Wanjie Upgrade APP

Chapter 665 Bad News

Chapter 665 Bad News

Seeing Fang Han's expression, Xie Bi'an knew what Fang Han was thinking, "It's okay to be careless! When Fu Sheng escaped from the [-]th floor of hell, the guards were even stricter than this!"

Speaking of this, Fang Han wondered, "Is this the only ghost soldier in the underworld?"

"It's good to have such strength!" Xie Bi'an said: "The underworld is different from other worlds. Other worlds can choose strength to expand their army, but the underworld cannot. The underworld is full of ghost energy. If you absorb too much of these ghost energy, although you can Increase strength, but it will turn ghosts into evil spirits. Therefore, when selecting ghost soldiers, we will choose those that are immune to ghost energy or absorb slowly, so as to avoid being harmed by ghost energy."

Fang Han nodded, no wonder!He just said it!Why are the strength of the ghost soldiers so weak that they don't even have the Qi refining period? How can they protect the underworld with such combat power!
"Okay, this is your reward this time!" Xie Bi'an took out a small bag and handed it to Fang Han.

Fang Han found the bag, opened it and saw that there were a lot of pills in it, and tested it with the APP, they were all soul-resurrection pills.Don't you have any other medicine with you?

He thought about it, it seems that there is no need for any pills in the underworld!Because ghosts can't take pills.

"The reward has already been given to you. If there is nothing else, you should go back quickly! Although your strength is very strong, the underworld is obviously not a good place, and it is not suitable to stay for a long time!" Xie Bi'an said.

Fang Han nodded, the underworld is indeed not a good place.It's almost the same as the Demon Realm. The Demon Realm is dark, and you can only see things by the light of the sky.

The underworld relies on will-o'-the-wisps, which are hidden in the spirit of ghosts and appear from time to time.However, there are many will-o'-the-wisps, like groups of fireflies, and their brightness is much higher than that of the Demon Realm.

Speaking of the parallelism of the myriad worlds of light, Fang Han really found a pattern.The God Realm is the brightest, followed by the Celestial Realm and the Demon Realm, then the Human Realm, and then the Asura Realm, the Underworld, and the Demon Realm.

Therefore, the Asura world, the underworld, and the demon world are called places of bitter cold, and anyone with a little bit of ability doesn't want to stay here.

There are only two sensible people in the world of Asura, King Shura and King Asura, but both of them want to come out of the world of Asura.

There are many evil spirits in the underworld, and they all want to rush out of the underworld and return to their own world to fulfill their long-cherished wishes.

The Demon Realm is even more powerful. Anyone who can grow up in the Demon Realm must be a strong person.Everyone survived countless battles, that's why they envy the God Realm, because compared to the God Realm, the Demon Realm has too few resources!There are no ores, no animals, and even very few plants. If there is not a lot of spiritual energy in the air, they would have starved to death.

However, there is still a murderous aura hidden in these auras, making them bloodthirsty.If you can't control the murderous aura, you will definitely be dazzled by the murderous aura in the end, and then turn into a monster, killing any living thing!

Although the underworld is not as bad as the devil world, it is not a good place to play.Thinking of this, he was about to nod and say back.

However, he suddenly thought that if he came to the underworld once, he wondered if he could see his mother.

Fang Han's mother died of illness three years ago. If the underworld is really as busy as in the TV series, his mother may not have been reincarnated, and he may be able to bring her back to the world.

Thinking of this, he became excited, and quickly said to Xie Bi'an: "Master Qi, can I ask you for a favor?"

"Oh?" Xie Bi'an looked at Fang Han in surprise, "How can I help?"

Fang Han told about his mother, Xie Bi'an said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, come with me!"

"Thank you Qiye!" Fang Han followed after thanking him.

"It's okay!" Xie Bi'an waved his hand, "Actually, our policy is still very loose for you ascetics. You are not the first to pick up your relatives, nor will you be the last. But whether you can pick them up or not, you have to ask It depends on your luck!"

Fang Han panicked and couldn't help but ask: "Master Qi, how do you say this?"

Xie Bi'an said: "Your mother didn't know that you were a cultivator before she was alive, so she didn't expect to see you again. Maybe she chose to reincarnate early in order to avoid thinking too much!"

Hearing this, Fang Han's heart sank.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Xie Bi'an shook his head and didn't say much.This kind of thing is very common, and there is no need for Xie Bi'an to hide it, and this kind of possibility must be made clear first, and Fang Ru will not blame him if no one receives it.

All the way to a palace, this palace is very strange, there are no other buildings around it, just built on the wilderness ridge.But there are ghosts coming and going inside, and it looks very busy.

Fang Han had something on his mind, so he didn't pay too much attention to the other ghosts.Follow Xie Qiye all the way into the palace, there are many tables inside, and a judge in robes is busy on each table.

Xie Bi'an walked up to a judge and said to the judge, "Old Lu, help me check someone!"

The judge turned him aside, "A jug of wine!"

"No problem!" Xie Qiye said with a smile.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Fang Han felt that Xie Qiye couldn't get anything out, so he took out a pot of high-quality spirit wine from the treasure bag and handed it to Xie Bi'an.

Both Xie Bi'an and Judge Lu looked at Fang Han in surprise, and couldn't help laughing.Xie Bi'an quickly pushed back, Fang Han said: "You misunderstood, what we are talking about is not wine from the human world."

"I know!" Fang Han said, "This is the orange wine from the world of heaven and man."

"Green orange wine?" Xie Bian was surprised and quickly took the jug and opened the lid.

Immediately, a wave of spiritual energy rushed out from the jug, emitting light and gradually drifting in mid-air.Xie Bi'an quickly closed the lid of the pot, then opened his mouth wide, and a suction force sucked all the aura floating in the air into his mouth.


After hiccupping, Xie Bi'an looked drunk, "It's really good wine!"

When Judge Lu saw this, he immediately stretched out his hand and grabbed the jug!

"Hey!" Xie Bi'an hurriedly removed the jug, "This is my wine, what are you doing?"

"What is your wine! This little brother wants to give it to me!" Judge Lu said dissatisfied.

"What is it for you, how did it end up in my hands?" Xie Bi'an said shamelessly.

"You—" Judge Lu's hands trembled angrily, and just as he was about to yell, he saw other judges around him look over in surprise from the corner of his eye.

He immediately shut up and said to Xie Bi'an in a low voice, "One person is half!"

"Deal!" Xie Bian nodded with a smile, then pointed to the roster on the table and said, "Hurry up and find someone for Xiao Fang."

"Okay!" Judge Lu asked Fang Han's mother's name and birth date, and then began to search, "I found it!"

Then he raised his head and said to Fang Han with an apologetic expression: "Little brother, your mother has been reincarnated!"

When Fang Han heard the news, his face darkened.As early as when Xie Bi'an said it, he already had a bad premonition, but unexpectedly, he still heard the bad news.

(End of this chapter)

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