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Chapter 719 Escape

Chapter 719 Escape
When the monks heard this, they said nothing more.However, he curled his lips in private, "As expected of the person above, he can really overwhelm others with great power."

"Yeah! How could it be dangerous?"

"And what do those mortals have to do with us?"

"Okay, don't say a few words, who let us be under the eaves!"

"You can go to the island!"

Those monks immediately raised their swords and flew towards the island.

"Bang bang bang-"

But these attacks were blocked when they met the shield of the three-legged eagle. It looked at the monks in the sky, its eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly it flapped its wings soaring into the sky again, and flew towards the monks .

"I'm going! Run!"

"Damn it, how did this broken bird fly so fast?"

"If I can escape, I will settle accounts with Fang!"

The monks immediately fled in all directions, but one monk was caught up by the three-legged eagle and swallowed by it.Compared with the three-legged eagle, the escape speed of these monks is still too slow!
Director Fang couldn't turn off the status of the monks anymore, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and asked inside, "Has anyone heard it? Please call back."

But there was silence in the radio, and apart from some noise, no words could be heard.

Lin Yan looked at the fallen warship from a distance, and knew that this time things had gotten worse.There are at least dozens of officers and soldiers in such a warship. If there are heavy casualties, it is estimated that they will not be able to hide it.

"Quickly answer the phone!" Lin Yan anxiously waited for Fang Han to answer the phone.

"What's the matter? We'll be there soon!" Fang Han finally answered the phone.

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then said hastily, "Come here right away, there is a three-legged eagle on that island, it has already eaten several monks, and sank four warships!"

"Have you gone to the island?" Fang Han asked.

Hearing this, Lin Yan couldn't help but feel hostility in her heart.If it weren't for those monks who wanted to go to the island, how could such a situation happen.But now is not the time to pursue responsibility, she said with an ugly face: "Now is not the time to talk about this, come quickly, or the officers and soldiers on the four warships will be lost!"

"I'll be there soon!"

Fang Han hung up the phone and said to Ma Yifan, "I'll take a step first."

"How do you go?" Ma Yifan asked in surprise.

Just after asking, Fang Han jumped into the air, made a sword out of nowhere, stepped on the sword and flew away, that speed was many times faster than her driving a sports car!
Seeing Fang Hanfei leaving, Ma Yifan was so shocked that he didn't even bother to drive away!
"What's the situation? Just fly, fly, fly?"

Just when she was surprised, the car shook for a while, which shocked her back to her senses.He quickly stabilized the steering wheel, and quickly parked the sports car on the side of the road. Just now, the wheel of the car hit a stone, and the car almost didn't roll over.

After letting out a sigh of relief, she didn't mean to be afraid at all, and all she could think about was Fang Hanfei's leaving figure, "What's going on?"

"Bastard!" Those monks watched the three-legged eagle continue to cull their companions, furious, "Let us lure it away, and then leave us alone?"

"Fang, you must die!"

Director Fang really didn't have time to take care of them. He was trying his best to rescue the four warships.Fortunately, not all the warships capsized. Director Fang is commanding the remaining warships to salvage the officers and soldiers who fell into the water and rescue the officers and soldiers trapped inside the ship.

Lin Yan also flew with the sword, directing the actions of the officers and soldiers in the air.

"Time is running out. If they are trapped inside for more than 3 minutes, they will suffocate to death!" the fleet commander said anxiously.

"We can only enter by diving now, hoping to save some people out." An officer said sadly.

"Damn it!" The commander slammed the podium hard, "What the hell is this called? These are all weird things!"

Lin Yan heard their conversation in the air, and immediately descended from the sky, followed the glass and said to them: "I can enter the cabin and buy them some time, but my ability is limited, and I can only save one ship."

The commander immediately felt tremendous pressure. No matter which one of the four warships rescued, it would be irresponsible to the other three.But it’s good to save one now, so he didn’t hesitate at the moment, pointing to the nearest ship and said, “Just this one, please hurry up!”

Lin Yan nodded, and then Yu Jian plunged into the water, and then pinched a trick to avoid water, and quickly went to the cabin.

Director Fang's face turned blue when he saw Lin Yan entering the water.Lin Yan has a lot to do with it, how can she take such a risk?But she had already gone down, and Director Fang had no choice but to wait and worry.

He now feels that the Ministry of Supervision is still a lot worse.Maybe there are many people inside who are very strong, but what they are strong is their own strength, and they are not very proficient in spells.Compared with Fang Han's Tianjianzong, the difference is not 01:30.

The spells that Lin Yan learns are the fewest in Tianjianzong, but even so, they are still much more than those in the Supervision Department.Not to mention anything else, even if the people in the Supervision Department had Lin Yan's magic reserve, they could completely solve the immediate crisis.

pity!He can only think about it, the Supervision Department's duty is to supervise every move of the monastic circle, and it is usually very busy.Everyone supervises the Taoist sects in a certain area. There is only one in this area, but some have more than ten. Everyone is very busy. How can there be time to learn spells?
He raised his head and looked at the three-legged eagle in the sky that kept killing monks, his face became more gloomy.If this disaster is not eliminated, even if all four warships are rescued, the immediate crisis will not pass.

Just when he was in a hurry, he heard thunder "rumbling" in the distance.He quickly looked back, and saw a bolt of lightning in the distance, like a dagger, split the entire sky and rushed towards this side quickly.

"This is?" Director Fang squinted his eyes, trying to make himself see more clearly, but he only saw a person stepping on a flying sword with lightning, but he couldn't see what this person looked like!

Hearing the thunder, the three-legged eagle immediately gave up on a monk who was about to swallow it, stepped on the brakes in the air, and hovered in the air.It turned its head and looked in the direction of the thunder, and also saw the lightning, and the feathers on its whole body stood up immediately.

The monk thought he was going to die, so he closed his eyes in fright, not daring to look at the three-legged eagle.But after waiting for a while, I didn't find any movement. I opened my eyes and saw that the three-legged eagle stopped in front of me, I don't know what it was looking at.

He didn't know what was going on, and just as he was about to turn around and run away, he heard the three-legged eagle suddenly scream "Heavenly Tribulation Thunder", then he sped up and ran away.

"This beast can speak human language?" the monk said blankly.

It was only after he finished speaking that he realized that the three-legged eagle had already gained the upper hand, so why did he run away?
At this moment, he immediately saw a flash of light in front of his eyes, skipped directly in front of him, and chased after the three-legged eagle in the direction where it was fleeing.

At this time, he found that it was a flying sword with lightning.

"Where to escape!"

A voice came after a while, and the monk quickly turned his head to look over, only to find that it was a person standing on a purple flying sword.

"That's—the Purple Gold Sword?" The monk was very surprised, "He's the one who beat Fei Liumen and sealed the mountain!"

Other monks also noticed Fang Han, and many of them even watched Fang Han shoot the black flying sword under his feet.After they saw Fang Han take out the Zijin sword again, they confirmed Fang Han's identity.

(End of this chapter)

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