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Chapter 70 The Honest Man Digged Your Ancestral Grave?

Chapter 70 The Honest Man Digged Your Ancestral Grave?

"What are you afraid of? We are on the fourth floor, and not on the seventh floor, haha! Didn't you say that last time! If you are on the seventh floor, Tian Zong may see someone, why are you afraid now?"

"It was just a joke last time! We are not that kind of people either!"

Hearing her companion's words, the woman rolled her eyes. Although she said that she was not that kind of person, Fang Han could clearly see the regretful look on her face. What she said was too false Some.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it. Tian Yuanfeng has a good family background, is rich, and is young, isn’t that what women want?

Everyone in the world said that the scumbag was being teased by the rich second generation.In fact, sometimes when you think about it, you really can’t blame these rich second generations... Since beautiful women flaunt their worth and superiority in front of honest men, it is tantamount to setting their targets on these rich men. There are more women who are sincerely dismissive, so the rich second generation doesn't take these women seriously... It's all for fun. The rich second generation paid money to give them vanity, and they asked for it at the price of their bodies. A transactional relationship. As for the rich second generation, is there anything wrong?Fang Han doesn't know how to judge... But one thing is for sure, right now he must fulfill his promise to Li Gui.

Fang Han was just trying to fulfill his promise. As for saying that a scumbag is not a scumbag, the matter of entanglement or not has nothing to do with him.Anyway, in Fang Han's cognition, if women only put money and vanity first, he can't blame rich men for only putting interest in their bodies first.

What he dislikes the most is... After the end of this pure transactional relationship, some women shouted how sad they were being played with, and called on honest men to show up to comfort them...

Fang Han was speechless, but more helpless!Because it is true that after these so-called goddesses were destroyed and turned into broken flowers and willows, there were indeed honest men who guarded them hard and became the receivers with the spirit and behavior that moved the world...

Fang Han's idea is, how did these women take honest men seriously before they became remnants?What I hate is that there is a popular saying, enough fun to find an honest man to marry,

What the hell, why did the honest man dig your ancestral grave?

Messy thoughts surged in his mind, Fang Han sneered at the woman who said she was joking, but her expression had already betrayed her inner thoughts. According to aesthetics, this woman's beauty is still very good, if she is really ugly There is no such fantasy anymore.

But fortunately, these two female staff, who were obviously angry in their hearts, but wanted to gossip and despise others, still shared some useful information.Tian Yuanfeng's office should be on the seventh floor.

This is very important news for Fang Han. Although the structure of this building is very complicated, as long as you have a floor target, you will find it if you look slowly, right?And Fang Han believes that everyone is basically off work at this time. If there is no one on the seventh floor, it will be easy to handle. You just need to stick them on the door one by one to listen to the sound. Where there is a strange male and female voice, it is Tian Yuanfeng?If there are other people on the seventh floor... that's easy too!The boss is doing something indescribable, even if there are not too many people on the seventh floor, just catch a single person and hypnotize Tian Yuanfeng and he will find it.

After making up his mind, Fang Han hurried upstairs, unaware that when he started, the sound of his steps was much louder than before because of the emotional surprise in his heart.In an instant, it attracted the attention of two female staff.

"Did you hear anything just now?" one of them asked doubtfully.

"What's the sound?" Hearing the question, the other person subconsciously turned around, looked towards the stairs in the hall on the first floor, and asked suspiciously at the brightly lit and empty hall.

"Maybe I heard it wrong! Let's go!" The female staff member didn't take it seriously, and turned around with her companion to the reception room, registered with the uncle, and then left the building.

Fang Han wiped off his cold sweat and ran towards the seventh floor without daring to delay any longer.

Fang Han, who sneaked into the seventh floor, looked at the dark and deserted corridor, feeling a little confused for no reason!
What he didn't expect was that the seventh floor would be so quiet!

Very strange, according to Tian Yuanfeng's identity.At least there should be some bodyguards around, right?Could it be that in order to avoid being affected by the bodyguards' mood of "fighting between men and women", he arranged for the bodyguards or other followers around him to leave?

This is a good thing for Fang Han, but it is a little regretful!There is no way to test the hypnotic effect in advance!I can't have a certain psychological grasp of the effect of hypnosis, and Fang Han is also a little uncertain. Who knows how long the hypnotized person will have after-effects after hypnosis?
But already on the seventh floor, Fang Han didn't need to hesitate at this time, he tiptoed from door to door in the corridor to listen.

Fang Han was a little speechless. There was no way that the Tian Group's office building occupied an area that was too large, with so many rooms on the seventh floor.It was a little difficult for Fang Han to find out which room Tian Yuanfeng was in, so he could only look for it room by room.

It's good that there are signs on each room... But when Fang Han found the general manager's office, he found that there seemed to be no sound in it, and it was very quiet.Not only that, but the windows facing the corridor didn't look like they had curtains either.

According to normal reasoning, if Tian Yuanfeng did something indescribable with the female secretary inside, he would close all the curtains around him anyway, right?Such a wide-open person is not afraid of being watched live?
It can be seen that this general manager's office should not be the place where Tian Yuanfeng and the female secretary work...

Where could that be?Fang Han was a little confused.

Standing in the dark and gloomy corridor, Fang Han looked around blankly!If you listen to so many rooms one by one... I don't think there will be much time left for me to be invisible, right?

For such a situation, Fang Hanru had nothing to do, he could only hope that the current situation would turn around, at least find a way to find a breakthrough.

Searching aimlessly on the seventh floor, Fang Han's eyes suddenly flashed, staring at the innermost conference room.

There was a crack in the door... and there was a faint light coming out of it.

Could it be that Tian Yuanfeng is here?

With the guesses in his mind, Fang Han quietly moved towards the innermost position.When he arrived at the door, Fang Han found noisy discussions coming from inside.

Looking in through the crack of the door, there are five or six burly men drinking wine inside, and the conference tables are filled with barbecued cooked food and the like.From the number of these guys, Fang Han already knew that he had no chance of attacking.But it's not for nothing.

Listening to the sound by the door, at least Fang Han can confirm the location of Tian Yuanfeng, which is in the rest room in the meeting room.No wonder this guy has nothing to fear!Protected by these bodyguards outside, Tian Yuanfeng has no worries at all.

From this point, it is not difficult to judge, if it is not for Fang Han's ability to be invisible.I'm afraid it's a waste of time this time, right?
But the only problem now is... how do I get through the conference room and into it?The door was only a crack open.If you open it without authorization, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the bodyguards.

After contemplating for a moment, Fang Han rolled his eyes, and amidst the unscrupulous chatting and laughing of those bodyguards, he knocked lightly on the door of the meeting room.

(End of this chapter)

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