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Chapter 763 You are too crazy!

Chapter 763 You are too crazy!
The boss of the Xue family said angrily: "Weng He, don't spout blood. If your old man didn't use this house and quit the capital as conditions, you would still be alive to this day?"

"I would rather take your life!" The second child of the Xue family was even more furious, his fists were clenched so hard that his nails tore his hand.But he was still holding back tightly and didn't attack.

Now that the Xue family is in crisis, it is absolutely unusual for Weng He to come knocking on the door. If it is not handled well, it may bring disaster to the Xue family.He endured it for the sake of his family, but his eyes kept staring at Weng He, who was his mortal enemy!
"Haha——" Weng He laughed wildly and turned back to the people he brought with him: "They still want to kill me with their little strength? They really made me laugh to death!"

"Ha ha--"

The people behind Weng He also laughed and looked at the Xue family and the martial arts people present with disdainful expressions.

"As far as their three-legged cat kung fu is concerned, it is a joke to want to deal with Young Master Weng!"

"Master Weng can knock them down with one punch."

"Where is Master Weng still needed? They are not enough for us to fight."

These people were also extremely rampant, and they didn't pay attention to the Xue family and these martial arts people at all.

How could those martial arts people agree, and rushed out a large group of people, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Asshole, say that again?"

This group of people usually practice martial arts and have enough energy and blood. Now some of them drink too much, so they are very impulsive.However, the boss of the Xue family stretched out his hand, stopped them, and asked Weng He in a cold voice: "Weng He, what exactly do you want to do?"

Seeing that a fight was about to start over there, Fang Han shook his head involuntarily.Those brought by Weng He were not ordinary people, but martial arts, obviously they came prepared.It's just that where these martial arts come from is open to discussion.

The only family he knew of Wuxiu was the Li family. He didn't know if these Wuxiu had anything to do with the Li family.

However, he is not in a hurry, these martial arts are not very strong, although it is enough for these martial arts people, but it is impossible to kill the Xue family today.

What he was even more curious about was what grudge Weng He had against the Xue family, and why he needed such a big house to buy his life.So, he turned to look at the second son of the Xue family, "What's the grudge between your two families?"

The second child of the Xue family glanced at Fang Han, his eyes were already bloodshot, which showed how much he had endured.However, facing Fang Han's questioning, he still said: "20 years ago, our two families were actually good friends, and we were even friends. But he is a dude, but he has strong martial arts. Although I don't agree with him, but To make friends with martial arts, I often compete with him."

Speaking of this, the hatred of the second child of the Xue family obviously increased, "I had a girlfriend at the time, and the girlfriend's family had no money or power, and she was just a commoner. But I really like her and plan to marry her. Once again I He took her to play, and was seen by Weng He. He coveted my girlfriend's beauty, so he was taken away by someone, and then raped her. My girlfriend refused and was killed by him."

The voice of the second son of the Xue family became hoarse, "After I found out about this, I was very angry, and directly led someone to hit the Weng family, but I never hit him. I was not reconciled, so I just stabbed this matter directly. The upper part was trying to beat us aristocratic families, so they sent people to the Weng family to arrest them."

"When the Weng family saw that this matter had become a big deal, they also felt that their family had no face in the capital, so they proposed to use this house and the conditions of withdrawing from the capital to save Weng He's life. I didn't agree, but the Weng family After persuading my old man and finding someone to work around, this happened."

When Fang Han heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he looked at Weng He who was showing off his power in the distance with a sneer, "Could Xue Xiaoxiao's disappearance have something to do with him?"

The second son of the Xue family was stunned. He didn't know why Fang Han asked such a question, but he said honestly: "I don't know. We just found out that Weng He returned to the capital. This matter still needs to be investigated."

"I know!" Fang Han nodded.

He didn't want to take care of things other than Xue Xiaoxiao. After all, the Xue family had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't help them like this.But he saw that Weng was unhappy, so even if he made excuses, he would still help Xue's family.

"Didn't I just say that? I'm here to take back this house! The surname is Xue, your whole family should move out quickly, if you don't let me, today I will let your Xue family's blood flow into rivers!" Weng He said coldly Said.

"You are too rampant!" A martial artist in the capital shouted angrily, "This is an important place in the capital. You dare to be so rampant. Do you really think that no one cares about you?"

"Who dares to take care of it?" A young man over there walked out and said to these martial arts experts: "I want to see, who dares to take care of this matter!"

The martial arts people saw him so rampant, how could they hold back their anger, the martial arts person in the capital immediately shouted: "I dare to control, what can you do to me?"

With that said, regardless of the Xue family boss's obstruction, he rushed forward and punched the young man, "Look at the punch!"

This martial arts person is very decent, and he even notified him before making a move.

But when the young man saw the fist coming, he didn't even bother to dodge it, and took the punch abruptly.


The fist hit the young man's chest, and the martial artist felt a shock from the fist, and couldn't help but turn pale with fright.He knew the strength of his fist. This punch would have a force of hundreds of catties. If it hit someone, it would definitely vomit blood or even kill him.

But this young man didn't even shake after being punched. How is this possible?

Other martial arts professionals who are familiar with this martial artist were also taken aback, "How could this happen? Someone can take a punch from Big Brother Li?"

"That's right! I fought against Big Brother Li, and I couldn't bear it with only seven percent of his strength. Now even ten percent of his strength can't impress the person who moved him. How is this possible?"

"Is this guy practicing the Vajra Mask?"

The young man laughed evilly, "You dare to come out to compete with others with such little strength? You are not small!"

Brother Li heard the young man's words, his face became more angry, and he punched the young man in the face again.Some people can practice qigong and become very resistant to blows.But this kind of qigong cannot be practiced on the face.

"Heh!" The young man laughed disdainfully, and raised his hand to punch him.

The punch was quick and fast, and it hit Brother Li in the chest, sending him flying three meters away, and lying in front of the martial arts practitioners.


Brother Li spat out a big mouthful of blood, and lying on the ground, he breathed in more and breathed out less.

"Brother Li!" Several martial arts professionals who had been friends with Brother Li rushed out to check his situation.Seeing that he was hit so hard, his face became angry, "You guys are so cruel and merciless!"

The young man sneered disdainfully, "If you don't have the skills, don't take trouble on yourself, or his end will be your role model!"

(End of this chapter)

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