Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 751 Soul State

Chapter 751 Soul State

No matter, it is better to think about how to get out now, he said: "If I tell you how I learned, you will let me go?"

"Hehe!" Fang Leng laughed, "I'm afraid it's too late if I want to leave now?"

"What do you mean, Your Excellency?" Master Kang's complexion changed, and he said to Fang Han: "Don't you still want to kill me? I'm afraid I will disappoint you. There are surveillance cameras in this office. If you dare to kill me , just wait for the Supervision Department to trouble you!"

Rong Guoqiang didn't know what the Supervision Department was, but when he heard Master Kang mentioning surveillance, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, there is surveillance in my office, and all the surveillance videos can be released to Online. If you dare to commit crimes, the police will find you soon!"

"I'm dying of laughter!" Fang Han looked at him amusedly, "You scoundrels still think of the police to protect you? Why didn't you think of the police when you were still in Lu Feng?"

When Rong Guoqiang saw what Fang Han said, he thought that Fang Han had nothing to do, and immediately said proudly: "Of course, I am a taxpayer and pay a lot of taxes every year. Of course the police must protect me!"

"Then let the police find me!" Fang Han said disdainfully, as soon as he raised his hand, the sofa beside the two flew up and hit them.

"Pfft!" Both of them vomited blood after being hit, Rong Guoqiang was crushed under the sofa and couldn't get up, and Master Kang's body was stronger and he could still crawl!

Fang Han walked over and kicked Master Kang hard on the back, breaking his spine with a "click".Master Kang felt a sharp pain, and then passed out when his eyes went dark.

Fang Han squatted beside Rong Guoqiang, "You tell the people in Lingtong Mountain, if they want revenge, just come here, I'll be there anytime."

Rong Guoqiang opened his mouth and said in a small voice: "Master Yuan will never let you go!"

"That's the best!" Fang Han said disdainfully: "What kind of shit master, he's just a piece of trash!"

After speaking, he walked up to the altar, and all the ten small pots fell to the ground.

Lu Feng's three souls and seven souls were released from the small jar, and then gradually gathered into one body.When the three souls and seven souls were separated, they were all in a daze, not knowing what happened.But when they come together, they become the completed soul.

When he saw Fang Han appearing in front of his eyes, a trace of excitement appeared on his face, "Fang Han, where did you take my sister? Do you know that my mother is always moaning—"

Before he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong with him, "What's wrong with me? Why do I feel so light?"

"Also, where is this place?"

Fang Han waved his hand and used magic to immobilize Lu Feng, and then said to him: "You are out of body now. I have to take you back to the body as soon as possible, otherwise, you may become an idiot!"

"Really or not?" Lu Feng didn't believe it at all, and still said: "This place looks familiar, it seems to be in Rong's Building, right?"

"That's right!" Fang Han didn't talk to him much, and took him away.

"Hey! Hey!" Lu Feng felt that he couldn't help following Fang Han, and suddenly panicked, "You want to take me to get it? Why can't I control my body?"

Fang Han pushed open the door of the fire escape, and jumped down the stairs. Lu Feng followed suit, and he was so frightened that he immediately yelled: "Ah——I'm going to die! You scared me to death! Why did you directly Jumped off the stairs? What if I fell to my death?"

"You are dead now, you don't need to die anymore!" Fang Han said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Feng said dissatisfiedly, "I got a good job, why did I die? By the way, why didn't you tell me why I became like this, and why did I appear in Rong's Building?" !"

Fang Han could only tell him about his car accident and what happened in Rong's Building, but Lu Feng didn't believe it at all!
"You said that my soul was captured by a spell called Nail, and then sealed in ten small jars? Have you read too many novels?"

"I'm still in the state of the soul. I can clearly feel that I am a normal person. How can I be in the state of the soul?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a person came over from the opposite side and bumped into him directly.He quickly tried to hide, but that person directly penetrated his body, as if he didn't exist at all.

Seeing this situation, Lu Feng was stunned for a moment, "Did you do this?"

"Don't think that I haven't read the novels. Let me tell you, they are all unbelievable."

"You quickly change me back to my original form!"

Fang Han listened to him making noise all the way, and didn't reply back.Ordinary people can't hear Lu Feng's speech in the soul state, or else he would scare away passers-by.

Finally arrived at the hospital, Fang Han quickly found Lu Ying.Lu Feng saw Lu Ying, and hurried over, "Xiaoying, you are back, mom is worried about you!"

But Lu Ying's cultivation level is not enough now, she can't see him at all, she just asked Fang Han: "How is it? Did you find out anything?"

"Hey!" Lu Feng stood in front of Lu Ying, waving his arms constantly, "Xiaoying, I'm brother, I'm here, can you see me?"

But Lu Ying kept looking at Fang Han, and Fang Han nodded, "I've found out the truth!"

"What's going on?" A murderous intent flashed in Lu Ying's eyes, "Is it the Rong family's good deed?"

"Hey!" Lu Feng was helpless, "I'm obviously here, why can't you see me?"

Fang Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and instead of answering Lu Ying's question, he asked, "Is the operation complete?"

"It's finished, the doctor said it went well, but my brother is now in the intensive care unit!" Lu Ying said, "I'll take you there!"

"I'm here! I'm not in the intensive care unit!" Lu Feng was about to go crazy.

But looking at the two people leaving side by side, he could only follow.He wants to see what the hell these two people are doing!

When he arrived outside the intensive care unit, Lu Feng was stunned!His parents and wife were all there.He hurried over, "Dad, can you see me? Mom? Liang Wei?"

He kept waving in front of the three of them, but the three of them still maintained sad expressions and treated him as nothing.

"What's going on here?" He felt that he was going crazy, so he rushed to Fang Han's side and grabbed his collar.A miraculous thing happened, he really grabbed Fang Han by the collar, surprised, he immediately asked: "Tell me, why can't they see me!"

Fang Han calmly pointed to the glass window in front of him, and when Lu Feng turned his head, he saw a person lying on the hospital bed inside.Although this person was covered with a lot of gauze, Lu Feng could tell at a glance that it was him.

He was very surprised how he could tell, because even if his own mother came, he might not be able to recognize this person's attire!But he just knew it was him, as if there was a voice telling him that it was you!

(End of this chapter)

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