Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 784 Sudden mutation!

Chapter 784 Sudden mutation!

"Mr. Fang, be careful!" Jiang's Wuxiu couldn't help reminding: "Those ice picks are easy to hurt people!"

"be careful!"

"Hide away!"

Hearing the Jiang family's Wuxiu's words, the kidnapper in the concentration period was even more proud, "I want to see how you resist my ice cone technique!"

Seeing the ice picks flying towards him, Fang Han didn't even want to raise his eyes. Instead, he raised his hand and fixed all the ice picks in the air!He has learned all the top skills he got from the Skeleton Sage. Although he is not very proficient, it is more than enough to deal with a monk in the concentration period.

"It's amazing!" Jiang Jia Wuxiu's eyes widened. They never thought that Fang Han could deal with the ice pick that made them embarrassed so easily.

"No wonder Mr. Fang didn't hide. If I could do that, I wouldn't bother to hide!"

"It seems that Mr. Fang is much stronger than that guy, and there is no problem in defeating him!"

"If you want to tell me, we all saw it!"

"This, how is this possible?" The kidnapper looked at Fang Han in shock, and had a bad premonition in his heart. Could it be that he is really much stronger than me?
He couldn't believe that such a young person was actually above the concentration stage?How can this be?

Fang Han waved his hand, and the ice pick was thrown to the ground.He walked towards the kidnapper in the concentration period, and said lightly, "Who sent you here?"

During the concentration period, the kidnapper came back to his senses, and instead of answering Fang Han's words, he shouted, "I don't believe you can defeat me!"

As he said that, he suddenly condensed a huge mountain of ice in the sky, and smashed it towards Fang Han!
"Ah!" The martial artists of Jiang's family saw the big ice cube, their eyes widened immediately, and Fang Han shouted loudly: "Mr. Fang, get out of the way!"

"Big ice cube! How could this guy make such a big ice cube?"

"Did he also hide his strength?"

Fang Han looked up at the big ice block, immediately sneered, and jumped forward, directly passing through the body of the kidnapper in the concentration period, and rushed forward!

"Ah?" Wu Xiu of the Jiang family was stunned, "Where did Mr. Fang go?"

"I didn't see it clearly, you disappeared as soon as you saw it!"

"I just saw Mr. Fang pass through that person's body, but that person is still there! Could it be my eyesight?"

At this moment, the ice cubes in the sky and the robbers who were casting spells on the ground suddenly burst like bubbles!Only then did the martial artists see Fang Han standing in the distance, holding the robber in the concentration period in his hand!

"Ah! It's an illusion! The one just now was an illusion!" a Jiang family martial artist shouted.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized, and they jumped their feet angrily, "What the hell, this guy is really cunning! He even wanted to use illusion to hold us back. Fortunately, Mr. Fang saw through his illusion, otherwise he would have let him run away." Already!"

"Isn't it! This guy is really insidious!"

Fang Han picked up the kidnapper in the concentration period, and asked again: "Let me ask one last time, who sent you here?"

The kidnapper rolled his eyes when he was pinched, but he still said very stubbornly: "I won't say it!"

Fang Leng gave him a cold look, "If you don't say anything, then go to hell!"

As he said that, a burst of cold air quickly condensed from Fang Han's hands, completely freezing the kidnappers during the concentration period!

The Jiang family's martial artists ran over quickly, and when they saw the kidnapper frozen into ice during the concentration period, they immediately felt a bad breath.

"It's really drowning those who know how to water and killing those who are stubborn!"

"Go! This is called repaying the other's way!"

"Okay!" Fang Han waved his hand, stopping the compliments from these people, "Did you see a wooden box?"

"Oh!" The Jiang family's martial artists suddenly realized, "I see, there were two people with him just now, and those two people carried a wooden box and went over there!"

Fang Han glanced at the direction, then quickly started, and disappeared in front of everyone like a gust of wind!

The Jiang family martial cultivators looked at the empty ground, their mouths grew wide, and they didn't know what to say!
"Hi!" A loud shout came from not far away, and the martial arts practitioners of the Jiang family hurriedly turned their heads to look over, only to realize that it was reinforcements from other families' martial arts coming over!

"Aren't you preventing the enemy from escaping? Why are you so idle?" Wu Xiu who rushed over asked in surprise.

The martial arts cultivator of the Jiang family pointed at the kidnapper in the Concentration Stage who was frozen into solid ice. Only then did the martial arts cultivators from other families realize that there was a person inside!

"Hey! Who made this?"

"Mr. Fang!"

"Has Mr. Fang been here?" The other martial artists jumped up and asked immediately.

Seeing the Jiang family's martial arts cultivators nodding, they realized that they and others were of no use.Those who hurry up and slow down still fail to catch up. If this opportunity to flatter someone is lost, will there be a future?
Thinking of this, they all lowered their heads one by one, wilted!
Fang Han followed the direction pointed by the martial arts cultivator of the Jiang family. After a while, he saw two Qi Transformation stage monks running forward carrying a wooden box.These two guys are very fast, and ordinary people can't keep up.But compared to Fang Han, their speed was far behind!


Fang Han quickly chased after him, then turned around and directly blocked the way in front of the two of them!
The two abductors at the gasification stage saw a person suddenly appearing in front of them, they stopped quickly, and looked at Fang Han cautiously.

The kidnapper in front asked in a deep voice, "My friend, why did you block our way?"

"Put down the box!" Fang Han said lightly.

When the two kidnappers heard it, they immediately knew that it was from the group that broke into the factory.From the speed at which Fang Han caught up just now, he knew that the person in front of him was not something the two of them could handle.So the two put down the wooden box in a very simple way, and then took a few steps back!

Fang Han narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little strange.Why did those people ask death rather than surrender? Why did the last two give up the wooden box so easily?Are they trying to sneak attack while I'm opening the wooden box?
Thinking of this, he immediately became wary.But he pretended not to care, walked to the front of the wooden box, and opened the wooden box lid.



Sudden mutation!A blast of energy burst out from inside the wooden box, rushing towards Fang Han.

Fang Han's feet flashed, and an electric arc was generated instantly, leading him back more than ten meters away.Only then did he see clearly that what flew out of it was a huge fireball.

The wooden box was not Xue Xiaoxiao at all, but a very familiar man.

The man jumped out of the wooden box, seeing that Fang Han was safe and sound, he immediately turned his head and cursed at the two robbers: "You two bastards who are afraid of death, dare to disrupt the plan privately! It made me miserable It is simply unforgivable that the design's strategy of throwing bricks and attracting jade has failed!"

"My lord, please spare me!" The two robbers knelt down and begged for mercy, "We didn't know he would do this!"

"Yes! Young Master, we didn't know he would be vigilant!"

The man didn't listen to their argument at all, he just turned his hand and released two fireballs at the two of them, burning them to death!

Then he looked at Fang Han and said with a sneer, "Your surname is Fang, didn't you think I'm still alive?"

(End of this chapter)

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