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Chapter 670 Find the Great Immortal

Chapter 670 Find the Great Immortal


A silent sound sounded, and the soul was pulled into Xue Ning's father's body.

"Cough cough cough-"

A series of coughing sounds came from Xue Ning's father's mouth, and then he suddenly jumped up from the operating cart, then lay down on the bedside, opening his mouth and vomiting!

"Ah!" The male nurse yelled and fell to the ground, "It's a fraud!"

It was indeed a scam!The body that was just confirmed dead is actually alive, no matter how courageous you are, you can't stand it!
"Ah—" Xue Ning was also frightened.

She really thought her father was dead just now, but she didn't believe Fang Han's words.Even if Fang Han is very capable, he still can't bring the dead back to life!Those who can bring the dead back to life are gods, but Fang Han himself said that he is not a god!

So, when her father woke up, she was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground.

Fortunately, Fang Han pulled her away, and then conveniently placed a bucket where she was just now.


Xue Ning's father vomited violently, vomited out all the rat poison and gastric lavage liquid in his stomach.A stench filled the entire corridor and spread far and wide.

The doctor who had just left heard the screams and immediately turned around, only to see the man who had been sentenced to death by him, vomiting.

"How is this possible?" The doctor was very puzzled. Then he waved his hand and ran back quickly with the nurses. He checked the condition of Xue Ning's father and was pleasantly surprised. "He is actually alive! Hurry! Hurry up. Push it in again and wash the stomach again!”

When the nurses heard this, they immediately pushed Xue Ning's father in again.

At this moment, the male nurse looked at Fang Han in shock. What kind of medicine did he give the deceased?How did you save people?

Fang Han chuckled at him, "Remember to keep it secret! Otherwise, you will know the consequences!"

The male nurse couldn't help shivering, hurriedly got up from the ground, and quickly rushed into the operating room.After entering, I couldn't help but look back, and was relieved to see that Fang Han hadn't followed.

"Xiao Li, what are you doing? Come and help quickly!" came the doctor's voice.

"Oh!" The male nurse nodded immediately and walked over in a hurry.

Xue Ning held Fang Han's arm with both hands, and after seeing his father being pushed back into the operating room, he finally regained his senses.She looked at Fang Han in surprise, "What did you feed my father?"

"Resurrection Pill!"

Fang Han just got the Resurrection Pill from the Underworld, and just in need of saving someone, he ate it for Xue Ning's father.By the way, he also wanted to try the effect of the medicine, but found that the effect of the medicine was surprisingly good, and even brought back the person whose soul had been seduced.

He couldn't help but ponder, what is the principle of the Resurrection Pill?We must know that the underworld is a world of ghosts, why is this kind of elixir that can't get through with ghosts produced?

Perhaps in accordance with that principle, there must be herbs for detoxification near the poison.

Resurrection Pill?Xue Ning looked at Fang Han in surprise, didn't he say that he is not a god?Why is there such a panacea?

But what the heck!As long as I can save my father!After Xue Ning came to his senses, he was full of joy, stood on tiptoe and kissed Fang Han's lips.

Fang Han was awakened from deep contemplation. Seeing Xue Ning offering a kiss, he was overjoyed. He immediately turned his defense into an offense and started attacking Xue Ning!


"Ahem!" A cough interrupted the gluey two people.

Xue Ning came back to his senses, and quickly pushed Fang Han away with a blushing face.Fang Han dissatisfiedly looked at the coughing person, only to find that it was a hospital cleaner.

The cleaning lady said helplessly: "I don't want to interrupt you, but if you want to kiss, can you go to another place to kiss? This place is so dirty and smells bad, can you kiss?"

"Hehe!" Fang Han was also a little embarrassed, and quickly pulled Xue Ning out of the way. After reaching the corner, he still wanted to continue.

But Xue Ning covered his mouth shyly, "Fang Han, don't do this, there are a lot of people here!"

Fang Han is helpless, she does not agree, and Fang Han will not force it.

Seeing his displeasure, Xue Ning couldn't bear it, so he opened his mouth and said, "When my father recovers, I will be in Binjiang, and then you can do whatever you want!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she realized that she had said the wrong thing. She blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Fang Han.

Fang Han was immediately encouraged when he heard Xue Ning's words.You can do whatever you want, is there anything more exciting than this to arouse a man's interest?

"Okay, this is what you said!" Fang Han immediately confirmed this promise. What if she regrets it?
Xue Ning raised his head, and saw Fang Han looking at him with burning eyes, and felt even more shy in his heart.But she didn't regret it, but nodded seriously. She actually fell in love with Fang Han, and she didn't object to what Fang Han did to her.

Seeing her nodding, Fang Han immediately smiled.

Soon, Xue Ning's father was pushed out. Fang Han helped take care of Xue Ning in the hospital for two days. After two days, Xue Ning's father could be discharged from the hospital. He only needed a few more days of rest to recover.

After Zuo Zhihao went back, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.After the younger brothers came back, he asked them, "Why did you faint?"

Those little brothers shook their heads, "I don't know! We didn't see anything and passed out. It's really evil!"

A younger brother guessed: "There must be ghosts! Otherwise, why did we faint? Why don't we ask Daxian to have a look?"

"Yes! There is a great fairy living on the mountain of our house. It is very effective. Let's ask him to have a look!"

Zuo Zhihao thought about it and had some thoughts. People in mixed society are most afraid of these things. If they really encounter a ghost, it will be troublesome.

"Okay, you guys go home and have a rest for the night. We will go find the great immortal tomorrow!"

The next day, Zuo Zhihao took someone to meet the immortal.

This great immortal looked like a fairy, holding a whisk in his hand, looking at Zuo Zhihao and the others, "You guys are being beaten!"

"Being beaten?" Those gangsters scratched their heads, "But we didn't see anyone at all!"

On the contrary, Zuo Zhihao remembered the situation that day, and quickly said: "Daxian, I did see someone beat them. But that person suddenly changed from one person to more than ten people, this is impossible!"

When the great immortal heard this, his eyes flashed and a smile appeared on his face, "It's just a small trick. Where is he? You take me to find him and see how I can help you regain your face!"

"Really?" Zuo Zhihao's eyes lit up, "Daxian, can you really deal with that person?"

"It's natural!" Daxian stroked his beard and said confidently.

"But that person is very powerful, I'm afraid—" Zuo Zhihao of course wants to take revenge, as long as he defeats Fang Han, he can snatch Xue Ning back.That's the woman he got for more than 100 million yuan, how aggrieved he is after running away like this!
However, he was still afraid that the great immortal would not be able to defeat Fang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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