Chapter 707
Seeing this, Fang Han quickly jumped up from the bed, pulled the quilt over her, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you appear on my bed?"

Lu Ying looked at Fang Han in grief and indignation. Just now, this big villain took advantage of her so much, and dared to make sarcastic remarks. It is simply unforgivable!
"What is your bed, this is my bed, this room is mine!"

When Fang Han heard this, he thought about it, and hey!When he moved in yesterday, he didn't open the room at all. When he entered Lu Ying's room, he threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.Um?But there is one problem, Lu Ying is not like someone who is short of money!Can't get another room?Why do you have to sleep in the same bed with me?
Does he have any plans for me?
"Get out quickly! I want to get dressed!" Lu Ying was about to cry.

Originally, she was the only one who would lie down obediently like Fang Han in the hospital, so she didn't have much defense against him.But when she thought of it, she was awakened by a tingling sensation, that shy feeling—oh, it's so embarrassing!
"This guy must be a scumbag!" Lu Ying said, judging from his skilled movements, he must have had a lot of women, and this guy is so rich, he must be a scumbag without a doubt.

After putting on her clothes, Lu Ying walked out with an unkind expression and said to Fang Han, "Come to the hospital with me."

"I don't need to do an examination!" Fang Han said with a frown.

"You like to be checked or not, but the discharge procedures haven't been done yet!" Lu Ying said.

"Alright then!" Fang Han shrugged, he didn't have any special thoughts about Lu Ying.

To be honest, there is still some gap between Lu Ying and his women. She is not as good-looking as Guan Xuanxuan, and her figure is not as good as Lin Yan.This morning, he thought he was at home!
It's all because the soul is injured, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't have happened!
Fang Han used all his mana to cultivate his soul, and only hoped that it would recover quickly so that he could return to Tianjianzong.This time, there is a great harvest in the world of heaven and man, and the strength of Tianjianzong must be raised to another level.

The two had just completed the discharge procedures from the hospital when they were stopped by a group of people.The leader was Rong Wei who was humiliated yesterday. He pointed at the two angrily and said, "You couple, go to hell!"

A group of gangsters immediately rushed towards the two of them with iron rods and knives. Lu Ying had never seen such a battle before!I screamed in fright.

A trace of disdain flashed at the corner of Fang Han's mouth, even if he didn't have any magic power, these mortals couldn't bully him.He protected Lu Ying behind him, and then kicked down a gangster who was rushing forward.

Lu Ying leaned on her hard back, feeling a lot more at ease in her heart.She watched Fang Han knock down all the people who rushed over with ease, and she couldn't help feeling a little dependent in her heart.It would be great if my boyfriend also had such ability!
oops!Lu Ying, what are you thinking!Why are you so shameless?

Fang Han beat down the dozen or so gangsters who rushed up, and the rest of the gangsters were so frightened that they didn't dare to charge up again.

"Damn it, is this guy a devil? How could he be so powerful?"

"That's right! Young Master Rong, where the hell did you get your enemies from?"

"Run! This is not something we can deal with!"

Seeing the timidity of a few gangsters, Rong Wei was so frightened that his legs trembled.He saw that Fang Han could fight yesterday, but he didn't expect to be so capable!If these gangsters escape, how can I deal with him by myself?

"Brother Hong, Brother Hong, don't go! Wait for me!"

As he said that, he followed behind the buttocks of a few gangsters, planning to escape.

"Rong, don't run away!" Lu Ying yelled loudly, "We're not done with today's business!"

"He can't run away!" Fang Han chuckled and asked someone to beat me. How could it be so easy to run away?
As he spoke, he lifted his feet, and a steel pipe flew straight out, spinning in an arc in the air, hitting Rong Wei on the head, and knocked him directly to the ground.

"Yeah!" Lu Ying jumped up excitedly, "Good shot!"

After shouting, she looked at Fang Han with bright eyes, "You don't play football, do you?"

Fang Han said indifferently: "If I played football, Huazu would have won the World Cup long ago!"

"You really don't play football?" Lu Ying was very surprised, and then said: "How about I introduce you to the football team? With you in Huazu, there is hope!"

Seeing her looking like a football fan, Fang Han couldn't help but shake his head. How could he waste time on football?The way of cultivating the Tao is what he should pay attention to.

So he quickly changed the topic, and said to Lu Ying: "Let's settle the score with this Rong first! Otherwise, he will run away again!"

Only then did Lu Ying come to her senses. Seeing Rong Wei not far away trying to get up, she trotted over and kicked him in the ass!
"Oh——" Rong Wei immediately straightened up, then covered his buttocks and howled in pain.

"Hiss—" Lu Ying gritted her teeth for a while, and her face twitched while holding her ankle, obviously she just sprained her ankle.

Fang Han came over, helped her sit on the flower bed beside him, took off his pointed high heels, and rubbed her ankles.

"It hurts!" Lu Ying said with a frown, but she squinted and saw that Rong Wei was still howling in pain, and couldn't help laughing again, "It deserves it!"

Seeing her like this, Fang Han couldn't help showing a smile on his tense face.

Lu Ying's personality is really good. She is carefree in normal times, but when her ankle hurts, she looks like a little woman, which made Fang Han take a second look.

Lu Ying was also looking at Fang Han. This was the first time a man touched her ankle, and her face turned red.Just when she saw Fang Han raising his head, she immediately said, "What are you looking at? Aren't you looking at a woman?"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, Lu Ying regretted it. Isn't it too barbaric to say that?

But Fang Han didn't care, he thought Lu Ying was such an outspoken woman!So he replied normally: "Women have seen it, but you have not!"

"What do you mean by that?" Lu Ying's face changed suddenly.

"I have never seen a woman who can still laugh when she is in pain!" Fang Han said.

Hearing this, Lu Ying couldn't help feeling arrogant, "I'm not those dainty young ladies!"

She is indeed not, Fang Han thought about his women, Guan Xuanxuan is graceful and luxurious, she is as strong as hell, and she will bear the pain.

Sister Murong, who is as gentle as jade and strong on the outside but capable on the inside, also does this kind of thing.

Although Lin Yan also has a manly side, but she is used to touching and rolling, and she doesn't care about minor injuries and pains at all.

The same is true for Ximen Jing, who competes with others all the year round, and won't even frown for ordinary injuries.

Xue Ning is a delicate person, and I feel pity for him, but he will not be as crazy as her.

As for the little fox—

All right!She is a foodie.

After Lu Ying finished speaking, she wondered, what did he mean by those words just now?He has seen many women?Or does he have many women?Could it be that he is really a scumbag?
He had already decided that Fang Han was a scumbag, but now he didn't dare to think so.

(End of this chapter)

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