Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 694 He Has No Magic Power!

Chapter 694 He Has No Magic Power!


A sound of thunder erupted from Fang Han's body, and countless lightning bolts surrounded Fang Han. The lightning passed through the Qianji Sword and once again increased its power. Each bolt was as thick as a thigh.

Fang Han was wrapped in countless lightning bolts, his clothes were pushed by active electrons, and he swayed crazily.


With a thunderclap, a bolt of lightning struck the flying sword and knocked it to the ground!

"Ah!" A disciple of Tianmu Mountain who was connected to Feijian suddenly shouted, feeling that he had lost the connection with Feijian, "My Feijian!"

Panic also appeared on the faces of the others, they had no idea how Fang Han did it.And looking at Fang Han's power, how does he look like a person who is about to use up all his mana?This is a thunder and lightning devil!

"Shut up!" A guardian shouted loudly: "Take out the spare flying sword and continue attacking!"

The disciple was scolded and hurriedly took out the spare flying sword as the protector said, and then continued to attack Fang Han!
The other disciples also regained their composure a little bit, and turned their attention back to attacking.

Countless flying swords dodged the thunder and lightning from time to time, and continued to attack Fang Han.Fang Han raised his eyes for a look, but raised the Qianji Sword lightly, and the countless thunderbolts immediately moved regularly.Then when the flying sword was about to stab him, it suddenly turned into a huge thunder net, enveloping him in it!


The thunder net gradually closed and finally formed a thunder ball.The thunder ball had its own magnetic field and actually dragged Fang Han up from the Thousand Machine Sword.

"Clap clap-"

The flying sword hit the thunderball and made a loud noise, as if it had hit the seat of a mosquito killer.These flying swords bounced off one after another, causing the disciples of Tianmu Mountain to panic!

"Steady the flying sword and attack again! He doesn't have much magic power and can't last long!" A guardian said loudly.

But those disciples hesitated. From their point of view, Fang Han didn't look like he had no mana at all.

Just when they were hesitating, a small hole appeared in the thunderball.

The protector immediately cried out in surprise when he saw the small hole: "Look, he has no mana. Hurry up and attack, we will be able to defeat him!"

Those disciples stared at it, and it seemed that this was really the case. They immediately became excited, and they drove their flying swords towards the small hole one after another.

"Finally out of mana, this time I'll see how you die!"

"You actually killed so many people in Tianmu Mountain, I will never spare you!"

"Damn bastard, go to hell!"

However, the expressions of the other guardians became more serious, they felt that something was wrong.But they didn't want to understand it, so they could only attack the Yukai flying sword.Now is indeed a good time, if they are timid, then those disciples may be distracted.

If they are suspicious, they will lose a good opportunity.

But just after they attacked, they saw a black light shooting out of that small hole, and they were shocked!
"Get out of the way!" a guardian shouted.

What?Those disciples were taken aback for a moment, and got out of the way?Why do you want to get out of the way?

At this moment, the black light had hit a flying sword.


There was a sound of metal clashing, and then the flying sword was knocked out, and the black light continued to shoot towards them without slowing down!

"It's Qianji Sword!" Another guardian also shouted loudly.

At this time, those disciples knew that the black light was Qianji Sword, and hurriedly steered the flying sword under their feet, and dodged around!

However, it's too late!
Qianjijian plunged into the group of flying swords, and all the flying swords that blocked his way were knocked out!


A series of crisp sounds formed a beautiful music, but for the people in Tianmu Mountain, this music was life-threatening music.

"Damn it!" Seeing Qianjijian approaching the disciples, a Dharma protector hurriedly turned around and shouted, "Come to the rescue!"

But when he turned around, he found that there was no one behind him.The ascension period powerhouses who were there originally disappeared without a trace!

"Damn it!" the protector cursed bitterly, quickly turned his head, took out a flying sword again, and crashed towards the Thousand Machine Sword.


His flying sword collided with Qianji Sword, lost contact with him, and bounced off.To his relief, the Qianji Sword changed direction and shot towards the ground.

Taking advantage of Qianji Sword's temporary inability to change direction, he immediately said to the other guardians: "Let's be vigilant and don't let Qianji Sword approach. Other disciples attack immediately, and your safety will be entrusted to us!"

"Yes!" The disciples immediately took orders, then reconnected the flying swords, and continued to attack Fang Han!

And those guardians immediately dispersed, their eyes fixed on the Qianji Sword stuck on the ground.

Fang Han's mana was exhausted again. If it wasn't for the green orange wine helping him recover his mana little by little, he might have lost the control of Qianji Sword.

It can't be consumed like this!Fang Han took out the last bottle of green orange and poured it into his mouth.Swallow the last sip and throw the bottle away.

Fang Han controlled the thunderball to move forward slowly, then pulled out the Qianji Sword from the ground, and continued to attack the disciples of Tianmu Mountain.

"Here we come!" the guardian yelled, and hurriedly bumped into it with the flying sword of Yu Kai.

"Dang!" The flying sword was bounced away, Qianjijian turned around and shot at another disciple.

"I'm coming!" Another protector quickly drove the flying sword into him, and then moved the Thousand Machine Sword away from the direction of the disciple!

Those disciples broke out in a cold sweat, but they kept attacking Fang Han with flying swords.But as soon as the flying sword touched the thunder ball, it would be ejected, leaving them helpless.

"How did this happen? What's going on with this damn Thunderball?"

"Is this made of heavenly tribulation thunder? Why is it as difficult to deal with as the thunder net in the cave?"

"Yeah! He has used so many Heavenly Tribulation Thunders, how can he still use them? How many Heavenly Tribulation Thunders has he used on his mobile phone?"

The disciples began to complain, and the longer the time dragged on, the more anxious their faces became.And as the thunderball got closer and closer, timid thoughts arose in their hearts.

The guardians were all staring at the Thousand Machine Sword, not paying attention to the approaching thunder ball.When Fang Han saw that he was far enough away, he waved the Qian Ji Sword in his hand.

The thunder ball burst immediately, and all the thunder and lightning were gathered on the Thousand Machine Sword.

Seeing the thunder ball burst, the disciples of Tianmu Mountain immediately cheered, "Haha - he has no magic power!"

"Attack and kill him! He has no mana!"

"Finally no mana! Bastard, go to hell!"

They all drove flying swords and attacked Fang Han.When the guardians heard the cheers of the disciples, they immediately turned their heads and looked over. It didn't matter what they looked at, they were frightened to the point of death!
"Get out of the way!" A guardian shouted loudly!
The disciples of Tianmu Mountain were stunned. What were they avoiding?
(End of this chapter)

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