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Chapter 72 Injustice and Debts!

Chapter 72 Injustice and Debts!
After Fang Han's order was issued, Tian Yuanfeng nodded and began to rummage through his clothes... As a last resort, Fang Han inserted another order: "You all put on your clothes first!"

There is no way, the man and the woman are indeed too ugly from the scene, Fang Han can only give this order first to prevent his eyes from continuing to suffer damage.

He turned around and leaned against the wall. After about a few minutes, Fang Han turned around. At this time, a man and a woman were roughly dressed.

Fang Han continued to ask Tian Yuanfeng to take out all his body protection.At present, it can be preliminarily determined that the most powerful amulet that Tian Yuanfeng carries is the magic subduing pestle that he refuses to take off when he is doing business, right?

But Fang Han didn't want to take any risks, he had to eliminate all threats to Li Gui in order to release Li Gui!Under such circumstances...it must be ensured that Tian Yuanfeng has no self-defense devices at all.

In a short time, Tian Yuanfeng organized all the protective items and brought them in front of Fang Han under the dull gaze of his female partner.

When Fang Han saw this, he really didn't know what to say. This guy had twelve or thirteen items for self-defense. He didn't know what he was doing with so many such things.Could it be that you have done too many bad things?That’s why you’re so timid?

With the messy thoughts in his head, Fang Han put all these things into his item space!There is no place to throw this thing, otherwise it will easily cause doubts, put it in the item space and wait out here, where can I throw it away?When the time comes, those masters behind Tian Yuanfeng will find no clues for his precious apprentice.

Almost ready, Fang Han took out his ghost token and released Li Gui. When Li Gui first appeared, he was still a little dazed, but when he saw clearly that his enemy was right in front of her eyes, a strong murderous burst erupted instantly. The anger, especially when she saw the scene of * in the rest room around her, made her even more resentful!It can be seen how much this kind of picture stimulates the ghosts who die for love!

Before Fang Han could say anything, the ghost had already pounced on Tian Yuanfeng, but Tian Yuanfeng was not afraid at all... He just looked at her, as if he had a clear conscience and was not afraid of ghosts calling the door.

Of course, even if Tian Yuanfeng wants to be afraid at this time...it's impossible!Under Fang Han's powerful hypnotic effect, he has lost his sanity, but is just a puppet without a soul, so how can he have any fear?Feelings of guilt?
For a person who doesn't know how to be afraid, how can a ghost get any sense of accomplishment when it takes revenge?

This is indeed the case. Li Gui, who showed all kinds of ferocious appearances, saw that his heartbroken man had never given a proper reaction, so he couldn't help but subconsciously stare at Fang Han with those ghost eyes still dripping with blood... his small eyes were full of Resentment and innocence.

For some reason, seeing Li Gui covered in blood, with a big hole in his chest, and a miserable and terrifying look on his face, Fang Han actually felt that this Li Gui was very cute. Xiaoyu is like a cat, except that when he was about to eat it, he found out that he was deceived by his shit-shoveling officer...

Can this kind of psychological gap prevent Li Gui from being depressed?

Seemingly aware of Li Gui's emotions, Fang Han spread his hands helplessly, and replied: "I don't know how long the hypnotic effect will last, but I think it should be based on the ghost weapon in my hand! So... so! Wait for me After leaving, the hypnotic effect may disappear with the end of my invisibility effect! All the amulets on him are with me, without the amulets! You can’t do anything with him? By the way, the woman over there... wait for you to clean up After finishing him, you can leave with your body! Just don’t let this guy and those masters catch you! Although this woman is not a good woman! But I hope you don’t hurt innocent people. This woman is greedy for his money and is willing to sleep, what are you going to do to her?"

Speaking of this, Fang Han paused for a moment, and there was something hidden in his heart that he didn't say. Li Gui committed himself to Tian Yuanfeng as a model, so why isn't he just like this woman?It's just that this woman doesn't look so stupid as to give her heart, does she?

Listening to Fang Han's explanation, Li Gui didn't think too much!Not to mention the hidden mentality under Fang Han's expression, he nodded his head, agreeing to Fang Han.

Seeing this, Fang Han nodded and didn't talk nonsense, turned around and left the rest room.When passing by the meeting room, those security guards were still eating and drinking, making Fang Han annoyed and funny. When he walked to the door, Fang Han gently squeezed a crack in the door and left the meeting room.

Because the action is not big!The gap was also opened gently, and the bodyguards who had been drinking in a daze didn't realize the door of the meeting room was opened until more than ten minutes later, but they didn't pay attention, after all, it's hard to say when drinking is going to happen. It is not surprising to go to the toilet to digest and discharge, to go back and forth to open and close the door and forget for a while.

Until Fang Han left the office building, walked to the shade of the tree where he was invisible, and put on his shoes.Rushing to the house, no one found out what happened here, until Fang Han returned home for a long time after his invisibility effect disappeared.Suddenly, there was a terrified cry that didn't sound like a human voice in the rest room of the meeting room!

At this time, it has been more than two hours since Fang Han's hypnosis.

In the early hours of the morning... the sound of such a sound appeared, causing the bodyguards who had been drowsy after drinking to shudder neatly, and then quickly rushed to the rest room inside with their complexions changed drastically.

When they opened the door of the lounge room, the picture in front of them almost fell to the ground in fright. They saw Tian Yuanfeng's whole body in the room together in a very strange posture, and even his entire arms and legs were tied together. Unbuttoned, in such a posture, you don’t need to guess to know that this guy is dead or useless. As for the woman in the room, her face was pale and she had already passed out. It is not difficult to judge from the large swath of water flowing from between her legs. What a frightful fright the woman had to endure before she passed out.

What happened here?Fang Han didn't care much, and he didn't want to pay attention, because he knew that Li Gui would never show mercy, and this Li Gui's resentment was so great...it couldn't be vented casually.

In this case, what will happen to Tian Yuanfeng?Fang Han didn't dare to imagine, but he didn't feel any guilt either!There is a grievance and a debtor, and it is over if you fulfill your promise. As for the one person and one ghost in this kind of love-hate entanglement... Fang Han doesn't care much.

He just did this in a way that Li Gui hoped. Of course, he was not completely selfless. Fang Han didn't care much about the gold that Li Gui promised, but Li Gui himself was what Fang Han hoped to have!The last plane mission has already explained a big problem.

In the future, Fang Han is very likely to face these strange monsters because of the mission, and has the help of ghosts!In other space worlds, he can increase his ability to survive a lot, and even improve the success rate of missions.This is Fang Han's needs and considerations, because with the various upgrades in rank and rank, the difficulty of future tasks will also increase, and Fang Han has to think about his future.

When I got home, I simply washed my face and went to bed.

It was around three o'clock in the morning when I lay down, and Fang Han tried his best to let his mind relax.go to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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