Chapter 734

On the hill, a piece of broken stone fell down, rolled on it a few times, until it rolled to the ground, and then the stone may be quite round, and it rolled all the way to the face of the mountain patrolling king.

The eyes of all the monsters stopped at this small rock, then looked at each other, and then suddenly looked at the hill.

"Brother Hu, isn't this an accident!" the dog asked meticulously.

"I think—it should be like this!" The Mountain Patrol King also replied with a guilty conscience.


A piece of stone on the hill sank suddenly, and the monsters were scared back several steps.

"Brother Hu, what about this time?" Gou Jing asked tremblingly.

"I think so!" The Mountain Patrol King's voice trembled.


The stones on the hill exploded suddenly, and the gravel flew out to the surroundings, and a black sword flew into the sky among the gravel.

All the monsters looked at the flying sword in astonishment, only to see that the flying sword reached a height of tens of meters above the hill, suddenly changed direction, and plunged back towards the hill!

The flying sword plunged into the middle of the hill, and the broken stone flew the sword again.

"Hu, brother Hu, I, let's retreat!" Gou Jing was a little awkward in speaking.

"No, it can't be done! The master, the master is still there!"

The monsters felt relieved when they heard their master.Their master is omnipotent, he should be able to resist that black sword, right?
"Bang!" Feijian jumped out of the hill again, this time only reached a distance of ten meters above the hill, then turned around and plunged into the hill fiercely, "Boom!"

"Bang!" "Boom!"

In less than three seconds, the flying sword came back and forth, and then saw the black flying sword rapidly going up and down the hill.

All the monsters swallowed and looked at each other, and they were all terrified when they saw each other.When such a situation occurs, they understand it very well. After all, the terrible flying sword always appears in front of your eyes, and no one would not worry about it.

In case Feijian over there suddenly turns a corner, no one can bear it if they give them a sudden turn!

After an explosion, the flying sword did not appear over there.This made all the monsters breathe a sigh of relief, and finally stopped.

Fang Han withdrew the Qianji Sword, looking at the mountain he had pierced through, with anger flashing in his eyes.He has been injured and lost his strength before, but he has never been thrown from the bottom of the mountain.

There was dust all over his body and head, and he looked abnormally embarrassed.Fortunately, the apricot zodiac robe on his body will automatically clean after inputting mana.

Stepping on the purple gold sword under his feet, he flew upwards holding the Qianji sword.After flying out of the hill, he finally saw the culprit who caused him such embarrassment - the King of Patrol!
"Mountain Patrol Kitty, it was really fun just now!" Fang Han said, looking at the Mountain Patrol King with a grim smile.

Seeing Fang Han's appearance, the mountain patrol king couldn't help but thump in his heart.This guy looks like he wants to take these hatreds on himself!

How can this work?I am just an errand, and it is the master's intention to bury him in the cave!But he didn't dare to say that, he could only shout to the surrounding monsters: "Attack!"

As he said that, he once again sacrificed his magic shield and threw it at Fang Han.

Seeing the attack of the Mountain Patrol King, all the monsters also sacrificed their magic weapons and threw them at Fang Han!
Fang Han couldn't help but sneered when he saw these magic weapons being thrown at them.Just now, I didn't want to show too much of my hole cards, so I let these monsters succeed. Do they seem to be doing it again?

"Huh!" With a cold snort, Fang Han held the Thousand Chance Sword with both hands, his luck was thunderous, and all the mana on his body turned into lightning, which was amplified by the Thousand Chance Sword and quickly formed a thunderball.


The thunder boomed, and countless lightning strikes towards each magic weapon!

"Crack!" A bolt of lightning struck the Mountain Patrol King's shield, causing it to fly away.

"Crack!" "Crack!" "Crack!"...

Countless lightning strikes at those magic weapons, sending them all flying away.

Fang Han looked at the monsters coldly, "If you have any other tricks, you can use them all!

All the monsters swallowed a mouthful of spit, and looked at Fang Han who was like a god of thunder in front of him, and they didn't know how to react!

"This, this is thunder from the sky!" Gou Jing said tremblingly, "Brother Hu, Brother Hu, how can he know how to thunder from the sky!"

All the monsters looked at the Mountain Patrol King, and they were all very annoyed, "Yeah! Tiger, how can this human monk drive the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder?"

The Mountain Patrol King said with evasive eyes: "I just reminded you to be careful!"

"So you already knew, why didn't you tell us first!"

"Yeah! Why didn't you tell us! If you told us, would those people die in the cave? With them there, we might still be able to fight!"

"Oh! That's enough!" The Mountain Patrol King said angrily: "We still have the power to fight! Even if those people are alive, we don't have the power to fight! Do you know what the flying sword in his hand is? It is a law-breaker. arms!"

Breaking weapons!This word struck the middle monster's heart hard.When it comes to the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, they may be able to compete with it. They are all monsters in the ascension stage. If they are hit by the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, they will not die immediately.If there are enough of them and one person blocks them, it may be possible to defeat Fang Han.

But if Fang Han used magic-breaking weapons, then they really would have no chance to defeat Fang Han.Anyone who is attacked by a spell-breaking weapon will lose all mana.

Only then did they understand, no wonder those monsters were killed so easily just now, they turned out to be magic-breaking weapons!

They looked at each other and asked the Mountain Patrol King, "So, Tiger, what shall we do now?"

The Mountain Patrol King said angrily: "What else can we do? Of course we have to go to the master! We can't cope with the current situation. I hope the master can help us!"

Hearing what he said, all the monsters nodded immediately, and then continued to control the magic weapon and threw it at Fang Han, and then retreated towards the main hall while delaying Fang Han!
Fang Han saw their actions in the air and immediately knew their plans.Is that hall the location of the so-called master?It seems that the truth is in sight!Then, you guys are useless!

A trace of sneer appeared on his face, and he suddenly withdrew all the thunder and lightning.

The monsters looked at Fang Han in confusion, what was he trying to do?Are you going to give up?
But when they breathed a sigh of relief, they saw dozens of radiant flying swords appearing behind Fang Han, rushing towards their magic weapon.Then the black flying sword in his hand rushed towards them with lightning!
Fang Han sacrificed all the best flying swords he had left, and there were dozens of them.I have to sigh with emotion the wealth of Tianmu Mountain. Every ascension period has several top-quality flying swords, especially the third elder and deputy head Zhong Ming, each of whom has more than ten.

Thinking about it, the Tianmu Nine Swords in Tianmu Mountain needed only the flying swords, and they still had some spares, so naturally there were more than ten of them.

However, Fang Han is now at an advantage. He gave away so many when he was in Tianjian Mountain, but he can still keep dozens of them.

(End of this chapter)

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