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Chapter 74 The Weird Black Stone

Chapter 74 The Weird Black Stone

Fang Han pondered for a long time by the river but couldn't find it, and temporarily released Fan Feifei. Although Fan Feifei said that she was not very afraid of the sun, she still felt a little uncomfortable when she appeared in broad daylight. An expression of disgust and rejection.

This is not surprising, ghosts are all yin, and it is quite normal to reject yang.

Under the guidance of the female ghost, Fang Han lifted a boulder by the river out of the water very easily. After landing on the shore, Fang Han saw that Fan Feifei was too disgusted with the daytime, so he sent Fan Feifei to the river after confirmation. Back to the ghost difference token.

After putting on his clothes, Fang Han carefully looked at the black stone covered with moss.Will it be gold?Fang Han expressed great doubts.

Frowning, Fang Han found a bluestone with sharp corners, and began to beat and polish the surface of the black stone. It is not difficult to see from the moss that the surface of this stone will definitely not be gold.

After a pounding, Fang Han's eyes suddenly paused...

Looking at the large piece of gold ore presented in front of his eyes, he smacked his mouth!After removing the external impurities!Most of this big rock is still kept. According to Fang Han's estimation of the weight, it is at least about five kilograms, right?

Five kilograms is a full ten catties... How much is a gram of gold?Although he doesn't pay too much attention to making money at present, it is undeniable that when such a large piece of gold appeared in front of his eyes, Fang Han still swallowed his saliva, feeling very excited.

This color of gold mine is much better than ordinary dog's head gold in terms of purity.

Looking around, Fang Han quickly put the heavy gold ore into the item space.After calming down the excitement in his heart, Fang Han took out the various protective objects that Tian Yuanfeng had looted, without delay.He picked up a rock and smashed these things one by one.

What kind of power is Fang Han?This kind of thing was smashed to pieces under the strength of his hand and the stone, especially the magic subduing pestle of unknown material, which was smashed into pieces of paper...

It seems that this should be some kind of metal, but I don't know what it is made of, but after smashing it, I can clearly see a kind of black ink flowing out of it, I don't know what it is, other things They were all thrown into the river by Fang Han, but he didn't dare to do this!You must know that this river is the main source of tap water around the urban area, so don't throw it into it to cause any poisoning incidents.

Not knowing what the black thing was, Fang Han simply found a deep hole and buried it in it.

After dealing with these matters, Fang Han turned around and rushed to the school.But after all, it is on the side of the highway in the suburbs.There is still a short distance from the school, but fortunately, today is the afternoon class.There is no need to worry about the danger of being named by professors and lecturers.

There was no words all the way. It was already noon when Fang Han returned to school. After simply having lunch in the cafeteria, Fang Han rushed to the classroom. 01:30 pm was the class time, because Fang Han was delayed for a few days. There are some professional courses that I haven’t understood yet, so go there early...it’s also a good idea to ask your classmates for advice, otherwise you might not be able to keep up with the progress of the professors.

I never thought that when Fang Han came to the door of the classroom, he found a group of people guarding the corridor. Fang Han was very surprised. Could something have happened?Fang Han doesn't know...

Logically speaking, it is very rare for these people to stand outside their classroom door, right?Fang Han was very confused. Under normal circumstances, if any student in the class had conflicts with others, although it is understandable for these people to be here, they would not be so quiet and discussing with each other, would they?Screaming, shouting and shouting must be indispensable.

But at the moment, these guys in the corridor are very quiet, talking to each other in low voices, Fang Han can't hear clearly... But there are probably more than 30 of these people, right?They were all students from other classes, Fang Han didn't know them anyway!Some of them also have a vague feeling that they have seen them before, but they can't name them.

What happened.

With such doubts, Fang Han squeezed in along the gaps on both sides of the corridor, and entered the classroom...

Those unfamiliar classmates didn't seem to know him, they just whispered to each other... But as soon as he entered the classroom, Fang Han knew why there were so many students from other classes around him.Because Cui Xiaowen and Fang Ya were sitting in the middle of the classroom, Hua Xiaoran, the class monitor, seemed to be familiar with both of them, chatting and laughing.

It's no wonder that those guys from the plane came to join in the fun, and it also explained why most of the people surrounded by the plane were male students.

As soon as Fang Han appeared, the two school girls who were surrounded by [-]% and [-]% of the class stood up immediately, and walked towards Fang Han under the strange and confused eyes of the surrounding students...

It seems that these two didn't express their intention to Hua Xiaoran when they came here!

Seemingly aware that something was wrong, Hua Xiaoran, the squad leader, followed immediately. After Cui Xiaowen and Fang Ya stood a few meters in front of Fang Han, they passed them without waiting for them to speak, and lay across Fang Han. In front of Han, Hua Xiaoran, who originally had a smile on her face, now looked a little serious. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that when the two school beauties walked towards Fang Han, their expressions were very unusual!

At this time, Ma Yu, who was standing behind, spread his hands at Fang Han who was looking at him with a questioning expression, expressing that he didn't know what the two of them meant.But one thing is for sure, the fact that these two school beauties found Fang Han probably has a lot to do with the duel in the arena yesterday, right?As for whether it was because of the boy who was blackmailed by KO?Fang Han couldn't figure it out either.

Of course Hua Xiaoran didn't know what happened between Fang Han and the traditional martial arts club yesterday, and he didn't wait for the two of them to talk.After pondering for a while, he opened his mouth and said: "Sister Xiaowen, Sister Ya! Do you know Fang Han in our class? I know that there must be something wrong with your sudden and strange arrival in our class. If Fang Han provoked you, I will replace you He apologized, just tell me if you have anything to say."

From the address, it is not difficult to judge that the relationship between the class monitor Hua Xiaoran and these two is definitely not ordinary, but Fang Han has some criticisms about apologizing for himself...not to mention that Fang Han never has anything to be blamed for. , even if there is something offended, Fang Han knows in his heart that the other party deserves it, at least if the other party is not too much, Fang Han seldom deals with others.Besides the two in front of him, Fang Han really couldn't figure out why they had any reason to trouble him.

I wanted to say something, but look at Hua Xiaoran's thin figure despite being plump.There is also this decisive tone and the resolute protective attitude shown.Fang Han smiled wryly and took back the words that came to his lips. There was no other way for a girl to stand up and protect him. It was already a very happy thing, and it would be bad to say something that hurt the girl's heart.

But although he didn't say anything, Fang Han's eyes that scanned the front quietly said everything.

The two school beauties didn't seem to expect that Hua Xiaoran would suddenly show such an attitude, and they were shocked for a while, but then under Hua Xiaoran's solemn and solemn eyes, the two school beauties looked at each other and smiled!They showed a bit of helplessness to each other. No one thought that Hua Xiaoran would stand up and show a fighting expression like an old hen who wanted to protect the chicks.

This is really amazing for children!Because in their memory, it seemed that Hua Xiaoran was doing this for the first time because of a boy, right?Even though they knew Hua Xiaoran's warm heart, but help is nothing but help.Enthusiasm is enthusiasm, stand up like this, and take everything by yourself without asking why, they really haven't seen Hua Xiaoran do this for anyone...

(End of this chapter)

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