Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 67: The only one in all worlds!

Chapter 67 The only one in the world!

"The water in this traditional martial arts club is very deep!"

At the door of the house, Fang Han came out of his ecstasy, and after muttering something in his heart, he laughed for some reason.

Perhaps the traditional martial arts club with deeper waters is really his best choice.At least right now, Ximen Jing has revealed that she will use Qi Jin when she loses control of her emotions.Will there be any surprises waiting for Fang Han next?For some reason, Fang Han felt a little hopeful.

It's still early now, and it's only approaching evening, and it's not even time for dinner, Fang Han really doesn't know what to do, he might as well go home and play with the little fox when he has a rare free time!Although the little fox couldn't absorb his aura to transform when he was awake, but at least there was no problem in communication, right?

While stroking the little fox, you can also chat and learn about the knowledge of the myriad realms... The knowledge of inner strength is indeed a very good enjoyment.

Opening the door, Fang Han was speechless... the little fox lying on the bed just glanced at Fang Han with his big eyes, then continued to bury his head in the quilt and continued to sleep soundly.

It's strange to say that the little guy has a snow-white fur, but he still insists on lying on the bed and sleeping under the quilt?Are you really not afraid of the heat...

Fang Han was smiling unhappily, but found that the little guy who was lying on the bed suddenly raised his head, and after seeing a white light afterimage, the little guy had already rushed out of the bedroom and circled around Fang Han, his little nose kept sniffing. with...

Fang Han didn't know what the little guy was smelling, so he smiled and didn't take it seriously, and turned on his phone after returning to the bedroom.

While fiddling with the mobile phone, Fang Han suddenly found that the little guy sent an online chat system... After clicking on it, he heard a very puzzled female voice asking.

"Why do you have such a strong fragrance? Say... which woman's is it?" the enchantress asked curiously in the dialog box.

Has Fang Han always done his duty honestly?How did you come home with such a strong female body fragrance today?According to the little guy's understanding, the contact between the two parties is very deep, and the time is definitely not short to bring such a strong smell, right?
I have to say that the little guy's nose is really sharp. Looking at the curious and suspicious look on his face, could he be guessing which woman Fang Han went out to hang out with?

It's not surprising...Thinking about the scene just now, Fang Han knew that Ximen Jing's body fragrance on his body must not be small.

Fang Han ignored the little guy's strange gaze, and briefly described what happened just now, and asked very curiously how to get the energy out.

Listening to Fang Han's narration... the little guy rolled his eyes impatiently, and replied: "Elves can cultivate, and people have 500 years of Taoism since they are born. Why can't they cultivate? What's so strange!"

Regarding the little guy's answer, Fang Han hesitated to speak, but after hesitating for a while, he finally nodded and remained silent.

The little guy was right... The reason why I was so shocked and confused was nothing more than the first time I came into contact with such a person.Qi Jin is a bit rare in modern society, but if it is true, isn’t the popular Qigong theory in society also a kind of Qi Jin cultivation?There are also many qigong training classes.

During the conversation, the little guy had already jumped onto the bed and lay on Fang Han's body. From the background of the chat system... Fang Han could still see his stomach... It was quite interesting.

After talking for a while, the little guy seemed to feel a little tired of the woman's body fragrance on Fang Han's body, and finally ordered Fang Han to take a bath very forcefully...

Fang Han didn't want to, but he couldn't help the little guy jumping, making noise, scratching and biting on his body.Fang Han had no choice but to enter the bathroom with a wry smile...

Simply rinse off in the bathroom.Fang Han changed his clothes... When he walked out of the bathroom, the little guy seemed very satisfied, his big fox eyes were narrowed into a slit, it seemed that Fang Han's well-behaved made her very satisfied and happy.

Suddenly the little guy's expression suddenly changed... he lowered his head and closed his eyes. Just when Fang Han was wondering what happened to the little thing, he saw another chat message from the little guy on the mobile app.But this time it was a message... There was only a simple sentence on it, saying that she had accepted a mission and would be away for two days. Then, a line of green smoke filled the little guy's eyes and disappeared.

The little guy's injury has healed, Fang Han is not worried about anything, at this moment he is more puzzled, wondering if the little guy can also perform plane transfer?According to the normal situation... Fang Han knows that these heterogeneous tasks can also be accepted and completed, because many times the tasks in the task system will change drastically after being refreshed, which can only mean that some tasks have been completed.

How does Fang Han know how many mercenaries like him are in other dimensions?So after the little guy left, Fang Han specifically checked the tasks refreshed in the APP, and after confirming that there were still no tasks that he could accept, Fang Han left a message to the little guy and asked: "You can complete the released tasks to complete your own tasks. Promote?"

After Fang Han sent the message, he didn't expect the little guy to reply immediately, but when he just lay down on the bed, the little guy's reply message came back.

"We can also accept and complete the task! Not as lucky as you... You are the only one in the world, the mercenary quota occupant, and the world is the center of the world. It is also the only one in the world! Right now you can't see the benefits, in the future You will slowly realize it! Let’s not talk for now. When I come back...remember to prepare something delicious for me.”

Seeing the little guy's reply message, Fang Han's eyes jumped, and he subconsciously fell into deep thought in confusion.

benefit?What does this mean... Is this world-wide mercenary system completely different from me and those monsters, monsters, gods, and immortals?But what's the difference?With my ability, if I meet those big demons in the future, I will probably die instantly and turn into scum, right?In the system... my future is stronger than those guys?But where is it reflected?
At nightfall, Fang Han stood in front of a big summer in an urban area with a somewhat cold expression.

The height of Daxia is not very high, but it is an independent consortium office building!
Tian Group.

Originally, Fang Han didn't intend to rush over so soon!Just because at nightfall, Sister Murong gave him a call.

On the phone, the two sisters sounded very panicked, saying that Tian Yuanfeng had sent another bunch of flowers and gifts in the factory area.At that time, Murong Wan was receiving Tian Yuanfeng in the factory area.

Although the sisters are very annoying to scumbags like Tian Yuanfeng, after all, the Tian family is a very powerful family, and they are doing business, and some families should not be too offended.At least a certain amount of respect must be maintained on the face.

It was precisely because of this that Murong Wan was very worried that Tian Yuanfeng's further pursuit of cultivation would provoke the revengeful ghosts, so she made a special phone call to ask Fang Han whether her sister's condition in the hospital would worsen.It can be seen that the two sisters are indeed terrified of being tortured.

Tian Yuanfeng still doesn't know that Murong Qing is in the hospital.But Murong Wan said that Tian Yuanfeng seemed to be aware of it. When he arrived at the factory today, he spoke strangely back and forth, as if trying to test her tone. Murong Wan was very worried that Tian Yuanfeng would know about her sister's hospitalization.Then harass my sister!
(End of this chapter)

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