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Chapter 749 Sorcery

Chapter 749 Sorcery
Fang Han felt something was wrong, so he said to everyone, "I'll go to the scene of the car accident first, and I'll be back in a while!"

Lu Fuchun and his wife and Liang Wei are a little unclear, so I don't know what he can see.Lu Ying's eyes flickered for a moment, she guessed Fang Han's thoughts, and said immediately: "Then look carefully, if I find out who hurt my brother, I will never spare them!"

"It's not clear yet, let's talk about it when I come back!" Fang Han couldn't be sure that it was the Rong family, he still needed to verify it.

After leaving the hospital, Fang Han went to the car accident location that Jiao Jing informed.The whole vehicle has been towed away, but the location where the whole vehicle is located has been surrounded.Anyway, this is also the scene of the crime. If it is really a murder, it must be protected here.

Although it is not known whether someone tampered with the car, Jiao Jing still protected the scene.

This is convenient for Fang Han. He looked at the car parts all over the place, and then talked to Jiao Jing, then went to look at the protection site, and simulated the car rollover trick in his mind. It really looked like it was installed without brakes. Signs for roadside flower beds.

Fang Hanyou got on the car and crashed near the flower bed, looked at the gap in the flower bed, and then looked at the road, there was no sign of braking.

Is it really the brakes that are broken?But when Lu Feng came home from the company, he obviously walked out of many intersections, and it was impossible not to use the brakes once. If there was a problem with the brakes, he would definitely stop and check.His car is a sports car, very expensive, rarely touched by people in the company, and there are security guards in the parking lot, it is basically impossible to miss the security guard's eyes and damage the brakes, unless the security guards buy it together.

However, the risk of being exposed in this way is too great, if the Rong family is smart, they will not do this at all.

Then there is another possibility for the rest. There is no problem with the brakes, but there is a problem with Lu Feng.

Could it be that someone has tampered with Lu Feng? Thinking of this, he immediately took out the temporary ghost messenger token, activated the ghost messenger token, opened the yin and yang eyes, and saw the ghosts around him clearly.

Gathering these ghosts together, Fang Han asked, "Which one of you saw the car accident just now?"

"I saw it!" A ghost raised his hand and said, "The man who was driving was driving well, but suddenly fell down, with the steering wheel in his hand, and hit the flower bed."

Sure enough!

It seems that someone used drugs or magic to deal with Lu Feng, otherwise Lu Feng would never faint suddenly.But the medicine is easy to judge, just go to the hospital for an examination.

Sorcery has some troubles, so Fang Han asked again: "Apart from this, have you seen any strange phenomena?"

"I saw that man's soul leave his body." It was the same ghost just now.

Soul out of body?Fang Han narrowed his eyes, this is a nail head technique!

The nail-head technique is the book of nail-headed seven arrows written in "Fengshen Yanyi". Fang Gongming died under this sorcery.

Of course, the nail head technique is not that powerful, but it is not that troublesome to use it against mortals.Only the name and horoscope of the practitioner is needed, and the soul can be separated from the body, making the practitioner unconscious.If the soul has been separated from the body for more than seven days, then the practitioner will definitely die!
This kind of sorcery was originally used to deal with extraordinary people, and it took seven days to cast the spell. Because extraordinary people are physically strong, it usually takes seven to 49 days to die completely.

However, extraordinary people protect their birth date very well, and even tamper and change their birth date, so that they will not let others know easily.So later this kind of sorcery was used by some people to deal with ordinary people, because ordinary people are not so vigilant, and it is easy to get the birth date.

"Which direction did his soul go?" Fang Han asked.

"Facing in that direction!" The ghost pointed at the Rong's Building not far away, "I saw him enter that building."

"Thank you!" Fang Han stretched out his hand and injected a mana into the ghost's body, "I will give you a mana, if you want to reincarnate, use this mana to summon ghosts, and they will take you to reincarnate. "

"Really?" The ghost asked in surprise. For lonely ghosts like them, they don't know how long they will have to wait for reincarnation.

"Of course!" Fang Han shook the signboard in his hand, "This is Bai Wuchang Xie Bi'an's signboard, ordinary ghost messengers will obey Xie Bian's orders!"

"Thank you, my lord!" The ghost hurriedly thanked, and then luckily got the mana and summoned the ghost messenger.

The other ghosts were also envious, but they didn't dare to come except Fang Han.Fang Han's evil-proofing property was too strong. If it weren't for the ghost token, they wouldn't be able to get closer than ten meters to Fang Han.

Fang Han didn't care about these ghosts, but walked to the Rong's Building.

He activated the invisibility technique. To deal with these mortals, there is no need to use the Hong Luo Ecstasy Umbrella. The ordinary invisibility technique will do.

There is a characteristic of the nail head technique, that is, the soul of the performer will involuntarily walk towards the position of the performer.At this time, the caster can put up the three souls and seven souls of the caster and prevent them from leaving. Only when the caster dies, these souls will be released, or destroyed or handed over to ghosts. .

This is to ensure that the practitioner cannot come back to life, but it also just gives Fang Han a chance to track down.

This kind of sorcery is a taboo of righteousness, because it is too insidious.There is no need to face the practitioner directly, no matter how powerful the practitioner is or where he is, as long as all the rituals are completed, he can wait for the practitioner to die.

Every extraordinary person is a person against the sky, and every growth requires a lot of hard work.But this spell can easily obliterate these efforts. It is not terrible for an extraordinary person to die in the hands of an extraordinary person who is stronger than himself. A kind of obliteration!

Therefore, the art of nailing is feared by everyone and is also rejected by everyone. Once anyone who knows this magic is encountered, they will be eradicated.

After entering the Rong's Building, Fang Han searched from room to room.The movement caused by the nail head technique is not small, and naturally it will not be placed in the office area, so there is no need to look for the office area on the ground floor.

He went directly to the top and looked from top to bottom.He didn't make an elevator. The invisibility technique only made him invisible and could not eliminate his body. He could easily be touched in a small space.But there would be no such trouble when walking up the stairs. He only needed to use a small spell to deceive the camera and open the fire escape door.

The top floor is where the upper floors of the Rong family are located, and there are not many rooms.As soon as you enter, you can see the secretary's desk when you turn the corner.Behind the secretary's desk is the chairman's office, which occupies a large area.

Fang Han first leaned against the door, listening to the voices inside.At this time, he really wanted to and could turn into a ball of gas like the Skeleton King, so that he could get in through the crack of the door.But it's a pity that even if he reaches the ascension stage, he can't do this.

(End of this chapter)

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