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Chapter 740 Came to the Heavenly Palace Again

Chapter 740 Came to the Heavenly Palace Again

The devilish energy enveloped the six monsters, and even formed black ice.

The monsters shook their heads in panic, smashed the ice, and then wanted to escape.Faced with this inexplicable attack, they obviously retreated.

But their struggles were in vain. The ice became thicker and thicker. In less than ten seconds, they were trapped in the thick ice and could not move at all.

Seeing this situation, Fang Han continued to input mana into the sky clock, trying to make those monsters move.But soon he found that it was futile to do so, the connection between Tian Zhonghao's monsters was actually cut off by Hei Bing.

"You're useless!" A smile appeared on the face of the Skeleton Sage, "Demonic energy is fundamentally different from your mana. You can't break my magic seal with magic power! You should be obedient It's good to have me possessed, to be honest, I'm tired of using the body of a youkai!"

Fang Han was very annoyed, what does it have to do with me if you are tired of using the body of a monster?I'm not going to sit still anyway!

He immediately changed his mind, thinking about how to deal with the crisis in front of him.By the way, don't I still have the secret mirror!

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the Tianji Mirror and covered himself with the golden light on it.

"Huh?" The Skeleton Sage was stunned for a moment, and looked at the Tianji Mirror curiously, "You actually have a treasure similar to the Tianzhong? It's really surprising!"

"There are many things I can surprise you about!" Fang Leng said in a low voice.

The Skeleton Sage didn't care at all, it controlled the devilish energy to wrap around Fang Han again.Although the golden light of the heavenly secret mirror can also resist the magic energy, the effect is not as obvious as the Vajra Talisman.

"Ah!" Fang Han's shoulder was attacked by the devil's energy, and the whole building was in excruciating pain.Then he felt the pain in his whole arm, and his face changed drastically, and he opened it, only to find that the whole arm had turned black!

"Damn it! What's going on?" Fang Han has never seen such a thing before. How should he solve the problem when he was infiltrated by the devil's energy?

The only way he can use is to use the thunderbolt in his body to expel the devilish energy from his body.It has to be said that Thunderbolt Wanjun is really a top-level technique, and it is really effective. Although it is a bit slow, as long as it is cleaned slowly, it can still be cleaned up.

But before he could clear out half of it, his back was attacked by demonic energy again, and then he lost all feeling in his back.

"Hahaha——" the Skeleton Sage laughed loudly, "Stop making fearless resistance, that mirror can't protect you! How does it feel to be eroded by magic energy? Does it feel uncomfortable? But don't be nervous, you You will be free soon, and when your whole body is corroded by demonic energy, your body will belong to me!"

"Bastard!" Fang Han was attacked by the devil's energy again, and the other arm was also eroded by the devil's energy.The devilish energy was constantly eroding his body, even if there was Thunder Wanjun to expel it, it would be of no avail, the devilish energy was too powerful, it was not something that Thunderbolt could resist.

Fang Han couldn't help but bewildered, am I really going to die here?He didn't know how to deal with the disaster in front of him.

"Haha!" The Great Skeleton Sage seemed to see Fang Han giving up resistance, and a smug smile appeared on his face, "That's right, you have no other choice, giving up is your only choice, because it will hurt you Let you suffer a lot less!"

The proud Skeleton Grand Sage once again opened the chatterbox, "Actually, you had a chance to defeat me, what a pity! You are not familiar with the sky clock! If you can completely control the sky clock, defeating me will be easy ah!"

"The Celestial Bell?" Fang Han looked at the Celestial Clock next to him and started to think thoughtfully. As long as he could completely master the Celestial Clock, could he defeat the Skeleton Sage?
"It's a pity!" The Skeleton Sage continued to let the devilish energy erode Fang Han's body, while saying sarcastic words, "It's a pity, but don't worry, after you die, I will use your body to completely control the sky. Zhong’s, it can be regarded as helping you fulfill your long-cherished wish!”

"It's still not necessary!" Fang Han suddenly said.

"What?" The Skeleton Sage's expression froze, and he looked at Fang Han inexplicably.

"I said no need!" Fang Han took out his mobile phone while talking, and activated the Wanjie channel.

The next moment, he disappeared in front of the Skeleton Sage!

The Skeleton Sage stared blankly at the place where Fang Han disappeared for a long time, and then roared furiously: "Ah—damn bastard! Where did you go!"

The cooked duck flew away, how could the Skeleton Sage not be crazy?The devilish energy on it vibrated more violently because of its anger.They gathered and shrank inward first, and then exploded suddenly, forming a mushroom cloud!


There was a loud noise, and the whole world shook, as if an earthquake had been triggered.

Those monsters who had just been evacuated from the camp were happily walking home, when they ran and fell to the ground.

They looked around in a daze, not knowing what happened.After waiting for a while, I found that there seemed to be nothing wrong, so I got up and continued to walk happily.

The camp was in disarray, and the tents and houses left by the monsters were gone, only fragments of tents and houses could be seen on the ground from time to time.The six black frozen monsters were also sent flying far away by this impact. If it weren't for the black ice caused by the wrapping and demonic energy on their bodies, they would have been blasted to pieces!

After venting, the Skeleton Sage condensed into a black body in the open space, still wrapped in a black cloak.Its previous body had been torn into powder in the explosion just now, and it hadn't known where it had floated for a long time!
"How did he escape?" The Skeleton Sage kept asking himself, it really didn't see Fang Han's escape like this.

Looking at the several monsters on the ground and the wrapped Thousand Machine Sword, the Skeleton Sage breathed a sigh of relief, "You should come back, right? With your greedy character, you won't throw these things here. Just don’t care!”


When Fang Han appeared again, he had already come to Tiangong again.This time, he didn't want to come, but he clicked on it in a hurry.But he is lucky, just arrived in the world that can solve his current problem.

Tiangong is still so desolate, still ruined and lifeless.The people from Tiangong didn't come back, and neither did the animals that escaped. The place was still pretty much the same as when Fang Han came last time.

After checking that the surrounding area was safe, Fang Han dragged his body and walked towards Thunder Prison step by step.Not long ago, he had just used the Thunder Prison to advance to the Tribulation Stage, this time he could use the Thunder Prison again to expel the devilish energy in his body.

The demonic energy in his body is very strong, and the lightning in his body alone cannot be expelled.With the thunderbolt replenishment from Thunder Prison, he can expel all the devilish energy in a short time.

Moving to the vicinity of the Thunder Prison, Fang Han looked at the Thunder Prison in surprise, it seemed that the Thunder Prison had returned to its original state!I spent a lot of lightning last time!Could Thunder Prison still repair itself?
(End of this chapter)

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