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Chapter 753 Lingtong Mountain Will Suffer

Chapter 753 Lingtong Mountain Will Suffer
"Wake up, really wake up!" Liang Wei hugged Lu Ying happily and shouted.

"En! En!" Lu Ying nodded quickly, and then signaled Liang Wei to be quiet.She turned her head to look at Fang Han, her brother woke up as soon as he came back, there can't be such a coincidence, he must have done something.

"Wake up, my son is awake!" Lu Ying's mother shed tears of joy, and Lu Fuchun hurriedly comforted him: "My son should be awake, be happy, why are you crying!"

"Yeah!" Lu Ying's mother nodded, speechless.

"Everything is normal with the instrument!"

"The patient's mind is clear, except that when he was doing it, the wound was moved and the bone needs to be re-set, there is no other obvious abnormality."

Doctor Wu started writing in the medical record, and murmured to himself as he wrote: "A miracle, this is really a miracle! You know, it has only been less than an hour, and the patient has not even had time to take anesthesia. It's a miracle to be able to wake up!"

Several doctors looked at each other, is this really a miracle?Why do they feel that everything in this matter is weird.

"Okay, re-arrange the bone-setting surgery for the patient, and then give him a comprehensive examination. If there is no problem, it can be regarded as being transferred to the orthopedics department for hospitalization!" Dr. Wu waved his hand regardless of how dazed the doctors were.

When Lu Feng woke up, a smile appeared on the faces of the Lu family again.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lu Ying pulled Fang Han aside and asked him, "Is there something you didn't tell me just now? Why did my brother wake up as soon as you came back?"

"Because I brought his soul back!" Fang Han told her the whole thing in detail, "At that time your brother was standing in front of you, but you couldn't see it. "

"Really?" Lu Ying blinked her eyes, feeling that this matter was a bit miraculous, "It turns out that after you have cultivated to a high level, you can see ghosts!"

"Of course!" Fang Han said, "But the higher your strength, the less ghosts dare to approach you. Because once they approach you, they may be injured or even killed by your magic power."

Lu Ying nodded, indicating that she understood.But she asked again: "What are you going to do with the Rong Group?"

"It depends on you!" Fang Han didn't care.The Rong Group is just a small consortium in Tianhai. Although it has a certain influence in Tianhai, it is far behind the Guan Group!
"I want to make him bankrupt!" Lu Ying said angrily, "They dare to plot against my brother. I will never spare them. And Lingtong Mountain, I can't spare them either!"

Rong Guoqiang managed to get out of the sofa, and quickly sent him and Master Kang to the hospital.He was just traumatized, and he would be fine with a little maintenance.But Master Kang was miserable, his spine was broken, he was paralyzed from the neck down, and he couldn't speak fluently.

Seeing Master Kang like this, Rong Guoqiang could only contact Master Kang's master Yuan Lang.

Lingtong Mountain is not a famous mountain, it is just a small sect here, and their leader is only in the distraction stage.Yuan Lang actually hasn't been up the mountain for long. He is considered an entry-level artist, but because his strength is about the same as that of the leader, he has a lot of say in Lingtong Mountain.

Yuan Lang had been hanging out with ordinary people all year round before going up the mountain, and after going up the mountain, he never forgot the luxurious life of ordinary people.So he took advantage of Lingtong Mountain's master's unique skills in divination, and began to attract tourists to worship on the mountain.

The head of Lingtong Mountain saw that Yuan Lang did this and really got a lot of resources for the sect, so he turned a blind eye and let Yuan Lang take full charge of these matters.He retreated wholeheartedly, preparing to break through the tribulation period.

After taking control of Lingtong Mountain, Yuan Lang immediately made friends with wealthy people among ordinary people, and even deceived many wealthy people into becoming registered disciples of Lingtong Mountain, and then contributed a sum of money or rare resources every year.

In reciprocation, Yuan Lang sent out a few disciples under his seat to help these rich people do some shameful things. For example, Rong Guoqiang wanted to get rid of the two stewards of the Lu family this time, which was one of them.

Because the nail head technique can only arrest one person at a time, it starts with Lu Feng first.Because Lu Feng's birth date is not good enough, as long as he finds the hospital records, it will be fine.But Lu Fuchun's date of birth is not so easy to look up. When he was born, it was not popular to give birth in the hospital, so he might not be able to find the records.

They have done this kind of thing smoothly many times, and even helped Rong Guoqiang pay a lot of attention.

But unexpectedly, Fang Han encountered their matter this time.

When Rong Guoqiang notified Yuan Lang, he said in a very eloquent way that Fang Han was an unknown little monk.He also said how Fang Han looked down on Lingtong Mountain, which immediately provoked Yuan Lang.

After sitting in a high position for so many years, Yuan Lang has become more and more arrogant. How could he bear being ridiculed by an unknown young monk? He directly took his three disciples to Tianhai.

"Master Yuan!" Rong Guoqiang led the entire company to welcome the four of them up to the top floor.

Still in his office, but this time without cameras.After he learned that Yuan Lang was coming, he removed all the cameras and hid the surveillance video, lest Yuan Lang find out that he was lying to him.

In Rong Guoqiang's mind, Yuan Lang is much stronger than Fang Han.As long as Yuan Lang makes a move, Fang Han will definitely fail.So he needs to leave a good impression on Yuan Lang so that he can continue to benefit from him in the future.

Anyway, only three people knew what happened that day.Master Kang has been abolished, so he can't reveal the secret, and Yuan Lang obviously won't ask Fang Han to ask what happened that day.Even if he asked, Fang Han would not answer him.

"Where is the person who injured Kang Bao now?" Yuan Lang asked proudly.

"I sent someone to investigate, and he is now in the hospital." Rong Guoqiang said, "Master Yuan, should you bring him here to do it, so that you can do it without anyone noticing it."

Yuan Lang couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.He really didn't care about an unknown monk, but he had to fear the Supervision Department.If this matter becomes a big issue, and it goes to the supervision department, let alone them, even Lingtong Mountain will suffer.

Naturally, he is not afraid of Lingtong Mountain's disaster, but he has been an elite in Lingtong Mountain for many years, and he is reluctant to give up his current property.

He glanced at Rong Guoqiang approvingly, "You are right, but how do you lure him here?"

Rong Guoqiang quickly said: "The last time Master Kang used the nail head technique, he touched it by himself. If we use the nail head technique again, he should come over again!"

Yuan Lang heard that this proposal was good, so he said to the disciples beside him: "Yang Xu, get up the altar!"

Fang Han followed Lu Ying to take care of Lu Feng in the hospital, and Liang Wei took care of him all night and just went to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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