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Chapter 770 Mana Rope

Chapter 770 Mana Rope
"Ah—" the guard yelled in fright, waving his hands and feet in the air.

Fang Han waved his hand, and the guards immediately shut their mouths, unable to make any sound, and then quickly put their hands and feet together, and like the young men in their family, they turned into human sticks, floating in the sky.

After entering the door, I saw a group of people running out again.These people are all middle-aged people, elite members of the Jiang family.

These people are much smarter. Seeing such a strange situation, they immediately knew that they were not something they could provoke, and stopped in their tracks immediately!

A slightly older person said: "Your Excellency, I don't know how our Jiang family offended you, please calm down and let them down!"

"This person has a bit of a brain!" Fang Han said jokingly.

"En!" Xue Zhirong nodded, but he was still not smart enough.

That person also felt annoyed when he heard Fang Han teasing him like this.But he didn't say much, he knew he couldn't offend Fang Han.

Not enough, since Fang Han opened his mouth, it means that he can still communicate, so he said: "Your Excellency, please tell me what you want? How can we let them go?"

"Still not smart enough!" Fang Han said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xue Zhirong nodded. He was so big and stood here for a long time, but no one recognized him. The Jiang family members are so defiant!

Even if your Wuxiu family doesn't like our Wulin family, but if I can come here with Fang Han, it proves that the two of us are in the same group and ignore me?It will be fun when you annoy Fang Han!
"Your Excellency!" The man was a little out of breath and wanted to say something else.

Fang Han said impatiently: "Let your Patriarch come out, what are you, do you also cooperate with me?"

That person immediately became angry, "Your Excellency, don't think our Jiang family is easy to bully!"

Fang Leng laughed, "I just bullied you, what else can you do?"

"Your Excellency doesn't care about our Jiang family, do you really think we have nothing to do with you?" The man waved his hand, and a group of gunmen rushed out, surrounding Fang Han and Xue Zhirong.

"Yo! Do you still dare to shoot?" Xue Zhirong said mockingly.

"What's the matter with shooting? You broke into Jiang's house and threatened so many people in our family. Even if we kill you, we can justify it!"

Fang Han shook his head, "Your Jiang family is really powerful, you will kill me every now and then!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and all the Jiang family members present felt their bodies tightened immediately, their hands and feet were tightly tied to their bodies, and they were motionless!

"Come on! Kill one and show me!"

"This!" The man's eyes widened, and he looked at the mana rope on his body in disbelief. What the hell is this?
Originally, he thought that Fang Han was able to tie those people to the sky with the help of some high-tech tools.Now it seems that they are completely relying on strength to complete.

But everyone has such a mana rope, how much mana does this need?How could a martial artist possess so much mana?

He opened his mouth to say some soft words, but before he opened his mouth, he felt that his mouth was also sealed by mana.He looked at others, and almost everyone was sealed by mana.

How can this be?

Not only he has doubts, but all the Jiang family members have such doubts. How did this guy do it?
As soon as Fang Han raised his hand, everyone immediately floated into the air, and then continued to fly inside under Fang Han's guidance.

After passing through the first floor of the courtyard, Fang Han continued to walk inside.

After a while, many people came out in front.This time the leader was an old man, followed by a guard, who pointed at Fang Han and said, "Patriarch, that's him!"

The head of the Jiang family watched Fang Han walk in step by step, and then watched Fang Han step over and enter the yard. He didn't see any problems.

Then Xue Zhirong, who was behind Fang Han, also walked into the courtyard, and the face of the Patriarch of the Jiang family was different.Why did people from the Xue family follow?Is there something wrong with Weng He?
Then the next moment, he was stunned, because countless figures of the Jiang family's children appeared from the courtyard wall.One by one, they flew over the courtyard wall like human sticks, and floated into the courtyard.

"What's going on?" The Jiang family exclaimed, they had never seen such a strange situation.

Indeed, this kind of crowd flying here like the end credits of Star Wars is really not something ordinary people can see.

The head of the Jiang family was a little confused. Just now the guard said that there were only a few martial arts like this. Why did they suddenly become so many?

He didn't know what happened until he saw the faces of these people clearly.It must be these people who spoke rudely, so they were tied up together.

Thinking of this, he hastily greeted him.People like this on the opposite side are not something they can deal with at all, so it's better to admit defeat early.

"Your Excellency, it was the unworthy descendants of our Jiang family who offended you, and please forgive them! If you can't appease your anger, please tell me, an old man, that I will definitely satisfy your request!"

Fang Han looked at the old man indifferently, he was also a martial artist.But this guy is very colorful, knowing that he can't beat Fang Han, he even apologized directly.

"You are the head of the Jiang family?"

"Exactly!" The Patriarch of the Jiang Family nodded and said, with a more respectful attitude.

Seeing the Patriarch like this, the members of the Jiang family all had angry expressions on their faces.But they are obviously smarter than the previous two groups, and the Patriarch has admitted that they are cowardly. If they dare to play their temper, they will definitely end up with these people in the sky.

Fang Han doesn't care what other people's attitudes are, no matter how angry these people are, it's useless, he should do whatever he wants.And seeing these people angry but unable to do anything to him, Fang Han actually felt very refreshed!
But business matters, "Where is Xue Xiaoxiao?"

"What?" The Patriarch of the Jiang family couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and didn't understand. How did he know where Xue Xiaoxiao was?
"I don't want to say it a second time!" Fang said coldly.

"No, Your Excellency!" The head of the Jiang family said quickly, "I don't know who Xue Xiaoxiao you are talking about!"

Xue Zhirong said from the side: "Xue Xiaoxiao is my niece, she was kidnapped a few days ago, didn't you do it?"

Only then did the head of the Jiang family know what was going on, and he immediately said aggrievedly: "What an injustice! Although our Jiang family has some misfortunes, we have never kidnapped a woman!"

"It's a girl!" Xue Zhirong reminded, "My niece is only 17 years old!"

"That's even more impossible!" The head of the Jiang family said quickly: "We are also the Wuxiu family after all, how could we shamelessly kidnap women? If people find out, what face does our family have?"

"Are you sure? Really don't know?" Fang Leng asked coldly.

"I really don't know!" The head of the Jiang family said hastily.

As soon as Fang Han raised his hand, those people in the sky were all released from floating and fell from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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