Yang's fist is covered with mana!"

Ao Lie also looked at Fang Han with great interest, and said softly: "It's interesting, your strength is so much stronger than Ao Yang!"

The people in the supervision department immediately became excited, and they didn't expect Fang Han to be so strong.To be able to catch the mana-encapsulated fist with one hand, this is a subtle mana control ability!

Guo Wenbo also showed a happy look on his face, "This kid has become stronger again!"

The Xue family was even more excited, "Mr. Fang, that's amazing!"

"Mr. Fang, awesome!"

Fang Han was indifferent to the reactions of the people around him, he stared straight at Ao Lie, "Where is Xue Xiaoxiao?"

He came to the capital just to find Xue Xiaoxiao, no matter it was an excuse or something, he had to start and end.Moreover, Xue Xiaoxiao was not found in Jinhai. Fang Han was afraid that something bad happened to her.Although he only had a few conversations with Xue Xiaoxiao, he didn't want to see such a young girl in her prime die like this.

Ao Yang was also shocked that Fang Han was able to catch his fist empty-handed, but he was even more angry that Fang Han didn't take himself seriously.He ignited a dragon fire in his empty hand, and threw it at Fang Han!
"Can you catch my fist, can you also catch my dragon fire?"

Seeing the flames ignited by Ao Yang, the Xue family screamed again, "Be careful, Mr. Fang!"

They were really worried about Fang Han, because just like this, the flames injured the black suit in the supervision department!
The people in the supervision department also tensed up, and Guo Wenbo also showed a trace of nervousness on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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