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Chapter 689 Restoring Mana

Chapter 689 Restoring Mana
Thinking of this, the two people smiled hypocritically at each other again, then turned to look at Fang Han, and then answered the words of the person behind them.

"Don't worry, he can't escape!"

"Leave it to us!"

As soon as they finished speaking, the two saw a black light coming towards them, and they were scared to death!
"Thousand Machine Sword—"

"Pfft!" As soon as Lao Xing called out the name of Thousand Machine Sword, he felt a pain in his heart. He lost all his strength and fell from the air.The flying sword under his feet also lost its power, and could only rely on inertia to continue flying forward, and then plunged into a place not far from Fang Han's feet.

A sneer appeared on Fang Han's face. The reason why he used ten flying swords at the same time was to hide the Qianji sword among them.

His mana was about to run out, and if he didn't use the Qianji Sword, he would really die here.However, if he took out the Thousand Chance Sword too early, it would make these ascension stage powerhouses take precautions, which would be very bad for him.

If these people delay, he still won't be able to leave.Now this kind of sudden attack can cause the greatest damage.Originally, he wanted to stimulate the generals and bring up all the strong men in the ascension stage, so that he could kill a few more.

But I didn't expect this group of people to claim their identities and only let two people come up.

However, two people, just two people, is better than one who cannot be killed.

He looked at Lao Han coldly, and immediately controlled the Qianji Sword to turn around and stab at Lao Han.

Lao Han recognized Qianji Sword when Lao Xing shouted.Seeing the Qianji Sword stabbing towards him, his ghosts immediately froze!Yu Jian hurriedly ran away, inputting all the magic power into the flying sword under his feet, he didn't think about anything now, just wanted to survive.

However, he still couldn't escape, the Qianji Sword turned into a black light, cut through the sky, and shot into his body in less than ten seconds!
"Thousand Machine Sword?" The ascension stage powerhouses behind all screamed.

How could Fang Han have such a big killer?Isn't this kind of weapon that can kill people across ranks only available to large sects?
For a moment, they didn't know what to do, and their minds were in chaos.Could it be that Fang Han is from another great sect, they didn't want Tianmu Mountain to conquer the human world, so they sent people over to investigate?

But it's not like that either!The human world lacks aura, so it is not a treasure land for cultivation, so there is nothing to fight for.The fact that the other sects have not responded all this time shows that they look down on the human world, so why did they send people over to investigate?

Could it be that Da Zongmen came here to investigate privately?Not right!The Qianji Sword is a treasure in any sect, and all of them are managed by the head of the sect, and will not be used until an important moment.Therefore, privately investigating, it is impossible for him to have the Thousand Chance Sword.

Just when they were thinking wildly, Lao Han's screams came, waking them up!
"Scatter quickly, don't gather together!" said a strong person in the ascension period.

The others immediately realized that the Qianji Sword was so powerful that they didn't dare to fight recklessly.And if they get together, it is easy to cause confusion when avoiding, and it is easy to bump into each other.

If they collided with each other, with the speed of Qianji Sword, they would definitely become dead souls under the sword.

"Delay time and wait for the third elder to come!" One person suggested.

Others were reluctant, but still nodded in agreement.They didn't dare to turn around and leave. With the speed of Thousand Machine Sword, they couldn't escape at all. Old Han was a living example.If he resisted, he might be able to live a little longer. Running away would only make him die faster.

They originally didn't want the third elder to take notice and wanted to grab the Thousand Heavy Sword technique.Now, they are thinking that the third elder will arrive quickly to help them block the Thousand Machine Sword's attack.

Haha, what an irony!
Seeing these people disperse, Fang Han took a deep breath, he knew he was in trouble.

They were waiting for reinforcements, and they were waiting for the third elder who also had the Qianji Sword.Fang Han wanted to fly away now, but he lacked mana in his body, so he would not be able to fly too fast, and he would be easily overtaken by the third elder.At that time, without the support of mana, even if he had Qianji Sword in his hand, he would definitely die.

He touched his chest, and then made up his mind: just wait here!

He took out another jug ​​of high-grade spirit wine and poured the whole jug into his mouth.Then he took out a leg of lamb, put it in his mouth, tore a mouthful, and began to eat and drink.

Now he needs to replenish his mana quickly. There is no mana in his spirit stone, so he can only restore it by eating and drinking.

"He's recovering mana!" A strong man in the ascension stage said angrily.

"Keep it where you are, we just need to wait until the third elder comes!" Another person reminded.

"Yes, he has restored his mana. As long as he doesn't attack us, we won't care about him."

"Why didn't he run away? With the Qianji Sword, we dare not pursue it."

"It's because he's smart! If he escapes, without the Third Elder, we can deal with him!"

Everyone nodded. Although there are many schools of ascetics, mana is the foundation of everything. Without mana, even the most powerful ultimate move cannot be used.

Fang Han watched this group of people not moving, with a sneering smile on his face, no matter what the ascension stage, he should be a coward in front of Qianjijian!
He ignored them, and if they dared to move, he would teach them a lesson.He bent down and picked up the flying sword under his feet. It was quite good, and he put it in the treasure bag, and then walked slowly to the side of Lao Xing's body, and found his treasure bag.

"Damn it, this guy is actually cleaning the battlefield! He doesn't take us seriously at all!" A strong man in the ascension stage said irritably.

"Don't be impulsive, he cleans his battlefield, we must focus on saving our lives now."

"Yeah! If you rush up, we won't help you!"

Hearing this, the irritable and strong man opened his mouth and said nothing.If these people supported him and helped him block Qianji Sword, he might rush forward.But these people didn't support him, and he didn't dare to go on his own.

The Thousand Machine Sword has been in the world of heaven and man for countless years, and the only way to deal with it is to use a pile of flying swords, one flying sword to block one of its attacks.Other than that, there is no other way!

So no matter how unhappy the other party was, he still didn't dare to face Fang Han who was using the Qianji Sword by himself.

Soon, Fang Han took all the treasure bags of the four people on the ground, what a bumper harvest today!A total of more than 100 treasure bags and dozens of top-quality flying swords were obtained.These flying swords are almost enough to equip the elite disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

Fang Han did not check the treasure bag one by one. After all, he still had to restore his mana as the first priority since he was facing a powerful enemy.

However, he believes that there must be a lot of good things in these treasure bags.The last time he killed the disciples of Tianmu Mountain, he got a lot of spirit stones from it, which directly made him buy countless food and drinks, and he still hasn't used them all up to now!
The Tianmu Mountain disciples killed today are much richer than last time, at least they all use the precious flying swords!
What's more, there are three strong men in the ascension stage.As the highest combat power in the Heavenly Human Realm, they certainly have no fewer treasures than these Tianmu Mountain disciples.

(End of this chapter)

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