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Chapter 732 Run away quickly!

Chapter 732 Run away quickly!
Hearing what the monsters said, the clumsy Xiong Jing suddenly said: "If you want to know what killed them, then try again, won't you know?"

"Ah?" Everyone looked at Xiong Jing, does this guy want to try the sword with himself?

But he didn't want to, this guy grabbed the raccoon spirit and threw it at Fang Han, "Hey, I'll leave everyone to you!"

The eyes of all the monsters almost didn't fall out, why is this big stupid bear so smart today?

They never thought at all, how could they be too stupid since they could become spirits and cultivated to the ascension stage?

Xiong Jing has a big body, which is why he gives people a clumsy feeling, but in fact he is shrewd!
The raccoon spirit was deceived by his appearance, so he fell into his trap. Otherwise, with the nimble skills of the raccoon spirit, how could he be caught by him?
After being thrown out, the raccoon raccoon was terrified and cursed, "Hei Xiong, I rely on your grandma!"

But it had already been thrown out, and the raccoon dog spirit couldn't care less about being afraid.Because the enemy is right in front of him, his only way out is to kill the enemy so that he can survive!
Thinking of this, the raccoon raccoon immediately showed a fierce look.Sharp claws protruded from both hands, and they scratched Fang Han's face!
Fang Han's eyes flashed, this is a good opportunity!He immediately activated the Qianji Sword and ejaculated at the raccoon!
Is it this sword?The raccoon spirit became alert and put his sharp claws in front of him, trying to block the Qianji sword.The sharp claws on the two front paws are magic weapons that he has strengthened. It can be said to be very powerful.

This time he was also full of confidence, feeling that his sharp claws could completely block the flying sword.

But before he could feel complacent, he felt a pain in his hand, and all his sharp claws snapped off.Then Qianji Sword took advantage of the situation and shot through his body, leading him to fly backwards!
After Xiong Jing threw the raccoon spirit out, he watched carefully to see how Fang Han made his move.As a result, Fang Han activated the Thousand Chance Sword, but it didn't happen. After all, it was still uncertain whether it was caused by the sword.

Then the next moment, he saw a bloody light rushing out from the back of the raccoon boy, and then a black light shot towards him.

"Yes—" Xiong Jing opened his mouth while dodging to the side, but he was too close to the raccoon dog spirit, and as soon as he uttered a word, his body was pierced by the Qianji Sword.


A blood arrow shot out from Xiong Jing's body, and then Xiong Jing's body was brought by the powerful kinetic energy brought by Qianji Sword and fell to the wall.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

The first sound is the figure of the black bear falling to the ground, and the latter sound is the sound of the raccoon spirit falling to the ground.

All the monsters stood there in a daze. Just now they saw a flash of black light, and then saw the two corpses of the bear spirit and the raccoon spirit flying over.

"Ah!" the cowardly duck spirit screamed, turned around and was about to run out of the cave.

But there are 30 to [-] people behind it, blocking the way out of the cave.

"What's going on here? Why did the two die together?" Some big monsters still asked blankly without understanding what happened.

"Damn it! Get back quickly! That's a magic-breaking weapon!" The monkey spirit yelled violently. He often reads books and knows that only magic-breaking weapons can kill four ascension-stage monsters.

"What?" Only then did the other monsters wake up, breaking weapons!Isn't that a legendary weapon?How could it appear in the hands of this human monk?
Although they didn't understand it very well, they still quickly fled to the outside of the cave.They deeply knew that they were no opponents at all in the face of this legendary weapon.

Everyone wished their parents would give birth to a few more legs, and rushed out of the cave in a hurry!
When Fang Han heard their screams, he immediately knew that these monsters were about to escape.But how could he let them go?Immediately, he dodged his feet and grabbed the corner. Then his sword technique changed. The Thousand Machine Sword that was stuck on the wall immediately drew a ravine from the wall, and then shot at the monsters not far ahead!

"Hum!" The Qianji Sword vibrated quickly, and rushed out, piercing the bodies of two monsters with one face, piercing their inner alchemy.

Then because it couldn't brake, it pierced directly into the rocks at the corner.

"Ah! Run, he's catching up!" The monkey spirit shouted anxiously when he saw the two companions behind him being killed.He can't be in a hurry!After a few more companions, it was his turn to be at the back.

As soon as the other monsters heard this, they immediately used their magical powers, turning themselves into strong winds and black smoke, trying to rush out of the cave as quickly as possible.

But Fang Han's feet were covered with lightning, and he followed closely.

He unintentionally mobilized the sword formula, and the Qianji Sword jumped out from among the rocks, shot a deer spirit in front of him to death, and then shot into the rock on the other side of the cave.

Swinging the sword formula to the right, the Qianji Sword sprang out from the stone again, killing another wolf spirit.

"Wow!" "Puff!" "Boom!"

A series of sounds indicated that a monster would die under Qianji Sword.

After killing a few monsters, it was finally the monkey spirit's turn.The monkey spirit ran forward in horror, turning back while running.

Seeing that Fang Han was about to catch up, he suddenly thought of something, then turned around in the air, took out a magic weapon and threw it at Fang Han!

But just as the magic weapon was shot, he saw the rocks beside him burst open, with a "crash", gravel scattered all over the cave.From among the rubble, a black lacquered sword sprang out and stabbed into the magic weapon.

The magic weapon instantly lost its mana support and fell to the ground.But the black lacquered sword did not slow down, and rushed into the rock on the other side.


Only then did Monkey Spirit understand how the monsters behind him were killed, but after seeing it, his fear deepened.Is there such a swordsmanship in the world?This matter is unreasonable!What flying sword can turn around among rocks?

no!You have to run away!He quickly turned back to his body and was about to continue running away.But before he could take a step, he heard a "crash" in his ear, and then he lost consciousness!
Fang Han ran over quickly, snatched it up, put away the magic weapon thrown out by the monkey essence, and continued to catch up without stopping.

"Wow!" "Puff!" "Boom!"

A monster fell to the ground, Fang Han showed no mercy, and continued to chase other monsters!
The one at the front was a praying mantis spirit. After he turned a corner, he immediately saw the entrance of the cave in front of him.There was a hint of surprise on his face, and he rushed out of the cave as soon as he took a step, "Haha, I finally rushed out!"

But the mountain patrolling king opposite him suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

What?Just as the mantis was about to turn around, he heard a voice behind him.


"Crack!" The mantis spirit's body fell in front of the mountain patrolling king, but the mountain patrolling king didn't notice it.

(End of this chapter)

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