Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 701 Leave a Whole Corpse

Chapter 701 Leave a Whole Corpse
Fang Han heard the noise of this group of people, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.Raising his hand lightly, three black lights flew towards these people.

It was the three Qianji Swords that were knocked into the air by Zhong Ming, and they were regained by Fang Han.


The three Qianji swords shuttled back and forth, and the guardians were killed before they could even scream!

After taking back the three Qianji swords, Fang Han said lightly: "The bugs have been dealt with, and now there are only two of us left!"

Zhong Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at Fang Han warily.He didn't know how Fang Han did it. Before, he was very scared, but now he was so bold that he killed more than ten guardians in front of him!Moreover, looking at him like this, it seems that he still wants to fight himself.

It's not that he's afraid of Fang Han, it's just that Fang Han's current state is too weird.In addition, the previous sword stabbed directly at his vitals. If he didn't dodge, then he must be the first to die.

This is a melee master!Zhong Ming became excited, he is such a person, the stronger the opponent, the more excited he will be.

"Then let's fight to the death!" Zhong Ming moved his body, adjusted it to its best condition, and then rushed towards Fang Han.

The moment he rushed out, his whole body was wrapped in Mosha. Mosha not only protected him from being hurt, but also increased his attack power.

Seeing Zhong Ming rushing towards him, Fang Han immediately turned the Qianji Sword in his hand and stabbed out again.It was still that kind of mysterious and mysterious feeling, Fang Han attacked completely by instinct.


But Zhong Ming didn't want to do this, he swung his fist to open the Qianji Sword, and punched Fang Han's head hard with his other fist.He has always used his full strength to deal with the enemy like a lion fighting a rabbit.

The pupil of insight jumped rapidly, Fang Han hurriedly made a wrong step, dodged Zhong Ming's fist in a flash of lightning, then quickly walked around behind him, raised the Qianji sword and stabbed!

The Qianji Sword was blocked by the evil spirit of the bell, and there was a sound of metal impact.

Zhong Ming felt that he was being attacked, and immediately turned around and punched Fang Han.

Fang Han had no choice but to distance himself from Zhong Ming.

The two separated and their eyes met.Both of them felt a little irritated. They had a tie in that round just now, and neither of them took advantage.

Moreover, neither of them has any good way to deal with each other.Zhong Ming's body was full of evil spirit, and until the evil spirit was completely consumed, his golden body would not be damaged.

But Fang Han's speed was too fast, Zhong Ming couldn't even touch Fang Han's clothes, let alone hit him.

One was invincible, the other was unparalleled in speed, and the two were immediately in a stalemate.

Faced with such an unstoppable and unbreakable enemy, Fang Han had nothing to do for a while.The evil spirit on Zhong Ming's body was too strong, if he used the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder to attack, he might be the one who exhausted his mana first.

After all, he was only in the tribulation period, and his mana was far behind Zhong Ming.Moreover, Zhong Ming didn't consume a lot of mana when using close combat.

But is there any way to deal with the evil spirit on him?

Zhong Ming doesn't have so many worries. He is a strong player and he can afford to fight even if it consumes him!So he rushed towards Fang Han directly. Even if I can't hit you, I will consume all your mana.When your mana is used up, it will be your death!


There was a sound of electric arcing, and Fang Han dodged Zhong Ming's attack again.He also kept trying to attack with the Qianji Sword, but as before, it had no effect.

It shouldn't be!If this evil spirit is so powerful, wouldn't Zhong Ming be invincible in melee combat?As long as he has the strength, he can kill people all over the world!
However, this is unreasonable!
No technique is perfect, and no one is without weaknesses.It's just that this weakness will be hidden deeply. Fang Han immediately activated the Eye of Insight and quickly scanned Zhong Ming, trying to find his weakness.

"Don't run anymore!" Zhong Ming said to Fang Han while chasing him, "No matter how fast you run, so what? You still can't find a way to deal with me?"

"Ever since I realized this evil spirit, I have never lost. No matter how strong a person is, they are vulnerable to me!"

"So, you should stop obediently and tell me everything I want to know, and I will leave you a whole corpse!"

Fang Han kept frowning while dodging, the pupil of insight did not find Zhong Ming's weakness, which surprised Fang Han very much.

Listening to Zhong Ming's words, Fang Han felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart.Although he still has the Diamond Talisman that he has not used, the Diamond Talisman can last for 30 seconds. If he cannot find a way to break the evil spirit within 30 seconds, then he will definitely die.

This feeling of losing really made him very unhappy.The movements of his hands couldn't help but become faster. The Thousand Machine Sword kept attacking Zhong Ming, but unfortunately they were all blocked by the evil energy.

"Don't waste your energy in vain." Zhong Ming said proudly, "The Qianji Sword can't break through my evil spirit!"

As he spoke, he turned around abruptly and rushed towards Fang Han.

With a flash of lightning on Fang Han's body, he dodged his attack.

The two are entangled like this, and neither can do anything to the other.

After a long time, Zhong Ming became a little impatient, "You are really like a loach, forget it! I won't play with you anymore!"

As he spoke, he took out the Tianji Mirror and took a photo at Fang Han.Fang Han's whole body was imprisoned by a golden light, and his movements became extremely slow.

"That mirror can control time?" Fang Han was terrified. Facing a master like Zhong Ming, if he lost the advantage of speed, he would surely die.

Zhong Ming walked up to Fang Han and looked at him with a playful smile on his face, "Didn't you expect that? I will have such a treasure in my hand."

"Originally, I wanted to use you to hone my melee combat. Unfortunately, your speed is too fast, and the rest is too bad. Tell me! Who told you to fight against our Tianmu Mountain? One hundred five ten ten If you say it out loud, I'll leave you with a dead body!"

Fang Han wanted to stay away from Zhong Ming, but he couldn't do it because of his slow movements.

He used his spiritual sense to control the other three Thousand Chance Swords, but found that those three Thousand Chance Swords were also imprisoned, and the speed of flying was much slower.

Am I going to die here?

"It seems that you are really stubborn!" Zhong Ming said coldly, "Since you don't want to say it, then you can carry this secret to your death!"

As he spoke, he raised his fist and hit Fang Han on the head.

Fang Han hadn't come out of the killing state yet, his face was neither sad nor happy.But he was very anxious in his heart, if this fist was hit, then he would really die!

Thinking of this, he immediately activated the Vajra Talisman!

(End of this chapter)

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