Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 676 Machine Sword

Chapter 676 Thousand Machine Sword

"The more you know, the smaller you feel!" Fang Han sighed, "I don't know what the ascension period will be like."

After sighing with emotion, Fang Han walked into Tiangong again, and he wanted to take away the feces and finances of the entire Tiangong. These things are not worth much to Tiangong, but they are still useful to Fang Han.

Not to mention shit, if those funds were taken to the human world, it would be an astonishing wealth, more than enough to buy a Guan Group.

Fortunately, during the six months in Qianye Mountain, I didn't eat less food from the heaven and man world, and poured out a lot of treasure bags, otherwise I really couldn't put all these things in it.Whether it is a palace or a wall on the Tiangong, it can be sold for a very high price in the human world.

Fang Han checked the treasure bag again to see if he could take out some useless things and decorate them more.

"God guide, demon guide, celestial guide, demon guide, and underworld guide, except for the Asura world, the guides for other interfaces are all in place!"

Fang Han put these guides together, and was about to check other things when he saw five guides flying by themselves.

"Hey!" Fang Han was taken aback, and subconsciously propped up a shield with lightning, covering the five road guides inside.

He thought that someone wanted to snatch these guides, but he found that the five guides were slowly fused together, and then he grabbed Fang Han's phone.

He quickly took out his phone to see what happened.I saw another reminder on the APP!
The system upgrade is complete, and the Myriad Worlds channel is opened, and the mercenary himself can travel through the Myriad Worlds at will.

What's happening here?System Upgrade?Can the Ten Thousand Realms Passage travel through the Ten Thousand Realms at will?Don’t I only have five guides?You should only be able to go to the Six Realms!Could it be that the system comes with a shuttle channel to the Asura world?

Is there such a good thing?Fang Han had some doubts, and then picked up his phone to check if there were any other new functions in the APP!
As a result, the APP is still the same, but there is an extra button for the Seventh Channel on the initial interface.

This made Fang Han even more puzzled. If he opened the Myriad Worlds channel, it would be considered an upgrade?Is this Myriad Worlds channel so important?Isn't it easier than five road guides?

In the past, if you want to cross the border, you need to use a guide to return to the human world, and then use other guides.Now it can be done in one step, and there is not much added!
That Asura Realm is a barren place, not important at all.

Forget it, don't care, it's better to get things first!
After Fang Han finished sorting out his things, he started searching again.

Not wanting the app to react again, Fang Han took it out and saw that it was the little carpenter who sent the message.

"What's the matter? Brother Carpenter?" Fang Han asked after the video call on China Unicom.

The little carpenter's nervous face appeared in front of Fang Han, "Brother Fang, I heard some bad news, which may affect you."

"Oh?" Fang Han laughed, "What bad news? Can it still affect me? I'm in the human world!"

"It's because you are in the human world that I want to tell you!" The little carpenter said solemnly: "I heard that a group of people have gathered in Tianmu Mountain to go to the human world!"

"What?" Fang Han immediately felt absurd, "Going to the human world? Carpenter brother, you won't tease me, will you?"

The little carpenter quickly said: "Brother Fang, how could I lie to you about such a big matter! The thing is like this, a few months ago, a sect called Feiliumen suddenly appeared in the world of heaven and man. Occupied the mountain near the town as king, and killed many monks who passed by and robbed them of their belongings. A disciple of Tianmu Mountain was killed. After Tianmu Mountain found out about this, under the leadership of an elder, he took the flying The flow gate is eliminated."

"Originally, this matter ended here, but who would have thought that a month ago, Tianmu Mountain suddenly summoned many friendly sects and said that they would go to the human world. I just got the news, so I quickly told you, if Tianmu Mountain If you really attack the human world, I guess the human world will be difficult to deal with, and since you have a grudge against Tianmu Mountain because of me, they will definitely not let you go!"

"Brother Fang, you should take your family to the heaven and human world to escape! Although my small courtyard is not big, it is better than being hidden. You can't find me here in Tianmu Mountain!"

Fang Han gasped when he heard this.

Isn't Feiliu Gate closed?Why did it suddenly appear in the world of heaven and man?Did they escape?

Thinking back carefully, when Fei Liumen brought out the food from the Heavenly Human Realm to entertain the monastic world, he had guessed that Fei Liumen had found a way to enter the Celestial Human Realm.

At that time, they thought it was a guide, but now it seems that what they found should be the passage between the two worlds, just like the cave on the island in Australia.

Now it seems that the human world is in danger!
No, Tianmu Mountain cannot be allowed to enter the human world, otherwise life will definitely be ruined.The people in Tianmu Mountain regard life as trivial, and if they enter the human world, they will definitely kill them.How could the forces in the human world be Tianmu Mountain's opponents? You must know that many disciples of Tianmu Mountain are masters in the distraction stage or even the tribulation stage.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. According to what he knows about Tianmu Mountain, there are at least hundreds of people above the tribulation stage.Moreover, they are all good at flying swords, and the probability of owning a good flying sword is very high. Thinking about the Zijin sword, it is only relatively common among good flying swords. I don't know how many flying swords are better than it.

Fang Han even suspected that there should be a lot of Qianji Swords in Tianmu Mountain.Fang Han, who possesses the Thousand Chance Sword, can already defeat the masters of the ascension stage. If the masters of the ascension stage possess the Thousand Chance Sword, then Fang Han may not even be able to beat him!

Thinking of this, he immediately clicked on the passage of ten thousand realms, and appeared beside the little carpenter.

"Ouch!" The little carpenter was taken aback by Fang Han's sudden appearance, and stepped back almost sitting on the ground.Fortunately, his strength has increased a lot, so this situation did not happen.

"Brother Fang, you actually came to the world of heaven and man?" The little carpenter said in surprise.

"I can't let Tianmu Mountain enter the human world!" Fang Han said.

The little carpenter heard the meaning of his words, and quickly said: "Brother Fang, this is not something you can stop. There are more than 1000 people gathered in Tianmu Mountain now, and there are more than 100 masters in the tribulation period alone. If you go there, you will be sent to death." ah!"

"I have made up my mind! Brother Carpenter, please stop trying to persuade me!" Fang Han waved his hand and said, "If you really want to help me, tell me about this matter in detail!"

"Okay!" Seeing that the little carpenter couldn't persuade him, he could only tell Fang Han the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Feiliumen had appeared more than half a year ago. Fang Han calculated the date, and it happened to be the day when the mountain was closed.It seems that Feiliumen escaped without waiting for the closure of the mountain, otherwise, it would take a while for them to break through the prohibition of the closure of the mountain.

At first, Feiliumen was relatively well-behaved near the town. They hunted, collected some herbs and fruits, and entered the town to exchange a lot of food with the local residents.

But the good times don't last long, and life in the wild is not so good.In particular, the beasts in the Celestial Realm are very strong, and Feiliumen disciples are constantly injured, and they need to enter the town for treatment, which costs a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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